These letters written itself inside out again.

Collection of prizes from Gushcloud
Saturday, November 19, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: You lose something, You gain something :)
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I'm back for update! Anyway, have you read my previous post - "You lose something, You gain something :)"? If you haven't, click here or click "Older Post" to read! If you've read, you would probably know that I've actually won a $20 Cathay Cineleisure Shopping Voucher and also a pair of Night Safari with Tram Tickets! :D Have you join yet?

After I've received the email of winning the prizes, I went to collect them the next day ( which is today! ) as it's a weekend and I've got no activities going on. Before my boyfriend and I head down to Cineleisure to collect the prizes, we went to Pearl Hill Terrace to look for Bingli and her boyfriend first. We went to have dinner, and have a chat together. Look what we've found at Pearl Hill Terrace?! :D Someone put G-string on a status! Bingli had already whatsapp-ed us this picture before we arrived there! It's super entertaining! At first, I thought it was Bingli's prank! But it's not! :D

When Bingli's boyfriend is done with his tattoo session, we bid goodbye to each other because Bingli and her boyfriend is going to Liang Court, while my boyfriend and I need to go to Cineleisure to redeem the prizes from there. When we reached Cineleisure, the receptionist have gone out for dinner and will only be back in awhile time. So, my boyfriend and I decided to walk around Scape first. There were hell lots of people, and my boyfriend gets irritated because he hates crowded places. We went to chillax at a place first before going back to redeem the prizes.

Lucky the receptionist was back on time because I couldn't stand waiting at there for another minute more. And for the $20 Cathay Cineleisure Shopping Voucher, there's actually two! One for tweeting it on Twitter, and another one for sharing it on Facebook. So, I've two $20 Cathay Cineleisure Shopping Voucher! :D And besides, the $20 Cathay Cineleisure Shopping Voucher and the pair of Night Safari with Tram Tickets, they actually give me extra 2 more Timezone arcade card! I think it's given together with the $20 Cathay Cineleisure Shopping Voucher.

My prizes from Gushcloud ^^

1) - One of the $20 Cathay Cineleisure Shopping Voucher.

It's for Javier's - Rotisserie and Salad Bar.

2) Another $20 Cathay Cineleisure Shopping Voucher.

It's for Artease Cafe.

Check out the cute doodling design on the voucher! ^^

3) The 2 Timezone arcade card given together with the shopping voucher!

4) A pair of Night Safari with Tram Tickets! :D

It's actually available till end of this year! ^^

When the receptionist was repeatedly taking things out for me, I was hopping that she would not stop and continue to take things out for me :P #superkiasu! After I've taken my prizes, my boyfriend decided to head to his grandmother's house to look at Wang Wang! :D It's been quite sometime since I last saw him, and during this period of time, he have become much more naughty! He bites almost everything he saw and if he can't get to bite it, he actually bark at you! He wanted to bite my finger, and he barks when I don't let him! He's already starting to show his true nature already! Here's some pictures that I managed to take, he was moving non-stop and it's hard to take decent ones!

He looks so cute in here, right? Almost like an angel!~

Why you look so blur? :D

Why you so good sit besides me?

OMG! So, you actually have a motive for doing that!
He's biting my pants, for your information! :O

Besides accompanying Wang Wang, we also have fun chatting with boyfriend's grandmother ^^ After that, boyfriend and I head back to his house already, to have an early nap as tomorrow is a busy day for both us! Wanna know what we're up to? Stay tuned for my next post then! I shall end my post here ^^



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Refer a friend and get rewarded with $1!

Get your friends to join Churp Churp and start sharing to get rewards! We're giving you $1 for every friend you invite into our community, so what are you waiting for? Get your friends to jump on board and be part of the excitement today!

The more, the merrier!

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The BK way of Chicken

Burger King Singapore has just launched the BK Dojo with a new game “Spice and Slice”, where you can be trained by the Chicken Master in the BK Way of Chicken.

Learn the sacred art of making the NEW Spicy Panini Tendergrill Chicken Sandwich and Spicy Panini Tendercisp Chicken Sandwich and find out what spices make the BK Spicy Panini sandwiches so flavourful. The top 5 spice slicers each week will walk away with TEN Spicy Panini Chicken sandwiches each. The top 20 spice slicers each week will also be entered into a lucky draw to win an iPad 2 at the end of 7 weeks of the contest.

Remember, other spice tickles. Real spice tingles and tingles and tingles.
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