These letters written itself inside out again.

Sky Lantern!
Thursday, November 10, 2011 ♥

1Click "Older Post" if you have not read: Double Dates!
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Hello! :D The popular 11/11/11 is coming soon! How do you guys intend to celebrate on this special date? Well, I've got myself a plan on how I'm gonna celebrate it! Remember that I once mentioned that I've bought a heart-shaped sky lantern? Click here to read post! Or you can read below as I've copy down the paragraph of the post :)


.... I've always wanted to try sky lantern! Instead of the normal square round headed lantern, now they have in heart-shaped! I bought two heart-shaped sky lantern! One for tomorrow Peeky's photoshoot, one for my boyfriend and I to play during our 33rd monthsary! At least we're doing something much more unique for this coming anniversary! :D

Heart-shaped sky lantern

Hand crafted Chinese sky lantern! Cooool~

Take from Internet.
This is how it will looks like when inflated!


Initially, as you've read from the post, I was going to play the heart-shaped sky lantern during my 33rd Monthsary with boyfriend which is on the 14th. But there have been a change in the planning, and we decided to play the heart-shaped sky lantern on the midnight of 10th instead, to celebrate the special date of 11/11/11 as well. What's the use of praying at home? I personally wrote all my wishes down on the heart-shaped lantern and sent them to Jesus and all the others gods to see! Talking about sincerity! :D Liangwei and Felicia join both my boyfriend and I, for the sky lantern because I've got an extra heart-shaped sky lantern. The more, the merrier! :D

So, to start off the post, I was at home the whole day, using the computer and watching random movie on television. That's how I spend my day when I'm at home. Boring uh? Then I started to prepare myself around 6PM, the time when my boyfriend is off from work. When I've finished preparing myself and all, it's already around 7PM if I'm not wrong. I thought my boyfriend have already prepared himself, and is coming over to fetch me when I'm ready. BUT HELL NO! When I call him, he haven't even prepared himself yet and asked to meet at 8PM instead?! I was so angry at that time! So, I took lots of pictures while waiting for 8PM to reach.

Sorry for the pictures spam of myself :X

When my boyfriend have finally came over to fetched me, we head over to Jurong Point first as I need to get double eyelid tape. I don't use eyelid fibre now, after something nasty happened to me. I shall blog about this some other time instead. I bought two heart-shaped bottle nail polishes from SASA as well, in Pearl White and Baby Pink, both with glitter, for Saturday's wedding. We also bought honey sticks from those temporary stall, Liangwei bought lots of them!

Double eyelid sticker and nail polishes from SASA.

My boyfriend's honey stick!
There's lemon, watermelon and peach flavour!

After we've got everything that we needed, we went back to boyfriend's house to get the other heart-shaped sky lantern that I've placed at his house, then head to Liangwei's house as he wants to get jackets and boyfriend wanted to post letter as well. After everything have done, we finally head to Felicia's house to fetch her. Finally, everyone have arrived!

Taken while waiting for Felicia to reach!

After fetching Felicia, I was hungry! I was the only one in the group that haven't had the dinner yet! So we went to Teck Whye's coffeeshop to have my dinner. Minced meat noodle again! It's a recommendation, so how can I not eat? But it tasted rather normal :\ Oh well, at least it fills my stomach! :) Rested at the coffee shop for awhile, before heading to Upper Seletar Reservoir, which is located at Mandai Road for our sky lantern-ing! When we reached there, the place wasn't really up to our expectation. In the end, we change the location to Changi Beach where we could we all the aeroplanes flying above us, in close view! Exciting? :D

We started doodling on our sky lantern, because we spend most of our time travelling! Actually, I wanna to put the sky lantern up at exactly 12MN! But we were only leave with one minute when we reached Changi Beach :( Oh well, we're still putting it up on 11/11/11, so it's okay! :) Well, my boyfriend and Liangwei have helped me take videos of each pair of us, while we're doodling our sky lantern. Well, I couldn't multi-task with camera and video-ing, right?

Ps:/ I'm sorry that my boyfriend wasn't doing his job well :X And also for all the extra voices behind the videos. I didn't know how to put song in to cover up, so, maybe off your speaker? Lol!

Taken by boyfriend - Liangwei and Felicia doodling.

These pictures is to make up for the poor video taken by my boyfriend.
I guess, mine video are clear enough, so I didn't post any pictures of me up :)

Blame this video-man here! :)

Taken by Liangwei - Boyfriend and I doodling ^^

Pictures with our masterpiece! My boyfriend and I :D

Failed attempt! D:

Boyfriend helping Liangwei and Felicia to take Polaroid! :D

Liangwei and Felicia with their masterpiece!

After many photo-taking/polaroid-ing session with our sky lantern, it's finally time to fly it! :D

Boyfriend and I, first attempt of sky lantern ^^

Boyfriend and I, with our sky lantern ^^

Liangwei and Felicia, first attempt in sky lantern.

Liangwei and Felicia with their sky lantern :)

As you can see from the videos, sky lantern-ing wasn't really easy, especially for amateurs like us, who is playing with sky lantern for the first time! Liangwei's and Felicia's sky lantern was not successfully released to the sky, it's eventually stuck on the tree and dropped down when the fire have extinguished. I was lucky that my boyfriend and my sky lantern was successfully being released into the sky, after many attempts. I hope that whether or not, if my sky lantern is being sent to the gods above, or is it in their hands', everyone's wishes will all be fulfilled! :D

After that, we went to Changi Point Board walk to chillax. It's damn quiet there! Everyone was fishing, and I didn't dare to speak loudly because I'm afraid that I'll frighten away the fishes :X

Boyfriend and I.

Liangwei and Felicia.

Felicia and I.

Liangwei and boyfriend.

Headed back home after some picture-taking session, because it's late already and boyfriend have to wake up early for work the next day. Stay over at boyfriend's house because he's way too tired to fetch me back home. Anyway, here's some pictures of my boyfriend and I with our FIRST polaroids! :D With cute film somemore! :D


My boyfriend and I with our polaroids.

Me with our polaroids.

Anyway, I shall end my post here with an animated picture of me saying byebye to you all! Do stay tuned to my blog for the next blog post which will most likely to be something on 11/11/11! :D



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