These letters written itself inside out again.

王旺旺 ♥
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: Fashion Hooks x Shoponblog + I-Babydoll Event!
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Hello~ I'm back for updates! Time to play spot the difference! Anyway, did you spot any differences in my blog? There's two! I changed my side profile into different boxes instead of combining them all together into a box, did you spot it? It looks neater this way, right? And did you manage to spot another difference? Well, instead of putting words as my blog header, I make a banner myself and put it as my blog header! I'm not an professional in this, so my banner looks kinda sucks! Or is there any kind souls that wanna help me up with this? :D

My new blog banner

My banner looks like the artwork of a primary school kid! D: Anyway, back to update! Did you notice my blog title - 王旺旺? You must be wondering, what the hell is 王旺旺 supposed to mean? Well, I'm going to reveal the riddle now! If you have follow me in Twitter, you would probably know what I'm going to blog about in this post. For those that don't know, I'm going to do a post about my boyfriend's aunt's new-bought dog! And yes, his name is 王旺旺! :D Most of you must be thinking "What kind of name is this?" "This name sounds ... " It actually have a english name of Billion if I remembered correctly. Its full name is actually Billion Ong Wang Wang, following the surname of my boyfriend's aunt! Wang Wang is supposed to mean prosperity, a name that most adults in a older generation will love :D But do not judge it by its name! Wang Wang is actually a very cute and clever puppy! It's a baby mini Shih Tzu by the way. Remind me of how I always spell it wrongly - Shitzu. Direct typing, I guess :P

This post is gonna be a compile of two days' worth of pictures! So beware of the number of doggy pictures I'm gonna be posting up! And there's videos of Wang Wang doing stunts! :D If you wanna watch, you'll have to read till the end of my post because I'm gonna post it right at the end of this post. Cunning enough? :D Anyway, does anyone knows how to upload videos to Youtube? As in, do you guys know of any FREE application that allows this function? If do, formsping me and tell me, okay? :D Thanks in advance! :D


On the first day, which is 1 November, my boyfriend asked me to go up his grandmother's house as his aunt is bringing in a puppy and wanted us to see. The initial timing was actually 10PM, but we waited till 11PM, the puppy have not arrived yet! I guess good/nice thing are worth the wait. Then finally, around 11.30PM, boyfriend's aunt arrived carrying a carrier with her! Immediately, we put down the carrier and ... Dino ( Initial name given by the owner ) was in there sleeping, I guess. He's super duper cute! We carry him out and started playing with him! This is my first close contact with a dog! I'm actually afraid of dogs, but after my boyfriend's many attempt to get me interact with them, I kinda enjoy their company ^^ But still, I'm afraid of dogs! Except the ones at boyfriend's grandmother house :D

Guess who's this fellow over here inside the carrier?

The super cute Wang Wang! :D

That's us carrying Wang Wang! Ultra cute-ness! Couldn't get my eyes off it! (♥o♥)

That's Wang Wang licking Bingli's finger!
His teeth is starting to grow, thus he like to nibble/lick on fingers!

Ah Bee is smelling at Wang Wang. That's what dogs do, right?
But I think Ah Bee is jealous of Wang Wang! Dogs get jealous too, okay!

I think due to a complete strange environment, and Ah Bee, the big dog around.
Wang Wang was kinda scared and keeps himself protected under Bingli's care! :D

Wang Wang looks kinda terrified! ;'(

Boyfriend's grandmother likes Wang Wang

Initially, we didn't know what name to get for Dino, 王旺旺 was actually a joke but didn't expect that they will really used the name. Thought of name like Baobao, Baobei, but they sounds so common. Thus, we started calling Dino, 王旺旺! :D Actually, the name sounded quite style! :P If I'm able to get a dog, I would get a book of baby name and get a nice ones for him/her! :D See what a nice owner I'll be, treating him like my baby!~ :D

I guess Wang Wang was just too cute and I played with him until 1AM plus! I totally lost track of the time! Boyfriend was the one that told me, if not I will continue playing with him. So, in the end, we went back at around 1AM plus. I was lucky that my paper is at 2PM, so I couldn't have a good rest! :D But I felt sorry for boyfriend who only have a few hours of sleep! ;'( Anyway, that's all for Day 1 of the arrival of 王旺旺! Now, scroll down for Day 2! :D More of 王旺旺! ♥


( Post were not saved. I could not remember clearly what had happened, so here's the brief one about what had happened ) Today is Wang Wang second day at his new home. Couldn't get enough of Wang Wang? It's okay because I've taken a lot more pictures of Wang Wang for this part! I even took videos of Wang Wang doing stunts! Curious what he have done? Well, you've have to read my post till the end to find out! ^^ Anyway, enough talking and start staring at the pictures and videos of the cuteness of Wang Wang! :D

See who's the main character of this post?

His teeth is growing, so he'll bite anything he sees. But it's not painful at all :)

He loves people to scratch him! He'll shake his legs as if he's enjoying it very much~

Will you ever get enough of him? :)

Hello, everybody! See what's I'm gonna do ...

Squeeze squeeze squeeze...

I can make it! I'm in already!

I'm halfway there ...

And guess what happened? He give up halfway and came out because his butt is too big, I guess?

Me and Wang Wang! Though I looks ugly in here, but I can't help posting this up!
My boyfriend is a good photographer to take such slim pictures of me! :D

Pictures of boyfriend with Wang Wang~

Wang Wang always love to bite all the cloth and accumulate them at one place!

See how happy Wang Wang is~

And don't forget about Ah Bee~ :D

Check out his super cute shirt! He fight with people over this shirt! :O

And see what I've caught him doing! :O

Boyfriend with Ah Bee~ He's giving his treat!

Wang Wang looks so sad that we neglect him in this post.

Okay, don't sad~ Now, it's back to you~ :D

Wang Wang is biting boyfriend's grandmother's leg.

And see the innocent face he gave every time he does something wrong.

After a long day of playing around ...

Wang Wang is tired ...

And fall asleep on my lap! :D

Looks at how cute he's sleeping!

His eyes turned white and his tongue will stick out when he's sleeping~

Then boyfriend's aunt came back with fencing for Wang Wang. As Wang Wang is a newcomer to this family, Ah Bee could not accept the fact that a dog have come into the family and had everyone's attention, which Ah Bee used to have. Yes, Ah Bee is jealous! So, just for in case anything will happen, when the two dogs are placed together alone, that's when the fencing will be of use, to block Wang Wang away from Ah Bee as Wang Wang is only 2 months old!

Wang Wang inside the fencing.

Sorry, Wang Wang! This is only temporary!

He always give cute faces and sounds so that we will let him out.

So I went in to play with him~ :D He enjoys people's company.

After that, we went back home as it's getting late. Playing with Wang Wang always makes me lost track of the timing! Anyway, I shall end my post here. Since you guys have read my post all the way to the end, as a reward, I shall show you guys the cute video of Wang Wang doing stunt. Sorry for the lousy video quality, I'm unable to upload into Youtube :X With all the videos, I shall end my post here right then, do come back for more updates, alright?~ :D

Wang Wang rolling abilities! :D

Wang Wang jumping abilities! :D

Looks at how Wang Wang is enjoying with people giving him a rub! :D

Wang Wang and his cloth! :D

Boyfriend giving treats to Ah Bee! :D



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Make Someones Day

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Olay Project 360 (Final Episode)

Project 360 is brought to you by P&G (Olay) and Nuffnang to guide women through a total transformation.

Each week, we'll combat a different skin concern with Olay and lifestyle tips with our host, Xiaxue. Watch how our celebrity bloggers and their partners compete against one another to have the greatest transformation inside out with tips given by our different experts every week!

In this episode, the girls get together for a night of fun, laughter and pampering while they catch up and find out who the winner of the series is!

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