These letters written itself inside out again.

Dusty's first grooming session @ PyreChin
Sunday, March 13, 2011 ♥

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This post is continued from the previous long written post, that's all mostly about gonggong, crabs and Huifen's version of " Home Alone ". Haha. I shall try cut short, cause I'm already tired of typing after that long long post that I've written.

After the late supper we've yesterday, we went to sleep at 7am. Wake up, I was using computer and Laogong as usual, his Sudden Attack. Lols! Fcuking lousy internet connection! It's always on and off after the Earthquake in Japan. Sometimes got sometimes don't have. I don't wanna play peek-a-boo! Just let me use the computer comfortably!

Around 4pm, Laogong and I cabbed back to my house, because I need to change. Then after that, we cabbed down to Gombak for Dusty's 1st grooming session. Sooo excited! :) ( As if I'm the one going for grooming. Haha )

In cab

Dusty on the way for its grooming session

I am carrying Dusty. Mommy loves you! :D

The place where Dusty gonna do his grooming.

Got a lot of things. Pet food, Bedding, Bathing sand etc

There's so many chinchilla there. Here's a few...

Cute? My Dusty is cuter, okay! :D

Here's some photos of Dusty when he's doing his grooming, and a video above as well.

He's just sooooooooooooooooooo adorable! :)

Comb one time, dropped so many hair!
Got Chinchilla's Yunan Haircare Center?

I'm so bored of waiting, so I decided to take photos of myself.

With Laogong.

Th guy that's helping Dusty to groom is a extremely nice guy. He's also very patient too, answering all the question that both Laogong and I asked him. We kept asking him question regarding to chinchilla, cause we wanted to know more. And he taught us some tips and facts about chinchilla and how to take care of them (:

After the grooming session, Laogong and I cabbed back to Laogong's house. We tried some tips from the guy and trained Dusty to be PP-trained. Just hope that his methods and tips will really work. But one of his methods, that he teaches us really work, which is regarding to the correct way of carrying a chinchilla.

We've adopt Dusty for about going two weeks, but we just couldn't carry it out, cause it will make a sound whenever we do so. And according to the guy, Dusty will make those sounds, is because he's in pain, that's why. ( For one time, I thought Dusty doesn't like us ) But using his methods of carrying a chinchilla, it really works! :D

Now, I can carry Dusty out and play with him whenever I happened to be at Laogong's house. And Dusty's fur was damn super smooth after its grooming session :) Here's a picture of both me and Laogong carrying Dusty for the first time, individually. Dusty is cute, right? Haha :)

Okay, that's all for today event already. Today is like sucha long day, because I actually needed two posts for today! And both of them are quite long, especially the first post. Makes me type until so tired. And I also didn't expect that I could actually really write so longgggg! And I rewrite these two posts for a few times, you know!? Imagine how aching my fingers are. Because the internet connection at Laogong's house is becoming damn lousy! Makes me have to keep rewrite because I couldn't save them at all! I'm soooo irritated by the lousy internet connection!

Anyway, remember the Spongebob sandwich that I've mentioned in the previous post? Well, Jiayi just make some and take pictures of it for me. Haha. I asked her whether if she's falling in love with Spongebob sandwich already, and knows what she told me? She says that she don't like Spongebob, that's why she's eating them all up! Sooo funny :D

Anyway, this coming tuesday, Laogong's gonna get a new cage for Dusty already. Because the guy that helps to groom Dusty, told us that the current cage that we're using isn't good for Dusty. Dusty must be very happy because he's gonna have a new cage soon! The current cage are damn old and filthy! Yucks! Wonder what Dusty's cage will looks like, I'm like sooooo excited. Much more excited than Dusty when he's the one getting the new cage, not me. Lols!

Today is Sunday already, have to go to school tomorrow. Shag max! When it's suppose to be March Holiday. Holiday for one week, I need to go back school for one week also?! Then what's holiday for?! Seriously fcuked up! And we're having Oral exam tomorrow, I hate oral! Have to step one angmoh and pronounce all the letters. Lols!

Anyway, I shall just end this post with the pictures of the Spongebob sandwich. Byeeeee~

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