These letters written itself inside out again.

( Movie ) Viral Factor
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: 2012 Dragon Year - Day Two
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Hello everybody! It's the Day Three of Chinese New Year! ^^
I guess most of you are going back to work and school already.
I took the day off and went out with Felicia, Liangwei & boyfriend.
With nowhere to visit, we went to The Grand Cathy to catch a movie.
With Felicia's recommendation, we went to catch the movie "Viral Factor".
Jay Chou is Felicia's favorite singer/idol, so that's why she wanted to watch!

Queuing up for tickets!

" Viral Factor "

That's me with all the tickets ^^

Off to watch "Viral Factor"!

Frankly speaking, I don't think that "Viral Factor" is a nice movie!
I would prefer a Zombie Apocalypse movie better than this movie! :O
Anyway, it's just my own opinion. ( I've heard no one say it's nice! )
Here's a trailer of the movie, to let you guys see its preview ...

After the movie, we went to take funky pictures with status!
Watch me as I, kills the evil Darth Maul and save the Universe!
Damn! I was just being dramatic! We were outside the cinema!

That's me fighting Darth Maul! :O

Liangwei fighting with Darth Maul!

After the movie, we headed down to King Albert Park! :)
Headed to Island Creamery to get ourselves ICE CREAM!
It's my first visit there, and the place was superbly awesome!

Island Creamery!

Look at all the tubs of ICE CREAM~

Super yummy cupcakes & cakes! :D

What would you like for your toppings? ^^

Hopscotch, anyone? :D


After we bought our ice cream, we went to my boyfriend's house.
Had dinner at boyfriend's house and ice cream as our dessert! :)

My boyfriend helping to re-heat the food.

They wanna get into Stomp very badly! LOL!

Delicious yummy food~

There's Fish-ball Soup,

Prawns with Scallop,

and Fried Chicken Cutlet!

After the main course is done, serve the ice cream out!~

Liangwei bought the ones in Black Forest flavor, while my boyfriend bought Cookie & Cream.

Liangwei & Felicia can't wait for the ice cream ^^

After that, we chill & relax for awhile before all head back home.
There's still schooling and work for all of us! Super spoils mood!
Anyway, I shall end my post here! Stay tuned for more! :D



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