These letters written itself inside out again.

Cheer Competition 2011 + Adopting of Chinchilla
Monday, March 7, 2011 ♥

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Okay, I'm back to update again. School's a little bit different today because there's CHEER COMPETITION! I've never participate in anything regarding the cheer before, you know?! But this is the last year already, so I just participate, also won't die or what, right? :D Although th overall cheer wasn't very nice, but all of us give our best shot (: Anyway, I won't elaborate much, I'll just let the pictures do most of the talking :)

Can you guess what is this bundle? It's ....


Alot people says that our class T-shirt looks nice, but I don't think so lor! You all think nice mehs?

I get size M for the shirt, but it turn up ... to be TOO BIG FOR ME! So I went to tucked it in. It looks nicer tucking it in, right? At least it looks neater, isn't it? Better than letting it loose. And Leezheng says that I looks as if I'm swollen because the shirt is too big for me plus the ugly baggy short which is the PE short = I'm swollen?! What the fcuk!

Clearing up the area for cheer practice before the competition.

What's the commotion about? Ohhh... it's about the position placing. Everyone wants to be at the back.


Going in the hall. The competition starts now...

The judges for the lower secondary. ( From left to right ) Mr Kok, Mr Nazar, Mdm Irni

Huiwen's stupid stun. Haha :D

It's our turn already!

Preparing to enter the hall anytime now...

Our cheer is done! Time for class photo taking.

Everyone looks so tired yet happy like that.

End this post with our class photo. Can you spot me? (:

Although you can't see us cheering, cause nobody want to help me with the picture and video taking :( But but ... I've videos of us practicing, which has been uploaded into my youtube account already. At least you can get to see what's our cheer is like. You can find my youtube account at the top of my blog, third column, a youtube icon.

Anyway, do you guys remember that I was posting in the previous post that my boyf wanted to adopt a Chinchilla? Well... he's just damn hell lucky, okay? There's someone that commented on his post about adopting Chinchilla, and guess what that person say? He says if my boyf want to adopt his Chinchilla, he's giving it FREE! Ohmygod!

So, I went to Yishun with Laogong today to get his Chinchilla. The owner is giving my boyf, the cage and carrier too, FOR FREE! Ohmygod~ Guess how much we've saved already! My boyf confirm very happy lor! And the Chinchilla damn cute, okayyy! I can't believe that I can get to see a Chinchilla face to face, and holding it in my arm! :D

After that, we cabbed back home. But on the way, there's heavy traffic jam which is damn irritated! Plus the taxi is damn cold, I can feel that I'm shivering. It tooks us around a hour to reached Laogong's house! What the hell! So, we went to put the cage and Chinchilla first, then we head to Westmall to get its food and bedding and also late dinner at Koufu.

Anyway, I shall end here now. I'll post more about the Chinchilla, with pictures next time :) Byeeeeee~
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