These letters written itself inside out again.

Outing with Peeky!
Friday, November 4, 2011 ♥

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Hello everyone!~ I'm back to update again! Anyway, this shall be a short post with very little pictures. Meet up with Peeky after my paper, for a BBQ event held at The Tent. We went to Bugis' 福禄寿 Temple ( Not sure if it is 福禄寿 Temple, but there's the only temple at my check-in. Many called it 观音 Temple instead ) first, as Peeky wanted to pray. I pray for everyone! I pray for both my boyfriend and my families, I pray for my friends and their babies and also those that are taking 'O' level paper this year. Do hope that my prayer will come true~

After praying, we head to OG as Peeky wanna get a juice blender. After that, we get ourselves Koi at Iluma before going into Bugis Street. We spent hours at Bugis Street just at a few store! Called back The Tent to check about the BBQ event to double confirm. In the end, it turns up to be a bomb! So didn't go back to The Tent at the last minute. Ms Wan told me to go back during Christmas Eve Dinner instead. I'm fully, mentally prepared to eat my fullest at the BBQ, only to expect nothing! D: I only managed to get myself a Micky & Minnie girl boxer at Bugis. Didn't want to buy it initially, because it's red in colour. But I just couldn't get my eyes off it, because it's really cute ( for me )! So, I bought it in the end, because I was thinking, "Nobody gonna see it, so why care if it's red?" Right?

Taken at OG.

Me with my 50% Milk Tea.

My Micky and Minnie red boxer!

We finally head to Town, after hanging around at Bugis for hours :) We head to Lucky Plaza first to collect the bag that Peeky have sent for washing. In the end, it wasn't clean at all! So, it was sent back for washing again! Wasted trip down to Lucky Plaza and we actually rushed! Then, we went to Takashimaya first, to find Peeky's mother. After that, we head down to get ourselves some food to eat. I have laksa while Peeky have frog's leg rice. I was super hungry that I didn't even left a drop of its gravy ( Maybe a little )! Then we walked around and saw this temporary store selling this snack called "爆米饼" if I'm not wrong. It's super cool! The biscuit just came flying out from the machine which a loud "bang" sound! They're available in Original, Cheese, Butter and Curry. I bought the curry flavour as it's the nicest among all! 3 for $10 only?! And if anyone is interested in trying this "爆米饼", you can head down to their store at Suntec City, the first level, opposite of Sakae Sushi! :D Get some when you're there! It's really nice! :D

Pictures taken from Internet.

With Peeky :D

Sexy Peeky! ( Taken by me~ )

( Random ) Have you seen the video of Xia Xue kissing Kay Kay? Well, if you didn't, I've embedded the video here, and you can watch it! The main motive of showing you guys this video, is I wanted you guys to remember the sentence, Xia Xue told Kay Kay when Kay Kay was complaining to Xia Xue about her lips have Xia Xue's lip gloss all over! Xia Xue told Kay Kay: "It's nice and it's expensive okay! It's Dior okay!" Super hilarious, right?

Then when I saw Peeky putting on her lip gloss, I asked her: "Why you keep putting on lip gloss one?" And guess what she told me? Exactly what Xia Xue had said! She told me: "It's Dior okay! Very expensive, okay!" I laughed on the spot and told her that she's saying exactly what Xia Xue had said! Fyi, Peeky have watched the videos too.

Peeky with her Dior lip gloss.

Back to main topic. After that, we headed to Cineleisure as I needed to pass letter to Ah Denz. Walked around Cineleisure for awhile because it's been a year since Peeky came to Cineleisure. After that, we head to Scape which is besides Cineleisure. We saw alot of people crowding around a stall. We were curious, but we walked around other stalls first before heading back to the stall. Guess what they're selling? SKY LANTERN! :D I've always wanted to try sky lantern! Instead of the normal square round headed lantern, now they have in heart-shaped! I bought two heart-shaped sky lantern! One for tomorrow Peeky's photoshoot, one for my boyfriend and I to play during our 33rd monthsary! At least we're doing something much more unique for this coming anniversary! :D

Heart-shaped sky lantern

Hand crafted Chinese sky lantern! Cooool~

Take from Internet.
This is how it will looks like when inflated!

Pretty cool, right? After that, Peeky saw her friends and so, we have a chat for a short while, then Peeky and I headed back home as we need to catch the last train!~ Anyway, I shall end my post here! Do come back to my blog for more updates! You wanna see me playing the sky lantern, right? :D If do, remember to come back! Byeeeee~ :D



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Make Someones Day

Acts of kindness, both big and small, happen to us every day. It just takes a little appreciation to really bring out the joy of kindness and make it blossom. With a simple smile, wave or “thank you”, you could put a smile on everyone’s face and inspire even more kind deeds. Together, we can help kindness grow all over Singapore.

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Olay Project 360 (Final Episode)

Project 360 is brought to you by P&G (Olay) and Nuffnang to guide women through a total transformation.

Each week, we'll combat a different skin concern with Olay and lifestyle tips with our host, Xiaxue. Watch how our celebrity bloggers and their partners compete against one another to have the greatest transformation inside out with tips given by our different experts every week!

In this episode, the girls get together for a night of fun, laughter and pampering while they catch up and find out who the winner of the series is!

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