These letters written itself inside out again.

( Gushcloud ) You lose something, You gain something :)
Friday, November 18, 2011 ♥

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Hey! I'm back again! :D Are you curious at what does my blog title means - "You lose something, You gain something :)"? Well, you got to continue reading my post to find out! :) Well, recently, I didn't get to go out much because I'm broke :( Thus, I didn't have anything fun and interesting to update for you guys too! So today, I couldn't stand it anymore and decided to go out by my own instead, since nobody is free on a weekday - working and studying! D: I hate going out alone! I always needed someone to accompany me even if I'm just going to Westmall :( I know, I depend too much on people, especially my boyfriend already :( So, I started spamming my Twitter...

I'm not sure if anyone was irritated by my spamming of 'loner' tweets :X But, I'm trying to get people attention, so they will go like, "Oh, poor thing. Are you going alone? Need my accompany?" But sad to say, nobody says that at all! :( For the past 2 days, I've been seeing tweet like 2PM ( A Korean Band ) is coming down to Jurong Point etc. Many people says that they wanna go, but I don't know why, people couldn't make it at all. So being a good girl, I decided to head down to Jurong Point! :) First, it's near and it's at the west side. Secondly, I could take pictures of all those guys who's in 2PM, and bribe people to come my blog! #cunning Though I'm not a BIG fan of any Korean bands or singers, but I do like some of their music and variety show! :) I've only watched one Korean variety show and that's "Running Man"! It's a really nice and funny show, you all should watch! It cheers you up when you're sad! :P

Don't see I keep smiling like very happy, actually ...


So, with no one free to accompany me, I'm still going down to Jurong Point by myself. But luckily, Meifong works there! :D Though, it's kinda sad that it's Huiting's off day! :( I chit-chatted with Meifong during her break time :) Though we aren't close, or meet often, we have quite a lot to talk about! That's good! :) After that, she went back to work and I started to walk around aimlessly in Jurong Point. Loneliness strikes me again, and I started to spam my Twitter about wanting to get a fluffy plushie to accompany me :( I know, I sounded childish, but plushie have always been my soft spot! :D But I've only $10 left with me ( told you I was broke :( ), so I decided to drop the idea of getting one and continue my lonely walk at Jurong Point D:

I did mention that a Korean band is coming down to Jurong Point right? So, I was walking along the new Jurong Point, it was all peaceful and quiet ( suit lonely me ). When I walk towards the old Jurong Point, you couldn't imagine what I saw! It was 3/4 filled with people, or to be precise, fans of 2PM! Trust me, I couldn't hardly walk around because everyone was stopping by the side and some even exaggerating, they sit down on the floor, causing serious road blockage. To prove that the crowd was seriously chaotic, I even took pictures of all the crowds at each level and posting them all up on my Tumblr account. I even named it - "Total madness over 2PM"!

First level.

Second level. ( See the long line of people sitting down? )

Third level. ( See the long line of people sitting down? )

Because of the serious road blockage, I couldn't hardly enter any shop because it's a totally turn-off that I've to try so hard, and wait so long to enter a shop! So, I decided to head to Comic Connection instead, because its location was right at a corner and nobody was blocking its way too. But who knows, when I entered the shop, the shop was almost filled with people! They're all buying the Korean bands and singers stuffs. You tell me, madness a not? Then I overheard some conversation, "You know anot? I very daring lehs! I go ask XXX (I think it's one of the member in the band ) whether I can take picture with him ... ", "Eh, you think which one handsome ah?!" I could never be so crazy about a band or singer! And I heard a salesgirl saying that some of the fans come as early as 5AM, just to wait to see 2PM! The mall was not even opened! :O I apologized for eavesdropping unintentionally because they're too loud!

Total madness at Comic Connection.

I don't know why, but I get a little headache seeing all the crowds! I was lucky that 2PM have not arrived at that time, if not my eardrum will be blasting with screams and shouts which will have make my headache worse. So I decided to go out to take a break first before coming back in ( I was hoping to get a picture of the members of 2PM for my blog post and for people who couldn't come for the event ). Then when I head out, there's another small crowds too! There's almost crowds at every corner of the mall where the stage is located! :O

All waiting for members of 2PM to arrive.

Another small crowds in front of the exit door.

Here's the overall crowd. Tell me, is this call madness?

Well, I heard from my friend that 2PM is coming over at Jurong Point at 3.30PM. But knows what? From the time I reached the mall, which is a little after 3.30PM, I waited for around 2 hours, but I still couldn't see any shadows of them! I guess, maybe I got the wrong information? So, instead of continuing waiting for the arrival of 2PM, I took a bus back to my boyfriend's house as he's ending work soon too. Anyway, I apologizes for not being able to take any pictures of them :( I was disappointed as well, thinking that at least I've got something to bribe some readers over to my blog. WTF?! Well, I've got some pictures of 2PM on the net for you guys to browse through, and also a MV of theirs - Hands up. It's almost repeatedly playing back at Jurong Point. I kinda like it because it's catchy :)

Cute ones.

Cool ones.

Muscular-looking ones.

Even semi-naked ones!

"Hands Up"

Well, I'm really awe by the amount of people at Jurong Point! But I think it can be understandable to some extend. If "Running Man" was to come over to Singapore to have their next episode, I would confirm want to make good use of this chance to see them face to face, and also take some pictures of them. If possible, take pictures with them too! :D But I would not start waiting for them from like 12hours before they came, I would not start purchasing their items like crazy on their day of arrival etc. I would love "Running Man" to come to Singapore! ^^ For people that don't know "Running Man", here's a random episode that I took from Youtube! :) Two members of the Korean band - 2PM, is in this episode of the video, if I'm not wrong. One of them is Nichkhun! :D That's for sure!

Join in together with their fun and laughter ^^

Okay, that's all for my trip to Jurong Point, alone~ I write about losing something for my blog title, right? Yup, that's my 'lose', for not being able to take even a single picture of the members of 2PM despite hanging out at Jurong Point for 2 hours :( But it's okay, because I did mention that I did 'gain' something back at my blog title, right? :) Well, on my bus trip back to boyfriend's house, I check my mails via my phone and guess what I saw?!



This time round, it's a $20 Cathy Cineleisure Shopping Voucher and a pair of Night Safari with trams tickets! :D You cannot guess how happy I was when I saw the message! I could always get used to the happy feeling, every time I won something from somewhere~ :D But I feel like I'm a super kiasu Singaporean to be always winning stuffs :X I was super bored at home, so I join almost every giveaways or contests that I saw to kill time~ But little did I expect that I would win so much! I totally forgotten some contests & giveaways that I've joined :X

Well, the prizes includes a pair of Night Safari with trams tickets, which means that I will finally be able to blog something interesting for you guys! :D And you guess it right! It'll be about Night Safari! Frankly speaking, I've been to the Zoo countless times, but I've NEVER been to the Night Safari before! My thinking was, "So dark, go there see what? All sleep liao lor!" But I hope that, maybe once I visited it, it'll be a whole new experience for me! :D And maybe I'll slap myself hard for having this stupid thinking for so long, and have make me miss out all the fun! :X

So, enough about my prizes! Anyway, after I saw the emails sent to me, I was super happy! My mood immediately change! From being alone and feeling irritated, I was smiling from ear to ear, until I could hardly see my eyes! :D

My expressions were kinda dramatic in the animated picture, right? After a day long of 'emo' tweets, complaining of being alone, of the big crowds, I quickly went to tweet this! The first 'happy' tweet of the day, I presume :D

Anyway, do you want to know how I win the $20 Cathy Cineleisure Shopping Voucher and a pair of Night Safari with trams tickets? It's still not too late yet! Click here to read this post, if you do not know anything about Gushcloud.

To win the $20 Cathy Cineleisure Shopping Voucher, you'll need to either tweet or share a cloud. I've already tweeted and share the cloud, so I don't have the task anymore on my board. But if I remember, I think I could vaguely recall which tweet is it. I think it is the one about the Coca-Cola Christmas Countdown Party! It's by Cineleisure, that's why.

And do you want to know how I won a pair of Night Safari with trams tickets? To be able to win the pair of Night Safari with trams tickets, you'll need to have a blog! Because it's a blogging task! So, it's quite easy to find as there's only one blogging task available right now at Gushcloud. All you need to do, is blogged about all the details that they wanted you to have in your post, send them the post URL and tadaa, you can stand to win a pair of Night Safari with trams tickets like me too! :D Click here for the post of mine ^^ Faster go blog now! :)

Okay, that's all for my post! Do hope to see you guys win the prizes like me too! :D And also stay tuned to my blog okay? I'm swear I'll come up with much more interesting post soon~ :D



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