These letters written itself inside out again.

Our first Chinchilla, Dusty + New Hamsters
Friday, March 11, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: Cheer Competition 2011 + Adopting of Chinchilla
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Heyhey! I'm here to update, with some photos of the Chinchilla that I've mentioned and promised in my previous post. But before that, I've got something to tell everyone... My Laogong's roboski have also given birth to a baby hamster! :) Congratulations to them! :) Anyway, this is gonna be a post all about pets :)

The cage that the owner given us. It looks damn freaking cool, right?
With a log bridge and a tree-house alike thingy. It looks just damn cool and cuteee~

What could be inside this carrier?


Well, make a guess ...


Here's a clue ...


Well, it is ...


Have you guess it correctly? :)

Laogong is playing with his Chinchilla :)

Isn't it just look so goddamnit cute?!

I've given it a name - Dusty. Say hello to Dusty, everyone :)


That's it with Laogong's Chinchilla. Now here's something about mine. My brother recently just kinda adopt a hamster. It's actually given by one of his friends. Although, it's old and quite big in size, but it's still looks so adorable with so many fur! But there's something I don't like about it ... it isn't friendly at all! It bites, okay! Though, I didn't experience that myself, but I witnessed my brother being bitten by it! It didn't even want to let go at all! Sibei fierce! But I will still treat it with love and care one, okay!

My brother's hamster. It haven't been given a name yet.

Photos of it sleeping. ( Picture on the left ) It's sleeping with it's eyes wide open! O.O

It's sleeps whole day long. Lots of sleeping pattern also :)


That's it about my brother's hamster. Do you guy remember that I mentioned that I've got three babies hamsters? Well, they are growing up pretty fast. They can eat and drink now. But cruelly, I've just separate them from their mother. But they're very independent even though they're without their mother now.

Cute, right? They're still damn small in size.

Take a look at how many hamsters I've got! I've got 8 including my brother's.


Okay, there's all for my "pet" post. Laogong's going to Malaysia tomorrow with his friends ): I can't tagged along cause I haven't renew my passport yet. Ultra sadness )': Tomorrow's gonna be sooooo boring! Next week will be March holiday already, but fcuk, I'm going to school everyday just like normal. I'm beginning to get tired of studying already ):

But at least, there's something good. My Laogong just bought a couple lighter for us :) Although, this lighter might be very common ad very cheap. But seriousy, it's the thought that counts, because this is the first couple thing he've ever bought for us ( apart from the rings ) Isn't it sweeeet?~

Anyway, twitter have been spamming with tweets about tsunami and eathquake. Anyway, pray for the Japan. So many disasters ... is the world really going to end in 2012? I don't want to die so young, there's still so many things that I haven't done yet. *Prayhardhard.
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