These letters written itself inside out again.

Shopping @ Paya Lebar
Tuesday, May 10, 2011 ♥

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Okay, a short update on this post. Went home early as there's only one examination paper going on today. Went back home, I faster went to bath and prepare, and head to Laogong's house to get his warranty card for his speaker that he has sent for repair quite long ago. Laogong's not free today, so Bingli and I helped him to take his speaker.

While waiting for Bingli to cab over to fetch me, I went to walk around stalls to kill my time and I bought somethings for both Bingli and myself. A funny-face Spongebob purse and a Doreamon purse. The Spongebob is for me, and the Doreamon is for Bingli. The Spongebob very cute, right?

After Bingli have come over to fetch me, we went to Paya Lebar first as the time is still quite early. Well, the Kopitiam and This Fashion at the grey building in front of the MRT station are gone! What the fuck! So, there's lesser place for us to explore already. Afterall, it's been real long since both of us last stepped into Paya Lebar to shop and look around.

So, we went to City Plaza instead. There're lots of store selling clothings and shoes. Some of them are super cheap also! You got to look around first. It's best, if you go up to the last two level of City Plaza. They've got nicer clothings compare to the lower level, though the price might not be cheap as lower level.

After that we went to have lunch, and coincidentally meet until my cousin who's working there. OMG! Anyway, I bought a maxi dress for Bingli and in return, she bought me a dress too, at The Wholesale Shop which is located at the third level - #03-130. They have good quality clothings that's damn cheap! No joke about it! You've got to check it out when you're at Paya Lebar! Dresses that costs $20-30, costs only $10 plus over there!

Anyway, above is the dress that Bingli bought for me. Is it nice? I know that this dress has been going on for quite sometime already. But I still like it :) And in this shopping trip, I got myself one dress, while Bingli got herself three dresses and one sweater. I saw a sweet-looking sweater, but it's not suitable for me at all! So sad! ):

At around 4pm, we took cab to Ubin to retrieve Laogong's speaker. It tooks us quite sometime before we found the building. And luckily, Laogong's speaker is damn light, so there's no problem carrying it at all. After taking the speaker, we hailed a taxi and cabbed back to Laogong's house. We couldn't be taking the speaker and walk around, right?

So, we reached back Laogong's house and Bingli started searching for accessories and clothings that she has. And apparently, clothings that she bought years back, are actually in trend now?! I learn something from this, never throw or give away my clothings anymore! I should keep it until its trend is up again :) And she gave me some items too.

A envelope clutch and a sweet-looking top

Notebook that she bought from Thailand, years ago.
It's damn nice! Just see the pencil! I'm lovin' it! :)

And a Hello Kitty toothbrush, which is damn cute :)

Okay, after that, there's really nothing much to update about. Bingli and I went down to the supermarket to buy stuffs. Then Bingli, Laogong, Laogong's mother and I have dinner together. And I saw Dusty and Cookie, making love!~

Cool, right? :)

Today, Bingli and I talked alot about oversea trips. She told me of her oversea trip to Thailand in the past, which make me tempted to go to Thailand! Because of all the cheap clothings, shoes, accessories and other stuffs that I could get over there! Oh my! But she says that she wanted to visit Hongkong first, so we've got to save lots of money as Hongkong's stuff ain't as cheap as those in Thailand. I want to visit Disney Land! It's the first place I wanna go, if I've got the chance to go Hongkong. I've always dream about going there...

I shall just stop my post here, if not I think I'll go on and on and on about Hongkong and Thailand. Haha. Best if anyone wanna sponsor me :) But it's impossible that anyone would want to sponsor me luh. So, I've got to save money from now on! :) Thailand, Hongkong, WAIT FOR ME! :D
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