These letters written itself inside out again.

Chinatown + Dinner + ( Movie ) Final Destination 5
Saturday, August 27, 2011 ♥

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Today, I wake up very early in the morning! Because my boyfriend and I have to meet up with Bingli and her boyfriend to bring Bingli's boyfriend to his tattoo session at Chinatown. Lucky, boyfriend lent car yesterday, so travelling was a lot more better today! :D I wore the purple top/dress that I've bought from S.A.M @ 8Q Flea yesterday. So, how do I actually looks in purple? Is it nice, or not? This is probably the first time, I'm wearing purple! Ohmy! I getting out of my black and white world to a whole new colorful world :D

Taken while on the way to fetch Bingli and her boyfriend.

With boyfriend :)

So, after we've meet up, my boyfriend fetched us to Chinatown. Parked the car at Pearl's Hill Terrace, and went to a hawker center for our lunch. I wonder if many of you know about this hawker center, but apparently, I heard from my boyfriend that they have lots of good foods! I totally believe his words because it's really rather packed there though it's still not "peak" hours. I also had my first try of pig's intestine and know what? It's heaven! I totally eat the whole plate of it and still able to ask for a second one, but of course I didn't! Hehe. After our lunch, we head to Chinatown Point as Bingli wanted to get something from there. Guess what is it? Well...



Of course, she's NOT getting the shop! She's just wanted to get some stuff from this shop because she's a Doreamon lover and this shop is having a moving out sale! I only know that there's a Sanrio/Hello Kitty Shop, I didn't know anything about this Doreamon shop at all! Ohmy! I need to update myself more of this world already! I was rather surprised when I saw this shop because it's my first time knowing about a shop selling all-Doreamon stuff. Though I'm not really a Doreamon lover, but I'm a cute-stuff lover! So, I love anything that's cute! :D

It's really an eye opener when I stepped in the shop! I set my eyes on a limited edition Doreamon watch, the moment I stepped in. The special thing about this watch is that, every second as the time goes, the eyes of the Doreamon will change, giving different expressions. Cute not?! But I didn't buy because it's wasn't worth it, in my point of view. It costs $146, if I'm not wrong. My boyfriend told me that I could get a better watch with these amount of money, and he's right! The Doreamon wasn't practical and I can't wear it in every outfits too.

Then, I spotted this devilish-looking Doreamon on the top shelf, which is rather cute and special. When have you ever seen devilish-looking Doreamon before? :D I'm not a Doreamon lover, so if it's just the normal blue, friendly-looking Doreamon, I probably won't buy. But this is a totally special one! Its eyes are like telling me: "Please buy me home!" I asked my boyfriend for his opinion, but he prefers the normal blue, friendly-looking Doreamon instead :\ Then my boyfriend suggests that I could get one of the Doreamon plushie for Bingli as I haven't gave her, her birthday present. So, I pretended to ask her for opinion on which Doreamon she prefers and she actually like the same devilish-looking Doreamon as me! Great people, think alike! :D

So, I secretly went to buy two, including myself. Bingli was so surprised and happy when she saw that I pass the plastic bag with the devilish-looking Doreamon inside! :D I was happy for getting the devilish-looking Doreamon too! It's lucky that they are left with two, and I buy it all. WTF?! But my boyfriend was rather mad at me for buying it, because with a new love, he thinks that I would throw Dino, into the cupboard with the rest of the plushie. He thinks too much! By the way, Dino is a plushie that my boyfriend bought for me, that breaks the record of staying on my bed for the longest time! It's actually Super Mario's dinosaur. I named it Dino :D

The Devilish-looking Doreamon! Super nice and style, right? :D

After that, Bingli's boyfriend went off to the tattoo studios first, while Bingli, my boyfriend and I carry on with our shopping. The next shop, Bingli bought us to "Pan-in-a-Box", which sells all anime and cosplay stuffs! You won't believe how amazed I was! I was almost screaming throughout in the shop! A soft screaming though. All the way, I was like, "Oh my god! That's Luffy strawhat!" "Is that Ace's hat?! " " I wanna get that Konoha forehead guard! " "Gaara's slipper is so cute! " Yah, that proves how excited and amazed I was! And then, we saw Naruto's Frog Coin Purse! My boyfriend and I watched Naruto, so do Bingli. She watched in the past together with my boyfriend. And know what? Bingli got me the Naruto's Frog Coin Purse!

For people that don't watch Naruto, and don't know how Naruto's Frog Coin Purse actually looks like, below is a picture that I've taken on the internet. It's Naruto with his Frog Coin Purse! :D

Cute, right?

How it looks in real life.

Actually, I don't really like it :X I like it better if it's flat when there's no coins inside, and get puffed up when I started "feeding" it with coins, exactly like Naruto's. But this one, it's already puffed up, making it no excitement for me to see the process of making it puffed up :( But oh well, I'm still happy getting hand of this Naruto's Frog Coin Purse still! :D

After that, we went to another mall and there's a shop that is called " Uncle Joe's Vintage Toys and Collectibles". Ohmy! My second love-shop of the day! Though it's not anime/cosplay stuffs, in there you can find lots of awesome things too! I can't believe, as a teenager girl, I'm loving all these stuffs! It makes me looks abnormal! But I loves it! If I'm a super rich woman, I would buy all the collectibles! And also, the stuff at "Pan-in-the-Box"! :D

After all the shopping, we went to get ourselves some snacks and drinks, and head to Bingli's boyfriend tattoo studios to find him. I came to this tattoo studios once, when Bingli is getting her tattoo done. You can click here to read about it. And know what my boyfriend do when he reached there? When, at that time, the weather was damn nice to sleep! Being in an air-conditioned room, with comfortable chair, of course, he lay down and fall asleep! D:

And while waiting for Bingli's boyfriend's tattoo to be done. I was busy taking photos together with my Naruto's Frog Coin Purse and Devilish-looking Doreamon :D My loves of the day! My boyfriend is out! :D

With Naruto's Frog Coin Purse ^^



" Are you trying to steal my limelight?! "

Bingli with her Devilish-looking Doreamon :D

It's me with my Devilish-looking Doreamon! :D

" Can you smile to the camera, just for once? "

Together with Bingli, with our Devilish-looking Doreamon! :D

Some interesting and funny paragraph I find in a book.

When my boyfriend wake up at around 6.48pm, both me and my boyfriend went off first because we still have a dinner to attend to, with his families and the tattoo wasn't done yet. We went to Petir Road first to pick up his aunt and cousin, then head over to fetch his grandmother and another aunt. Then off we go for our dinner!

On the car.

Taken when finding his aunt and cousin.

Well, actually it was just a sin tua dinner. I don't know what to call it, so that's what I called. I don't really like the place because it's kinda dirty and the food wasn't really nice. I feel uncomfortable at there. Why dirty? See the picture below and you'l understand! A living insect in the sauce! Can you believe it?! xO

Insect "swimming" in the sauce.

With Jiayi :D

We went off first without finishing all the dish because one of boyfriend's aunt wasn't feeling very well ( Probably, because of the food there ). My boyfriend and I are also gonna catch a movie later with Bingli and her boyfriend and it's about time we picked Bingli and her boyfriend up. So, we fetched his aunt and cousin back home first, before heading to fetch Bingli and her boyfriend and went to Jurong Point for our movie!

Wanna make a guess what movie we're watching? It's ... ...



Got jealous, anot? But I think that there's no need to be jealous about because I heard that it's aired in Funshion already! WTF?! But, it's always much nicer to watch in cinema, somemore it's also available in 3D?! Much more exciting, okay! Here's 2 trailer of the movie for you guys :)

My review of this movie? Well, I don't wanna spoil the fun for people that have not yet watched it, but I find that the previous Final Destination was much nicer :X That's just my own view, maybe some of you find that it's nice? But it's always fun to watch and find it out yourselves! For people under 18, you can just watch it in Funshion. It's available there. And for people that's going to watch, watched it in 3D. Trust me, it's much exciting watching it in 3D. And with these, I shall end this post right here. Stay tuned for more of me, okay? :D

Sorry for this wordy post! From now on, I'm afraid I won't be having so many pictures in a post anymore, as my photo quoto has exceed. I didn't want to upgrade it, and couldn't find any other better way other than copying and pasting the HTML codes, one by one. It's troublesome, so I'll only be posting few up. But if I'm hardworking, I'll put more ^^



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