These letters written itself inside out again.

Outing with Peeky (2) + Kandy Kayne Sale
Saturday, November 5, 2011 ♥

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Meet up with Peeky again! :D Whatsapp with her in the morning, sending pictures of what we'll be wearing today. Though she have MIA for months, uncontactable, I'm still glad that we still can chat, joke and laugh with each other so comfortably! :D I thought that we will end up to be in an super awkward situation when we didn't talk much with each other and spent the day silently, walking side by side. I'm glad it's not! :D We are just like the old times~

Our clothing of the day~

Pictures of myself :)

As usual, we went to pray at Bugis first. 福禄寿 Temple or 观音 Temple? I still don't know! This time, I went get myself a lot and guess what lot I've got? ( You should follow my Twitter and get the lastest updates about me! )

Elyciaghf ☺♥
I got myself a good lot!

Elyciaghf ☺♥
My lot told me that both me and my family will be at peace, I'm on my way to fortune and I'll success in marriage and get a baby boy.

I do hope what the lot say is true! :D Then after that, we saw this metallic status in front of the road. I'm impressed by him for not moving for so long, somemore under the hot sun! He's wearing sunglasses because he'll need to blink his eyes at times. We put in money and he actually started to move like a robot, waving hand at us! :) The bird on his hand makes a metallic sound which make me sounds more like a robot moving! Super cool and awesome!

Taken while waiting for Peeky at MRT platform

Taken while Peeky is withdrawing money.

With Peeky :)

With the metallic statue ^^

After that, we headed to Bugis Street third level. Guess what we're doing there?

Items at the KandyKayne sale would be going at $15/piece, $25 for 2, and $30 for 3. STOREWIDE. Only from 1-6pm! Spread the word!

YES! There's sale going on at Kay Kay's shop - Kandy Kayne! You can click the name to get into her online shop. Her shop is located at Bugis Street, third level, #03-32, in front of an escalator. So, of course, Peeky and I went to her shop ^^ I managed to take pictures with Kay Kay and Eric Lim :D I didn't buy anything because I', broke, totally! D: Heard so embarrassed not to buy anything, and just go and take pictures :( Didn't manage to take with Miyake and Yutakis because I went off early :( Hope I'm able to take picture with them, some other time :)

With Eric Lim :)

With Kay Kay :)

Sexy picture of Peeky taken by me! ^^

After that, we went for late lunch and also charge our phone at the free charging service at Bugis Street, third level. I love their sweet chilli sauce that doesn't have any taste of chilli at all! It's really nice, for me. Peeky doesn't like their chilli sauce though. We went off to Marina Bay after our lunch and rest, as the sky is turning dark and Peeky have photoshoot session. Then we took the shuttle bus from there, and went to meet the photographer at Marina Barrage.

Peeky being photographed.

Taken during Peeky's photoshoot session.

How do I look with short hair? ^^

Change of location.

Due to the hot weather, I tied up a bun.

Showing off my bun, (which not nice at all).

More pictures of myself ^^

When the sky is turning dark, the photographer wanted a change of location as Marina Barrage is too dark to take any nice pictures already. Went off to somewhere near Singapore River(?) to take more pictures as the shoot is until 8.30PM. You couldn't guess how tired I was! I was longing for a big comfy bed to appear right in front of me! D:

With Peeky.

Myself ^^

Finally, after the shoot had ended. We were all super hungry! We were thinking of places to eat like 老巴刹 ( Lau Pau Sar ) for our dinner. But in the end, we went to Marina Bay Link Center and settled our dinner at 鼎泰丰 ( Ding Tai Feng ) instead as we thought that the only shop left. But when we left, we realised that there's a ramen shop just beside it!

鼎泰丰 ( Ding Tai Feng )

My Pork Chop Fried Rice.

Thanks the photographer for treating us! :D Anyway, after our meal, we walked a long way until we finally Raffles MRT station! Shall treat is as after-meal-exercise then. Parted with Peeky and took the same train as the photographer because coincidentally, he's staying in Batok too! When I've reached Batok, I asked my boyfriend to come over to fetch me as I'm really tired! D: I shall end my post here, do stay tune for the upcoming blog post, alright? :D



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Make Someones Day

Acts of kindness, both big and small, happen to us every day. It just takes a little appreciation to really bring out the joy of kindness and make it blossom. With a simple smile, wave or “thank you”, you could put a smile on everyone’s face and inspire even more kind deeds. Together, we can help kindness grow all over Singapore.

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Olay Project 360 (Final Episode)

Project 360 is brought to you by P&G (Olay) and Nuffnang to guide women through a total transformation.

Each week, we'll combat a different skin concern with Olay and lifestyle tips with our host, Xiaxue. Watch how our celebrity bloggers and their partners compete against one another to have the greatest transformation inside out with tips given by our different experts every week!

In this episode, the girls get together for a night of fun, laughter and pampering while they catch up and find out who the winner of the series is!

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