These letters written itself inside out again.

What a Chin-tastic Day!
Saturday, September 3, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: Dusty and Cookie first baby - Chopper! ♥
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Wondering what does "Chin-tastic" means in my blog title? Well, the "Chin" obviously refers to Chinchilla if you have read my previous post. If you have not, click on the "Older Post" to read about it. Well, my pair of Chinchillas, Dusty and Cookie, have given birth to a baby Chin! :D So, our mission today is to visit PyreChin and The House of Chinchilla. My boyfriend has promised to bring me to visit House of Chinchilla ages ago! So, he shall fulfilled his promise today! :D As Chopper, the baby Chin, will gets older in the future, we'll have to get a new cage for him. So, our second mission is to find a perfect new cage for him! If you do not know, normal pet shop don't really have cages or stuffs for Chinchilla. You'll have to get it a shop that's specialize in Chinchilla and that's when PyreChin and The House of Chinchilla came into the scene! :)

So, I wake up pretty early but I was tired. So, I went back to sleep and then wake up again to start preparing myself for today's adventure! :D My boyfriend went to watch the Channel 8, 9PM new show while waiting for me to be ready. Then, my boyfriend fetched me back to his house first as he have to bathe, change his clothes, and also to check on Cookie and Chopper. Cookie is a mother now, so she has a bigger appetite. We have to ensure that her food bowl is not empty if not she would not be able to feed Chopper with enough milk. We also carry out Chopper to play with him too! Ya, his gender was confirmed, Chopper is a boy ^^

Taken when we're heading over to boyfriend's house

My boyfriend and I, carrying Chopper ^^

Little Chopper Boy :)

Chopper with his father, Dusty.

My boyfriend helping Chopper to clean his fur.


With boyfriend

After my boyfriend has done, preparing everything, we finally starts our adventure! First Stop, we're heading to PyreChin! This is not our first time visiting PyreChin, the first time we went there is when we are bringing Dusty to his first grooming session after we have just adopted him for around a week? You can click here to read about it.

Pictures of me wearing helmet. My mother says I looks ugly wearing helmet! Do I?

Though this isn't our first visit to PyreChin, we were excited about it since the last visit was ages ago. But when we reached PyreChin, we were disappointed because they've gone out for lunch! D: We waited for around 5 minutes, saw that no one has come back yet. Then, we decided to head to House of Chinchilla first before coming back again.


Some Chinchillas' picture & details on door, for sale.

The Chinchillas that they put on the display glass.
They're really adorable creatures that you will never get sick of!

House of Chinchilla was located somewhere at Serangoon. I know, from Bukit Batok to Serangoon, it's a really far journey, but I think it's worth it because at least we've been to The House of Chinchilla :D And if you guy don't know, Serangoon is really a Pets' Paradise! There's different kinds of pets' store everywhere! Birds, fishes, rabbits and many more! I ask my boyfriend, why are there so many different kind of pets' store in Serangoon? He says that because residents staying at Serangoon loves to have pets. Is that true? Can somebody tell me? There were so many pets' store there, they actually named it "The Petwalk"! Why can't Bukit Batok have one "The Petwalk" too? If not, I could always go there and have a look :D

The Petwalk

The whole row of this lane, are all pets' store!

Looks at the number of birds they have in a shop!?
And this is just around 1/3 of the whole thing!?

More birds...

There were quite a number of aquarium shop too!

My boyfriend keep pointing to Stingray and asked me how Steve Irwin died :\

Looks at the adorable small rabbits! Oh-my-god! :D
I nearly bought one home, the brown coloured one. Cute, right?

That's me playing with the rabbits :D

Okay, enough of the pets' store. I think you guys should be more interested in The House of Chinchilla since Chinchillas' store are rarely seen. To my boyfriend and I, House of Chinchilla is a disappointment because we thought that it would be a big store with lots of Chinchillas and their stuffs! But it turns out to be very small, and very little stuffs of/and Chinchillas D: But they do have lots of cages available for Chinchilla though. That's one good point I could think about :\ Their store is so small, that I could not move about freely! So, I went in and came out already! :(

House of Chinchilla

They have a lot of cages for Chinchilla.

Their store. Can you see that it's a very small store?

A cute picture of one of their Chinchillas, carrying their name card :D

There wasn't much photos, because it's a rather small store. Though, I'm sure that we would not be coming back again, because it's too far and there's nothing much in the store and most of their stuffs are selling at a very expensive prize, but at least we have visited House of Chinchilla :D After that, we walked around for awhile before heading off.

One last picture at "The Petwalk".

We were actually expecting House of Chinchilla to be a big store, with lots of Chinchillas and their stuffs. But it turns out, vice versa from what we actually thought about it :( We weren't really satisfied with it. We wanted to look at more pets! D: So, my boyfriend actually decided to bring me to visit SPCA - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals! :D My boyfriend actually wanted to bring me to SPCA, next week. But he was not satisfied with today's "gain" too, so he decided to push forward the schedule, and bring me to visit SPCA today! ^^V

Saw this car when we're on the way to SPCA. See the smurfs' tickets? :D

But, today does't seem to be a good day for both of us D: We successfully found SPCA, wanted to visit the pets inside but .... IT'S CLOSED! D: We open the gate, went in and then somebody came to us and say: "Sorry, we're closed!" OMG! We couldn't see how sad we were! We should have also check the timing for their closing! D: A wasted trip down to SPCA, but at least both my boyfriend and I saw a Siberian Husky if I wasn't wrong. But it's okay, because my boyfriend decide to come down to SPCA tomorrow, again! But this time, we won't miss it, again! D:

SPCA - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Some of their wall paintings.

So, after this wasted trip to SPCA, we decided to head back to PyreChin because we have already spent hours visiting "The Petwalk", House of Chinchilla and SPCA plus travelling time. I don't think they will go for lunch, for hours right? O.O We were hoping that we could get a new cage at PyreChin, since we couldn't find any at House of Chinchilla that we liked. Other than visiting House of Chinchilla and PyreChin, we have another mission of getting a new cage.

Taken at PyreChin

They do have quite a number of adorable Chinchilla~
My boyfriend and I saw a hetero beige Chinchilla that we liked very much!

Love this cage because of the Hello Kitty sofa cushion for Chinchilla! WTF?!

Some Chinchillas that they have in their store.

Well, at least PyreChin didn't disappoints us! We saw a cage that both of us like, and also a bathing box for Dusty, Cookie and Chopper! :D Both my boyfriend liked tall and slim cage because it does not need much space as it's slim and our Chinchillas are also able to have more space to jump and climb around as it's tall! The cage totally suits what we needed! :D So, after we have saw everything that we needed to get, we head for our late lunch first as we needed to withdraw money to get our stuffs also. They don't have NETS machine! D:

My boyfriend bring me to a coffeeshop at block 371 as he says that, they serves the best chicken rice there! I've never eaten their chicken rice before, so decided to give it a try. Well, we waited really long before we could get to eat their chicken rice! I think this could let me 1/2 believe that the chicken rice may be very nice as many people are waiting for it. Have my first bite and ... it's really nice! :D You can go and have a try when you're there! I love the rice, the most! :D

The Best Chicken Rice ^^

After we've finished our meal, we went to withdraw money and head to PyreChin to buy all the stuffs that we needed. I spent $200 for boyfriend's Chinchillas' new cage! I've already bought two new cages for them, this year already! A new bathing sand, bathing box and treats for them. See, how much my boyfriend and I dote on them?!

As the cage is big and heavy, it's impossible for the pillion, which is me, to carry it all the way back to my boyfriend's house! I would be dead or my arm would be broken by then! So, we decided that I took the cab back to my boyfriend's house, with the cage and stuffs while my boyfriend will be tailing behind me, and help me carry the cage when I've reached his house. Great plan, isn't it? :D Feel so great to be in the cab, because it's air-conditioned! :D

With the new cage.

Can you see that there's someone behind me?
Cannot? Okay, here's a more clearer one ...

Can you see him now? Wondering who's that following me ...

Hmm... too far away to see who is it ...

It's nearer, but I still couldn't make up how he looks like :\

Okay, I think I know who is it that has been tailing me behind?! Is it ...

Yeah, I'm right! :D It's my boyfriend! :D

Helping my boyfriend to twist! ^^V

With all our "loots" today! :D

When we've arrived, my boyfriend help to carry the cage, while I carry all the plastic bags :) Then, we started assembling the cage. Dusty was looking at us while we're assembling the cage, how cute! I did help in the assembling of cage, though I didn't really do much :X

My boyfriend carrying the cage, all the way back to his house.

The new cage, new bathing sand, bathing box and treats! :D

The new bathing sand, and treats.

See, this bathing box very cute, right?! It's from DREAMS.

This is where they entered into the box. No worries, they're able to go in :)

Dusty, trying out the bathing box :D

My boyfriend opening the package.

See, this new cage is much taller than the previous one that I've bought.

My boyfriend fixing the door's key.

He's trying to act cute, let's not bothered about him.

Okay, he's starting to get serious.

Looks at all the different parts.

This proves that I'm helping :)

Installing the parts.

I just wanted to prove that I really do help up :X

Installing the sides of the cage.

Then with the bottom tray.

Installing the level board.

Put on the rooftop and ...

It's done! Nice? I loves the door :D Opps, forget one more step!

Installing the wheels.

The "trolley" cage.

Okay, it's finally done! Nice? :D

Dusty in his new cage! He always get to stay in new cage first!

After we've finished installing the cage, we realised that the water bottle that's provided with the cage is faulty. So, we decided to head back to PyreChin to get a new water bottle for Dusty and also at the same time, go to the Pasar Malam ( Night Market ) for a walk :P I love Pasar Malam, especially their games! :D

PyreChin's owner actually wanted to give us free water bottle as ours is faulty, but my boyfriend don't feel that it's good and pay him instead. We also bought a chewing stone for Dusty so that he won't itchy mouth, go and bite the new cage that we have bought :\ After that, we went to Pasar Malam to play games! :D Well, I didn't play any of them, because I'm lousy at it, so I asked my boyfriend to help me with the game :D He managed to help me win some prizes, though I wanted the big prize badly :( My boyfriend got the second prize instead, but I'm happy still ^^

Dusty with his new chewing stone.

The Pasar Malam games :D

I wanted Patrick, the starfish who's also Spongebob's friend
and the Mickey Mouse's hand cushion beside Patrick. Saw it?

My boyfriend playing ^^

What my boyfriend had won for me - Super Mario & Shit! :D



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