These letters written itself inside out again.

Music, K-Pop, Games - All in one!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 ♥

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This is going to be an interesting post besides about my daily life! :D I'm using IPhone, so I'm not sure if the below applications is available in Blackberry, Android etc. You can check it out whether if the applications I'm going to introduce is in your phone - Blackberry, Android etc. If your phone doesn't have the applications that I'm introducing, you can perhaps borrow your friend's IPhone when you're out together and download them to play! ^^ You don't have to worry, the applications are all FREE ( temporary) ! :D So, faster download before it's NOT free!

I bet many people loves music and games, and not to miss out K-Pop! :D But, won't it be much more enjoyable if you're able to access all of them as ONE! Yes, games which have K-Pop and other musics! I think most of you should know what I'm going to introduce already, right? I've a total of 5 such games in store for all of you! :D

1) 乐动达人 ( Le Dong Da Ren )

乐动达人 is a game with songs by Chinese celebrity. Jay Chou, Jolin Tsui and James Hsiao! Are they your favourite Taiwanese singers? :) 乐动达人is a game that you have to finish playing each song, before you can get access to the next song. And each time, the difficulty level will increase too! This is probably one of my boyfriend's favourite game applications because James Hsiao is his all-time favourite singers and one of his favourite DJ Max song is inside too!

Click on the first button to enter.

There's Jay Chou's, Jolin Tsui's and James Hsiao's song.

There's two cartoon songs too! They're the most difficult ones!

My boyfriend's favourite DJ Max song :)

This is how it looks like when playing :)

This is the application to download :)

2) Katy Perry Revenge

I'm sure you all must be familiar with who Katy Perry is, right? She's the one who sings "Fireworks", "E.T" etc. This application was actually downloaded by my little cousin, and I found this to be really fun! :D But there's only two songs available in this game. You can unlock the full game, but it will actually costs $4.99 at Apps Store!

You can click "Full Version" if you don't mind paying $4.99.

The only two songs that's available!
But there's difficulty level between easy to extreme to choose from.

I just find that this loading page is nice! ^^

How it looks like when playing :)

This is the application to download :)

3) Tap Tap Muppets

Chinese songs, English songs, what about some cartoon songs? :) Do you still remember "The Muppets"? Recently, I did a post about them! Click here to read. There's only two songs available in "Tap Tap Muppets". But know what, you can actually click "Download Remaining Tracks", which is under the songs and get extra songs for FREE! :D

It's "Tap Tap Muppets"! :D

Other than "Play", you can check out others buttons too!

Their videos, under "Videos"

Their Bio-data, under "About"

or their updates, under "Social".

The only 2 pathetic songs, but fret not ...

because you can actually download them for FREE~!

See! I've got a lot songs already! ^^

You can choose the difficulty for your song.

This is how it looks like when playing.
Lke a mini concert going on, huh? :)

This is the application to download :)

4) Girls' Generation SHAKE

Okay, after introducing Chinese, English and cartoon songs, here comes the K-POP! :D I've got two K-Pop games to introduce, and here's the first one! GIRL GENERATION! *Screams* Anyone is fan of SNSD? Well, you must be lucky as you can download their game for FREE! :D But there's only like three FREE songs available. You got to pay for the rest of the songs and their cards. Yeah, you can win cards when you play their games! Exciting, isn't it? :) But another sad thing is that, the three FREE songs, are all short play, NOT the full songs :( But, it's still fun~

I love their main page of the game ^^

You can also find out more about them and their events, under "About".

There's two different types - Tap and Shake.

You can also change the difficulty level and mode.

There's only short play :(

( Left ) Tap version and ( Right ) Shake version.

You could also make your own note! ^^

This is the application to download :)

It's at the "Top Free" categories if you couldn't find it.

5) Super Junior SHAKE

Here's the last game I'm gonna introduce! :) After introducing, the previous game - Girls' Generation SHAKE, what about some boy band this time? Yeah, let me hear your screams! It's SUPER JUNIOR! Actually, their games are almost the same, just that you get to play the FULL song at Super Junior SHAKE! Awesome, right? If you found the full song to be way to long, there's the short play too! And this is way challenging than Girls' Generation SHAKE! :D

You can start screaming when you enter the game!

More detailed instructions about the game.

You can also find out more about them and their events, under "Super Junior".

There's two different types - Tap and Shake.

You can also change the difficulty level and mode.

You could also make your own note! ^^

As you can see, there's the short play and full play!

How it looks like when playing :)
( Left ) Tap version and ( Right ) Shake version.

This is the application to download :)

This shall be the end of my games' introduction! Do you guys prefer posts like this? Do drop some comments at my Formspring ^^ Hope you guys have fun playing! :) My boyfriend's favourite is the 乐动达人 ( Le Dong Da Ren ), while mine favourite is the Girls' Generation SHAKE and Super Junior SHAKE! Which is your favourite games of all? :D



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