These letters written itself inside out again.

I've got a Fanpage! :D
Thursday, November 17, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: Pouting is Out, Merry-Making is In ♥
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Hello~ I've been updating my blog regularly! If you have noticed, I post everyday starting from 10 November! I blogged because I want to write down everything that I've done, every places that I've went before. Basically, my everyday life! Because, I found out that I've got a very poor memory and sometimes, I barely remember things at all! Do you know that sometimes, I will randomly click on any post in my dashboard and read? That's why I always write in full details on what I've done and things that happened, thus making my post wordy at times. Anyway, enough about this, do you know that I actually went to create a fanpage of myself? :D See below!

Yes, the one above is my fanpage! :) I know I'm not any famous, well-known or popular blogger. I'm just a nobody! But hey, don't judge, okay? :) I created the fanpage so that I can know how many people actually enjoy reading my blog, and how many people actually read my blog. I've got no other intention of creating the fanpage because ' Ohhh.. I think I'm famous', 'I think I'm pretty well-known by now.' NO! That's not what I'm intention of creating the fanpage. You don't have to choose to like my fanpage if you don't. But if you enjoy, or you actually read my blog, I don't mind you clicking the 'Like' button :D It does no harm! :D I just hope to see that many do read my blog :)

Of course, with increasing 'Like', I'll be extremely happy, like nobody business! :D Even with very few 'Like' at my fanpage, I'll still be continue blogging! At least, this is something that I've been doing for the past 11 months, and it have become an addiction now! :D I always like doing giveaways to people but I don't know how to start it when there's like nobody knowing it! I don't want to do giveaways when there's like no one joining it and in the end, I become the winner of my own giveaways. Understand? Perhaps, I will do one when I've got much more readers :D Anyway, I shall end my post here! Hope that people who actually do read my blog will continue to enjoy reading! :D



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