These letters written itself inside out again.

A Day At Orchard ...
Saturday, January 28, 2012 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: First Trip To Malaysia!
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After yesterday trip to Malaysia, I'm going to Orchard today! #packedschedule
Together with boyfriend, we went to Smelly's house to meet with Smelly & Bingli.
Then from there, we took a cab and finally set off to our "Orchard" journey! :D

With Bingli ^^



Our first stop, we went to Ngee Ann City!
The biggest Kinokuniya store was there!
We're going Magazine-Shopping there ~

The biggest Kinokuniya store in Singapore!

Look at all the Japan magazine, and other magazine! :D

We spent quite sometimes at Kinokuniya, browsing through.
( Did I mention that I saw Joanna Peh there? She's skinny! )
We were looking for the perfect book to buy, and I got 3! :D
These magazine have awesome tips on hair, clothing etc! :O

The 3 magazine that I got for myself! :D

After we're done, magazine-shopping, we meet Smelly & my boyfriend.
They went to look at their things, as they aren't interested in magazine.
After that, we went to have our dinner @ Seoul Garden. We're HUNGRY!

Dinner @ Seoul Garden

When I'm hungry, every food looks awesome to me!

The food that we've got on our table! Extreme meat-eater! :D

Bingli & Smelly :)

Our Tom-yam soup-base! #notaste

With boyfriend :D

Then later, we changed it to Chicken soup base.

After our main course, it's DESSERT TIME! :D


My beautifully decorated ice-cream~ :D

After our satisfied dinner @ Seoul Garden, we went to ION.
Just to use their clean and beautiful toilet! #LaughOutLoud

Self obsession!

With Bingli~

Our dressing for the day! :D

Then we saw this Mickey Mouse status @ ION! Super cool~

After our toilet break, we head to The Paragon.
We wanted to go to Toys "R" Us to look at toys.
" A c h i l d h e a r t n e v e r d i e ! "

Look at all the awesome toys! *VOMIT RAINBOW*

Spider-woman is back!

Who needs help?


Due to the influence of Smelly, I fall in love with Lego~
Don't you find them super cool and style? Well, I do! :D
Here's a FEW of my favourite set of Lego @ Toys "R" Us :

Aren't they just the coolest thing ever?

After that, everyone started to get tired & thirsty.
So, we decided to get Artease from Cineleisure,
as I still have their $20 voucher not yet used :)
We only paid $1.80 for 4 cups & one french fries~

Our Artease meal :)


After that, we cabbed over Smelly's house.
The guy were discussing, playing with PS3,
while the girl were browsing through magazine.
Let me share the magazine that I've bought! :D

These are the three magazine that I've bought.

I've bought a February issue of Spring! :)

I got this small furry bag from this magazine! ^^

How it looks like when worn :)

I've also bought a January issue of Steady! :)

It comes together with this Agnes B bag! I love this bag! :D

How it looks like when worn!
This is suitable for school :)

Lastly, a February issue of Seventeen.

It comes with this Liz Lisa floral bag! :D

I'm so loving this bag too! :D

How it looks like when worn! :)
This is suitable for school too!

Anyway, I think I shall end this post right here.
Looking forward to magazine-shopping again! :D
Do stay tuned to my blog for more updates, yo~ :)



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Ben & Jerry's celebrates random acts of Fairness with Free Cone Day!

Small, unnoticed, random acts of fairness make this world a better place. We have captured some Singaporeans at their best, doing their small deeds to make the world a better place for that single person.

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