These letters written itself inside out again.

@ Enigami + Partyworld + ( Movie ) Green Lantern
Saturday, July 2, 2011 ♥

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Okay, I'm back to update again. Well, to remind you guys first, there's around 200 pictures in this post! Including those useless/randomly taken pictures too. Haha. So, I think the pictures will be much more convincing than my words :) Anyway, everyone enjoys reading post with pictures more than those post that are just words after words and more words, right? Let's start ...

So, today I was supposed to accompany Bingli for her last tattoo session. Looking forward to see how her tattoo will looks like :) I brought extra clothings to Laogong's house, so I bathe and change over there and waited for Bingli to cabbed over to fetch me :)

Then we cabbed over to Chinatown. Initially, we wanted to have lunch first before heading for Bingli tattoo session. But all the queue are super long, and there's hardly any space too! So, in the end, we went to street stalls nearby and get us some finger foods and snacks to bite on when we get hungry over at the tattoo studio.

The finger foods/snacks that we've bought

All time favourite - Portuguese Egg Tart

And the curry fishball :D

Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate

The Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate are super nice! Really! You've got to try it! When I first saw that it's dark chocolate, I was thinking like: " Is it bitter? " But hell no! It actually turns out super nice, not a bit of bitterness and it's super addictive too! For me, at least :D

With all the food, we couldn't miss the drinks out :)

Evian is now giving out collectible roller baby!
If you have seen their commercial, you shall find this familiar.
If you haven't watch, here's the Evian Skating Babies Commercial :)

Those babies are super cute, right? But it's super obvious that it's fake! Babies don't roller blade! If they do, they have got to be some kind of future genius already. How good if my baby can be like that, it's just so freaking cute. I'm gonna make him the real thing, instead of those babies in the video. Haha. I know, I'm taking nonscene again :P Let's get back to topic ...

Anyway, the tattoo studios that Bingli is heading too, is in a building that looks rather deserted to me. But it looks clean. I didn't even know that there'll be a tattoo studios in a building that's so deserted. Wonder if business is good for him anot? Like, no one will know there's a tattoo studios at a building that's so deserted, right? Why have the studios there? I wonder ...

Although the building is deserted, there's alot of fun and interesting things in there! And I swear, the tattoo studios looks freaking awesome too! I think my words aren't convincing enough to tell you guys the awesomeness, let's the picture convince you! :D

This is the empty, deserted corridor.
See, what I've found walking down the corridor...

The Chinese soldier status. Wonder how they get these?
And which Dynasty are they from? "Qin"? "Tang"?

Some horse status.

Buddhist status.

Betty is there too! How good if this was place at my house :)

Ugly "Betty" with Pretty Betty

And there's this, what do you called it?
Well, I super love this~

Saw that store there?

Well, it's the tattoo studios. Think it's called Enigami.

The first two words means Tattoo , while the rest means Hair Dressing studio.
Add together and you'll get " Tattoo dressing Studio "? So creative.

Saw the yellow, blue and red stripes?
It reminds me of those barber shop.

A picture of a phoenix on the glass panel outside.
It's rather nice, in fact :D

The smoking area outside the studio.

Ashtray and a pot of sunflower.

Door that's camouflaging against the wall.
I'm always forgetting that the door is there :X

Let's open and see what's in store inside the studios :)

Behind the camouflaging door ...
there's a black and white picture of a man smoking cigar. Coooool!~

The view of the door from inside. The dangling stuff on the door makes it nicer :)

Above is some pictures of the whole room. The studios is rather small, if you can see from the pictures. But the studios is filled full of things! Which makes it rather comforting. There's some really cool, interesting stuff that you couldn't get to see anymore out there. I totally love the feeling of the studios. It's as if I'm back in my room. ( Fyi, My room isn't messy! ) Okay, I shall start sharing with you guys the interesting things that I've saw in the studios ...

A really old clock that's still working.
The last time I saw this, it's at my grandma's house.

A really nice looking floral chair :)

A very old-dirty looking table.
This table looks like it have been through wars.

A cute-looking fortune cat wearing snowcap.

Look at the picture behind.
It's Mona Liza with afro. Funny max! :D

A corner of the table that's filled with interesting stuffs...

There's an old Bruce Lee status

An old time Milo Tin. How old is that?!

Cute looking old dolls. What is it called?

And fuck this! This is really awesome! And 1800's iron?!

And this rather old Coca Cola poster.

Looking through all the photos above, it seems that he's totally in love with old stuffs and interesting stuff, like the Mona Liza with Afro painting. Gosh, that's really entertaining :) Well, the next thing that I'm going to show you guys ... Maybe some will found it disgusting , some might found it interesting or even some might found it cruel. What ever it is, I'm going to show you guys, because as for me, I happened to fall in the group where people will found the thing that I'm going to share next, as interesting instead of disgusting and cruel.

It's actually a specimen of horseshoes bat

Well, what do you guys thinks? :)

From far, I thought this looks like a face?!
And when I went nearer, it's actually WTF!

A tattoo that he have done. Cute, right?

Well, I think that's all for his studios. Really style, right? I totally love it! Love it, too? Well, that's all for the cool stuff too, the rest of the picture will be just me, me and more pictures of me. Remember that I'm saying that there's about 200 pictures in this post? I think about 100+ are all pictures of me! Lol! But instead of putting all the 200+ pictures, I think I'll just remove some pictures of myself. Don't think you guys will like to keep seeing pictures of me :X

Anyway, if you guys know, tattoo session can lasts for very long. So, Bingli brought her IPad along, so I can play with it while she's doing her tattoo ^^ IPad are so much better than IPhone, because the screen is so much wider and bigger, I can play games much easier too.

Pictures of me with IPad.

I'm just trying to show off, but it's not me afterall :(

See the wallpaper on the screen?
That's the tattoo, Bingli is putting. Nice? :)

Pictures of me playing IPad games.
I just can't stop showing off, even though it's not mine :(

With IPad again. Okay, I know that's enough of showing off already (:

Mirror reflection.

Pictures of me. That's actually quite little. I delete quite a few.
I like the picture on the right. I'm with BIG eyes! :D

I even take pictures just because I tie bun.
Can't help it, it's just soooooo boring!~
Afterall, camera is a girl's second best friend. Diamond, first.

Even more pictures of myself, sitting on the floral chair.

Pictures when I'm out on a smoking break.

Basically, I take pictures at anywhere, anytime and with anything. Haha. I think you guys should be sick of seeing all my individual pictures, right? Well, That's all already. Starting from below, it's all pictures of tattoo now. I guess that might make you guys more interested uh? Overall, tattoo are much more nicer and interesting than me. ( Hell NO! )

Okay, so eventually, I got sick of playing IPad game, so I went browsing through his huge collection of tattoo magazines and books instead. There's lot of nice tattoo. After seeing them, I got the temptation to put one on me! Oh gosh!~ But it's a permanent thing, so I've to think twice, and to add on, my boyfriend won't even let me. So I could just drop that idea of my mind.

The huge collection of tattoo magazine and books.

Just showing you guys some of it.

That's me with the magazines and books.

In Tattoo girls, there's pictures of models that looks like advertising for clothing/brand.
But actually, they're modelling the tattoo on them. what a nice idea :)

There's even some comic in the magazines too. The comic is about tattoo too, as you can see.

These are some pictures @ Japan's Tattoo Event. These girls have nice tattoo ~

I think this girl is a tattoo champion for something.
Show the boys, what we girls can do! Rock on!

Tattoo with bling bling on them. Most suitable for cute/pretty looking girls :)

Well, to most people, tattoo are signs of secret society, gangsterism etc. But hell no! To me, it's just another form of body arts. You don't see people putting pictures/portraits of their loved ones, who might have passed away, as tattoo on their body as some forms of gangsterism or whatever, right? Some people just couldn't open out their minds. Not every tattoo are fierce looking, ( that maybe is trying to show off ). Here's some really cute/sweet tattoo ...

Cute looking Spider-man and Powerpuff Girls

Character from Nightmare before Christmas ( used to be my favourite ) & Evil Hello Kitty

Awww... they're so fluffy! I love unicorns, I love unicorns ...
Message for his Mother, Father and Brother(?)

Sweet looking fairy and an anime character. ( Don't know what anime is that )

Perfect for music lovers.

Fortune Cat. For luck, wealth and prosperity. Does it really works?

Look at the cute lovely bee ( Left ) and the sweet looking skeleton ( Right )

Love birds :D

Okay, changed your opinion on tattoo? Well, enough of the cute/sweet looking tattoo. Coming up next, are some of my faviourite tattoo. Well, people have different tastes in things they likes, so don't comment anything about the tattoo that I've choose as my favourite as ugly, or whatever shit comment that you can come up with. I LIKE IT! That's the end! :D

These two are my top favourite among all the tattoo that I've seen in the books/magazines.

Chucky is my all-time-favourite scary character! :D
I bet it's many people all-time-favourite too :D

Love that Tinker-bell! :D

After all the pictures that I've shared, now it's finally time to let you guys see Bingli's finished tattoo. Above is the picture that I've taken when the tattoo-ist is doing his finishing touch up on Bingli's tattoo. Anyway, here's the real thing. Ready? 1 .... 2 ..... 3 .....



Nice? I told her it looks like some paikia opera singer. Haha :P

People trying to capture the picture of her tattoo. Including me :)

The make-up of the opera singer is really nice.

Saw that snake? That snake is actually to cover up Bingli's tribal. Good coverage uh? :)

The snake tattoo on the opera singer's arm

The snowflake tattoo on the opera singer's chest

The drawings for Bingli's tattoo

Well, the tattoo-ist is an award winning artist! He won the Best in Realism Category and Best in Cover up Category in Singapore Tattoo Show 2009. No wonder he could cover up Bingli's tattoo so nicely! Now, I know why he dare to have his store in an deserted-looking building :)

After the tattoo is done, Bingli, her boyfriend and I head down to Shaw Lido. We have our dinner at DOME cafe. I think the food there is pretty nice! At least I love the food and drink that I've ordered - Ice Chocolate with Gelato and Bacon Spaghetti(?). I totally forgotten the name of the Spaghetti dish. But anyway, it's just nice! :) But they've runs out of bacon, so they exchange it with ham. Doesn't really like the ham though, I was looking forward to bacon! D:

My food and drink.

Halfway, my boyfriend came over to join us for dinner. Because we're going to catch a movie later on at Shaw Lido Cineplex. Actually, we wanted to watch at Lot 1, but my boyfriend booked the wrong place via online. So, we couldn't change it anymore and have to watch at Shaw Lido Cineplex. But I think it's okay because the tattoo studios was quite near, but the only problem is that, even after we had finished our dinner, we had plenty of time left before the movie starts.

Most of the shops closes around 9PM, so there didn't anything else to do and we had 2 hours to spare! Oh gosh! But in the end, we decided to head down to Partyworld to have a singing session before watching the movie. At least, the 2 hours are well spent by enjoying ourselves :)

The cracker and TV screen

Our drinks - Honey Lemon & Vodka Ribenna

That's me with the Vodka Ribenna ( Left ) & Honey Lemon ( Right )

With my boyfriend :D

There're these "tools" to add on to the entertainment

He looks like he's trying to figure how it's used :D

I'm trying to make full use of the "tools" :D

Another way to use it. Haha :D

That's me with the foot massager. Shiookkk~

That's Bingli. Foot massaging while singing :)

Okay, it's just more pictures of me. Next ~

With my boyfriend now. Better? :)

With Bingli :)

A failed snapshot of my boyfriend :\

A success one! :D

And now, my boyfriend snapshot me :\

This time, Bingli snapshot me!
I was singing " Smack That ". Ignore my hand, I'm trying to get the rap :)

Bingli's snapshot. Pretty nice :)

And when I was competing with my boyfriend :)

That's me and Bingli :)

Why so angry? :)

The two guys! ^^

That's me with my boyfriend :)

That's Bingli with her boyfriend :)

The singing session ended just nice for our movie :) Overall, it's a fun singing session. I thought that we would get tired after the singing session and perhaps fall asleep during the movie. But it seem that it isn't true. In fact, all of us are pretty awake and energtic! Although, all the fun during the singing session does take away some of our strength. But it's still ... FUN! :D

Our movie tickets

Headed to Shaw Lido Cineplex for our movie - Green Lantern. Actually, we wanted to watch Transformer, but there's no slot! :( Wrong cinema, wrong movie ... what the hell?

Well, the movie isn't as good as I thought it will. Transformers will be better :( The graphic and effect are really nice though, even if the movie wasn't as nice as I thought it will be. But I do love the part where Ryan Reynolds who's playing the character of Hal Jordan beats the hell out of that monster and gain pride for the human race. As Green Lanterns have little respect for humans, who have never harnessed the infinite powers of the rings before. But well, who's the winner and who's the loser now? In your faces! :D Anyway, here's the trailer for the movie.

And with the trailer, I shall end my post here. Byeeeee ~ :D

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