These letters written itself inside out again.

Pulau Ubin, AGAIN!
Sunday, January 29, 2012 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: A Day At Orchard ...
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What an eventful weekend! I'm going to Pulau Ubin, again!
Went to boyfriend's grandmother's house as meeting place.

With Bingli! :)

After that, we head to Changi Ferry Terminal with different taxi.
Xiaoyi & Jiayi together, Bingli, Smelly, boyfriend and I together.

With Bingli~

Who's hairy leg is that?

My boyfriend's! :D

Finally, after a really long journey, we reached Changi Ferry Terminal!
Xiaoyi and Jiayi arrived earlier than us, so they went to have lunch first.
Shortly after, Felicia & Liangwei came. We waited for everyone to arrive.
When finally, everyone have arrived, we board the boat and off we go ...

While waiting for everyone to arrive ...

Group photos of the girls on boat :)

With Jiayi ^^

Crazy us! :D

( Why am I so excited when I've come umpteen times? )

With Felicia :)

We went to Pulau Ubin Seafood Restaurant to have lunch! #hungry
It's always good to have lunch first to reboot energy needed for cycling!

The food that we've ordered! ^^


After that, we went to find boyfriend's aunt who have a bicycle shop there.
If you guys ever go to Pulau Ubin, you can all go to her shop to rent bicycle!
It's the first bicycle store you will saw - Comfort Bicycle Rental & Trading! :)
So, when we went to her store, it was just nice, they wanted to Lao Yu Sheng.

Comfort Bicycle Rental & Trading!

Yu Sheng!

Everyone was having fun Lao Yu Sheng!

Look what we've done to the Yu Sheng! :D

A cup of red wine before we start cycling~

One last group photo before we start cycling~

So, aftermath, everyone took the bike they're comfortable with,
and we set off to a long, rough, bumpy & dangerous journey.

This time, we took a different route then usual.
We're going to see the legendary Blue Sea today!
It's at Chek Jawa, more dangerous compare to usual.
But, it's always refreshing to try out new stuffs, isn't it?

Took when we were taking a break from cycling ...

Can you spot me? :P

After a really really long and tiring journey, we arrived at Chek Jawa!
I almost though that I could never make it to Chek Jawa for the Blue Sea.
I can feel myself dying, seeing white light and stars during the journey :X


Parking our bicycles because ... ...


Like an endless road ... ... ...

But we've no choice! We've to walk!

A map of Chek Jawa Wetland.

Mysterious well which is locked out ...
It somehow remind me of a horror movie ...

Funny Signboard.

Trying to prove that I'm still standing, ( though I feel like dying )


We finally walk all the way to the end of the route,
only to find out that it isn't Blue Sea that we saw! :O
But since we have make it all the way, to this far,
couldn't miss taking pictures as proof, right? :D

Funny shot with boyfriend! ^^

Girls Group shot!

A group picture ( without my boyfriend )

And on the way walking back to retrieve our bicycles,
we saw this four-storey tall tower and decided to climb.
We went up to catch the breeze, and also take a break.

When we've taken enough rest, we cycle back.
When we're cycling back, we saw something ...
It's something that all of us have wanted to see ...
( I'm speechless, thus the repeat of the word "Blue" )

It's a really pretty sight, you could see the clear BLUE WATER~
Make it to the destination, couldn't miss taking pictures~ :D

With boyfriend & the BLUE SEA~

After we're done with the photo-taking of Blue Sea,
we continued to cycle back to meet up with Xiaoyi.
Share with her, our story of Blue Sea when we saw her.
Then, we went to clean up, before taking the boat back.
We leave earlier than Xiayi & Jiayi as we've programme.


Luckily, Felicia managed to drive, so we save on taxi fare! :)
Went to Takashimaya first, as boyfriend wants to get mop set!
The mall is closing, so we actually run throughout the mall! :O
Luckily, we managed to get to the departmental store on time! :)
Bought the mop set for boyfriend as advanced anniversary present.

After that, we head to Plaza Singapura to look at figurines & toys.
We saw this Mickey Mouse Transformer toy figurine! *Shinning Eyes*
In the end, Smelly, Bingli and my boyfriend together gave me surprise!
They actually went to bought the Mickey Mouse Transformer toy figurine!
Bingli also bought Smelly a Transformer figurine for him as present! :D
Everyone went back with hands full of gifts and surprises! #thatsawesome

Everyone was hungry from all the cycling, running, and shopping.
So, we went to Lavender Food Square to have our late dinner there.
After the dinner, Felicia fetch us home as all of us have work tomorrow.
#TheAwfulFeelingWhen you realised that the weekend have ended! D:

Anyway, before I end this post, let me show you guys,
the awesome Mickey Mouse Transformer toy figurine!
I've the Halloween theme one, with their 25th anniversary!

The packaging :D

My awesome Mickey Mouse Transformer toy figurine!

Even the paper board is super cool! :D

Awesome truck is awesome!

Watch as I transform ...


Evil, wicked Mickey Mouse!

Okay, that's all for this post already! :D
Do remember to stay tuned for more!



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