These letters written itself inside out again.

Hamsters + ( Movie ) 127 Hours
Sunday, March 6, 2011 ♥

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Wednesday, March 5, 2011

Okay, here to blog again :) If you have seen my twitter, you should know that my hamsters, Timid & Valentine have given birth to 5 baby hamsters! But unfortunately, only 3 ( two black, one pudding ) managed to survive, others were dead :'( It's been weeks already, the baby hamsters have opened your eyes and mouth, pretty fur on them and they could walk also. Damn cutezxc! :D Here's a picture of my baby hamsters (:

Damn cute, aren't they? You just can't stop staring at them (: Maybe, when they're abit older, I woud take more nicer photos of them ^^ But my father damn cruel, he asks me to sell them away! :@ But I won't! :) And, I'm going to help one of my brother's friend to adopt his hamster(s) too. I can jolly well open a pet store, man. Haha. Don't know why I've got this sudden interest in animals/pets (-__-??) I'm still looking fr my rabbit and puppy~ But puppy confirm a big N-O, cause my parent don't like puppy, especially my father, cause he have skin allergies ):

Anyway, skip the animals/pets topic already. Okay, so I went out wearing the NP's T-shirt that I've gotten from their open house. And I tell haolian as if I'm really a NP student. But I am going to be one soon ( maybe ) ... next year (.___.lll)

Anyway, Laogong and I cabbed to his grandmother's house to get a fan as one of his fan has spoilt already, really don't know how he use one. Then went back to his house.

Anyway, Laogong's hamsters, Baby and Bao Qing Tian have given birth too, to 3 baby hamsters, all is yellow-blue. His baby hamsters damn cutezxc can! One of them still can be carried out to play with! I already booked that hamster with Laogong already ^^

( Picture above ) That's th baby hamster that 不怕死 one. It's so small and cute! Just see the size of it on my palm! Awww~~ I think I better stop now, if not I would keep blabbering on about how cute it is and so on so on. Haha :D But one of Laogong's baby hamsters aren't growing well compared to the others.

See the one in red circle. The picture on the left, can see that it's smaller in size compared to the others and it looks like its fur wasn't fully grown yet, I can still see red patches on it. And th picture on the right, can see very clearly it's size difference compared to its sibling. Its eyes also haven't fully opened yet. But it can walk just like the others.

Anyway, I spent the whole day using computer until 11.30pm. It's damn freaking boring, okay! Then Laogong and I cabbed down to Jurong Point to meet his sister and her boyfriend. We're watching a midnight movie - 127 Hours.

Laogong damn cutezxc, can! Say what 125 Hours, in the end, he embarrassed himself. Haha. Then when Laogong went to 7-11 to buy ciggarette, the store assistant actually says want to check IC?! The funny part is that, the store assistant actually says Laogong looks young?! What the fcuk?! And I tell the store assistant, " 他很年轻meh? 我觉得他比较像四十多岁 lor! " Haha. I'm waiting fr my turn to let them checked my IC too (:

Anyway, the movie " 127 Hours " is damn nice! If you don't know the movie, it's a true story of Aron Ralston who was hiking in a canyon and got his hand caught between a boulder and the canyon wall. And after around five days, he made the decision to cut his arm off. Although, it sounds a bit gory, but I would recommend this if you haven't seen it. Till now, Aron Ralston is still continuing to hike mountains, hills and canyon.

I think I should stop saying it already, the rest you would have to go to the cinema and watched it yourself :) I want to catch "Gnomeo and Juliet in 3D" and " I am Number Four " next :D My movie fever is back :) Here's the trailer for " 127 Hours ".


Okay, today wasn't a good day to start with. Have a big, I mean BIG quarrel with Laogong. But in the end, everything's okay already. I've been using the computer almost the whole day :\ But luckily, I've got pictures, so I'm blogging to kill some of my times.

Do anyone of you know, what is a Chinchilla? Chinchilla are something like a big-sized rat/hamster to make the explanation simple. Chinchilla are clever animals, they are capable of learning and performing tricks. And they are damn cutezxc! Laogong has been wanting to have one of them. Being influenced by him, I feel like getting one too :) But Chinchilla costs a bomb man! They're around $1000(++) in store and few hundreds in open market! :O Anyway, here's two picture to let you all know how it brieftly looks like.

Isn't them sosososososoooooo cutezxc, right?! (: Here's some videos to share with you guys, maybe after these videos, you'll know how adorable these creatures are! (:

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