These letters written itself inside out again.

Dusty and Cookie first baby - Chopper! ♥
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 ♥

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If you have read the blog title : "Dusty and Cookie first baby - Chopper! ♥"! You must be wondering who the heck is Dusty, Cookie and Chopper? Well, it's actually the Chinchillas that my boyfriend and I have been taking care of. Dusty is the father, our first chinchilla! Cookie is the mother, while Chopper is their first baby! :D I'm so happy for them! ^^

My boyfriend and I have been looking at videos and pictures of Chinchillas early this year, wanting to adopt one! Click here , scroll down to see the pictures and videos of Chinchilla. Do anyone of you know, what is a Chinchilla? Chinchilla are something like a big-sized rat/hamster to make the explanation simple. Chinchilla are clever animals, they are capable of learning and performing tricks! But they are the price of a puppies! :O So, my boyfriend and I have been looking at forum, trying to find a Chinchilla to adopt.

We're lucky that we've found our first Chinchilla, Dusty! Apparently, the owner have a newborn baby that's allergic to fur! So, he's desperately trying to give it away as soon as possible. He let us adopt it with no fee, and even throw in cage for us! Click here, scroll to the last few paragraph to read about it. You couldn't even imagine how happy we are when we adopted Dusty! You can click here to view pictures of Dusty when we first adopted him! Adorable guy, isn't he? :D We even bring him to his first grooming session @ PyreChin! Click here to read about it!

Then my boyfriend and I decided to get another one, to accompany Dusty. It's too saddening to be alone in the cage, Dusty need accompany, just like how we need people to accompany us too! So, we went to search in forum, and that's where we found Cookie! :D Apparently, the owner of Cookie has a few Chinchilla on her hands too! The reason why she's giving it away is because the owner is migrating and she's only able to bring a few of her Chinchillas with her :( You can click here to read why we adopted Cookie and their new cage. Dusty is love in first sight with her :)

We adopted Dusty on 7 March and Cookie on 19 March. At first, they couldn't get along with each other at all! Dusty is always trying approach Cookie, but he was always ended up being beaten by Cookie. Cookie is a rather shy girl, and it takes her sometimes before she could adapt to her new living environment, with new friend. Then around 2 months later, guess what we saw? Click here, scroll down to see the pictures of what they're doing.

For my boyfriend and I, who have been witnessing them since they were adopted, know that they are leading life, like Taiwan Drama but in Chinchilla version. They have love story like those in Taiwan Drama, but just that they're acting in cage. They have a really sweet, touching love story! And now, they're parents! Congratulations, Dusty and Cookie! :D

I was surprised and happy when my boyfriend called me and says: "Dusty and Cookie have baby lehs! " Immediately, I went to change my clothes and ask my boyfriend to fetch me over to his house. Chopper is a miniature of Dusty. I couldn't find the right word describe how I was feeling when I first saw that little one! I could not take my eyes off Chopper at all! Anyway, I shall let the pictures do the talking because I realized that I've been typing non-stop :X

My boyfriend trying to separate Dusty from Cookie and Chopper.

I was using their favorite snacks, raisin to distract Cookie.
Can you see how she's trying to get one of those raisin?
Of course, I did give her a treat when Dusty is taken out ^^

Finally, we get Dusty out!

He always looking at the other cage where Cookie and Chopper are.

爸: "得等孩子长大成鼠,不知要等到何时?我好挂念妈呀。以后我们在也别动房了."
Dad: "I don't know how long I've to wait for baby to grow up. I miss mommy!
From now on, I'm not going to have any intimate actions with mommy! "

That's what Huiting wrote to me. She can actually read Dusty's thought! :D







Chopper, Dusty and Cookie first baby! ♥
Chopper is damn small sized but it's adorable! :D

Looks at Cookie and Chopper kissing! ( Are they? )
They looks loving in this pictures :D

Looks like Cookie is giving Chopper a massage.
And that little ones seem to enjoy it ^^

Chopper is playing "Tu-Tu Train"! Damn cute!
He's always sticking around Cookie, wherever she goes! :D

And now, he's copying his mother to eat hays.
But apparently, he can't! He's a copy-chin! :D

See, he's always sticking around his mother's butt! :D


This picture looks like Cookie hugging Chopper & says:
" Don't you DARE touch my baby ( Chopper ) !" :D

See how small & cute Chopper when he's walking :)

Chopper's favorite #1 stunt!
" HELP! Let me get out of hereeeeee! "

Chopper's favorite #2 stunt! :D Cute uh?
I don't know why he like to squeeze in between the food bowl and the cage O.O

Lonely Dusty VS Cookie and Chopper!
Somehow, I can see that Dusty is sad here.

More of Chopper, without Cookie ^^
It's to hard to get picture of him individually.

See, Dusty missing Cookie so much!
He's always looking into the next cage! D:

Seee! They loving they are! Though they are one cage away, still can kiss?!?!?

Dusty: "Come back, my dear!"

Edited by Huiting! Cute, right, her editing? :D

That's all for this post! Copper's gender was not confirmed yet, not sure whether if it's a girl or a boy? Wanna make a guess? I'll reveal the answer only when Copper is much older to be taken out to be played with. More pictures of Copper will also be taken when he's much older, and stop sticking around Cookie's butt! Byeeee~



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Baby ♥♥ Bella ♥♥ Dewi ♥♥ Huiting ♥♥ Huiwen ♥♥ Jacelyn ♥♥ Rayen Rena ♥♥
