These letters written itself inside out again.

Corrine's Wedding + ( Movie ) The Adventure of Tin Tin
Saturday, November 12, 2011 ♥

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Today, ( the day after 11/11/11) my cousin, Corrine is getting married! Congrats! :D I wake up at early morning 4AM! I was supposedly to wake up at 3.30AM, but my parent overslept for 30 minutes, but it's okay, I get to sleep for another 30 minutes. Faster went to prepare myself and then my boyfriend fetched me over to my cousin's house and we reached at 5AM. I was actually the earliest to reach my cousin's house! From there, I know that the time to reach is actually 5.30AM instead of 5AM! My grandmother lied to me because she's scared I'll be late! :(

A picture of me, with my make-up.

Random picture of me with my bridesmaid dress.

My bridal wristband(?) Is that what you called it?

With my cousins - (Left) The doorguy/brother and (Right ) One of the bridesmaid.

For this post, I didn't take lots of picture. Apologies for that. I was too busy to take any pictures or videos. So please bear with the limited number of pictures that I have. Well, let me introduce you some of the pranks that we have come up with, for the gate crashing. I guess this shall be the most favorite part of this post :D

The 1st Prank

Guess what is that tube of green thing besides all those toothbrush? It's actually WASABI! Our pranks were all sort of like inter-linked together with each other. For the first gate-crashing prank, we were be asking the groom :"You must have rush to come here. Have you forgotten to brush your teeth before coming?" etc. No matter what answer the groom gives, we'll still be giving him and his brothers the toothbrush-ful of wasabi to brush it with.

And on the actual, the groom actually answered us that he didn't brush your teeth at all before coming! Bad luck for him & his brothers! But another bad thing is that, the groom actually eat wasabi! So, this prank is kinda like a failure because it actually took no effect on him though I put two layered on his special toothbrush because he's late! But his brothers was different cases. One of them actually cried when brushing his teeth with wasabi!

The orange toothbrush was the groom's. Spot that it actually have one extra layer of wasabi.

After that, we actually offered them packs of Lemon Barley after they have finished brushing their teeth with wasabi. But, we aren't that good! We offered them a price of $88 for each packet of Lemon Barley! And of course, they rather taste wasabi than lemon barley~ "Tough" guy!

$88 worth of Lemon Barley.

The 2nd Prank

Guess what these two red pails are for? Spot the mahjong tiles, ice and water? My cousin is someone who loves playing mahjong! So we came up with this prank, whereby the groom and brother have to blindfold themselves with the eye shield that we've provided for them.

Then after the eye shield, they will have to be separated into two groups and be in competition mood with each other. In different pails, there're different mahjong tiles. One group have to take up 大四喜 among all the other mahjong tiles, and another have take up 一条龙 among the other mahjong tiles too. Being blindfolded is the challenge, they will have to feel the tiles with their finger tips to get the correct ones. The faster group to complete it win this competition! :D

That's me playing around with the eye shield.

Bloody red lipstick

Of course, to add on to excitement. We prepare two lip sticks in bloody red color! The winning group can get to use this lip stick to draws on the people that's in the losing team. But both team took off their eye shield and expect us not to know! So, in the end, both teams were punished! I don't have pictures of their clown faces with me! But the groom definitely is the funniest! :D

The 3rd Prank

Here comes the last prank! After the 2nd prank, the groom will be able to come in the house, but that's not all! Inside the house, we've another prank up our sleeves for them! We prepare two song videos, 对你爱不完 by Aaron Kwok and 你是我的花朵 by 伍佰. These two songs are the most classic songs ever! And their mission? They'll have to choose between these two songs, and dance according to the videos and sing the song, of the video they have choose! :D

You couldn't imagine how funny they're dancing! They choose 你是我的花朵 by 伍佰. After their dance, I'm supposed to walk towards them, and told the groom that the room key is with my aunty which is my cousin's mother, and his job is supposed to go forward and ask his mother-to-be if she can pass him the key and marry his daughter to him. My aunty will asked him: "What you like about my daughter?" Basically, the groom gives super nice answer and got the key :D

After that, we headed off to the groom's house. Started our photo spam with my cousins~ And I realised that I looks super fat! And why my head like so small one? Super weird proportion! At least give me a slim body to match with my small face la! Haha! Then after that, when we're going back to cousin's house, Xiaoling and I requested to sit together with the brides and groom! Because their car is damn awesome, with detachable top! Cool! :D

With my cousins~

I look so happy with the ang bao! :D

SNAPSHOT! Spotted my weird body proportion?

The guys' superman pose!

The two super cute teddy bear! :D

Don't be bluffed by my neat appearance...

Enough of the neat appearances! Show you guys the messy ones!


With Xiaoling Cousin.

So, we're back to my cousin's house again. I waited for the couple to left the house, before I started bathing and changing into another outfit for the wedding lunch. Others started changing and preparing too, at the moment the couple left the house. We have to rush because there's a shuttle bus that's fetching us over to the hotel where the lunch is held. I wore the outfit that I bought yesterday at Bugis Street. Yes, it's that $10 pink dress! :)

Myself~ ( I wink like an idiot! )

With my lovely small cousins~

The Three Musketeer ~

When the shuttle bus have arrived, we boarded it and it took us all the way to Park Royal hotel. We went up to the ballroom, but the bridesmaid, which also includes me, were stopped to sit outside to entertain the guests that's coming. But instead, we started taking pictures again!~

With the bridesmaid~

A group photo of the bridesmaid! :)

With the other cousins.

A group photo of all us all! :D

My super duper cute cousin playing with the bubbles~

Of course, cannot miss out - MYSELF! :D

Here's my wishes (drawing) to my cousin and her husband!
I'm sorry, I'm a bit rush so the faces were distorted!

After most of the guests have arrived, we finally get to go in the ballroom! I shouldn't talk bout the dishes, I only find some of the dishes delicious. I love their braised(?) mini octopus at the appetiser dish! Anyway, I should show you guys the awesome door gifts they have! :D

Can you guess what is this?

It's actually a super duper cute poker card! :D

Can you guess what inside this box?

It's actually a mug?! :D

I swear, these are the best door gifts I ever received in all the wedding that I've attended! :D After the lunch have ended, all of us went up to cousin's hotel room to chillax first! Actually, cousins and I have decided to head to Bugis to watch the movie "The Adventure of Tin Tin". But unfortunately, it's raining, so we could only wait at the room first~

With my cousins~

When the rain is getting smaller, we faster head out and flag for taxi. There's around 9 of us, so we need to get 3 taxis! We didn't know that it's so hard to get a taxi over there! So, finally we get 2 taxis and it's only left with me and Yeefei ( the botak one ). We waited for the longest time for the taxi! Eventually, the bus came first, so we boarded the bus instead! #patheticlife The others that have reached there early, bought the tickets for us first. As there's still time left, we decided to head to the arcade! We played the basketball machine and it's was lots of fun! :D At least I could still score in! :D After that, we head back to the cinema for our movie! :D

Me with Tin Tin! :D

Cousins - HuiJin & Daniel with Tin Tin!

How can we miss out - GROUP PHOTO! :D

It's been very long since I last watched a movie! The last movie that I've watched is "Fright Night" which is like one month ago and I'm able to watch because I won the tickets. If I haven't won the tickets for "Fright Night", my last movie will be 2 months ago, when I'm watching "The Smurf"! D: HOW LONG IS THAT?! Anyway, I shall get back to the topic! So finally, I'm watching "The Adventure of Tin Tin" with cousins! I've never attend any cousins' outings! :X

Have anyone of you watched Tin Tin's books/comics before? Well, I do! :) I swear I can hooked on to its comic, and solve the mystery alongside with Tin Tin! :) So, I do expect a lot from this movie! But sadly, I don't find the movie to be nice at all :( Definitely, there's some parts that's really awesome! But the climax part, which is in the middle of the movie, doesn't sounds or seems to be interesting at all! Most of my cousins were sleeping in the middle of the movie, and to my surprise, I actually yawned so many times watching a movie! Anyway, these are my own personal opinion, you don't have to hear my reviews on it! Maybe some of you might finds the interesting part of the movie, not like I do. Anyway, I shall end this blog post with the trailer of "The Adventure of Tin Tin"! Do stay tuned to my blog, alright! :D



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