These letters written itself inside out again.

Adoption of Tixie + Isadora's Full Month Celebration
Sunday, November 20, 2011 ♥

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Have you read my previous post? Are you curious what I'm up to when you read the last part of my previous post? Well, if you're reading this right now, you're about to find out! :D So, when my boyfriend and I have wake up, he went to prepare himself and then fetch me back home to let me prepare while he went to get the car from uncle. When I'm done, I went down to meet up with my boyfriend and he drove us to Telok Blangah for a little surprise! ^^

Sorry for the self-obsession! All taken on the way to Telok Blangah! ^^

With boyfriend!

So, are you curious what are we doing at Telok Blangah? I can't tell you yet, but I will tell you all in awhile time. I wanna make you guys heart itch! :) So here's some pictures while waiting for the little surprise ^^

My boyfriend and I :D

Never-ending self obsession!

My boyfriend got bored of waiting and started playing around~

Okay, so are you guys now ready to find out what the little surprise is? Here's is it ...



He's such a cutie, isn't he? :D I totally love the colour contrast of his fur - grey and white! If you have been reading my blog, you should also know that I've adopted two rabbits before - Dixie and Pixie! ^^ I was troubled with his name. I wanted the name to end with ' -ixie '. There's wasn't much alphabets left that's suitable. So, I tweeted for suggestions...

Elyciaghf ☺♥
What to name for my next rabbit?!?! One Dixie, one Pixie. So next is ( )ixie?

Elyciaghf ☺♥
Tomorrow got car ^^ And also viewing of my rabbit! Named is Kixie or Tixie? Or is there others nicer ones?

Lucky, there actually someone that replied my tweet!

tixie sound cuter!

So, in end, I named my new rabbit - Tixie! ^^ Hello, Tixie! :D He's the second lop-ear rabbit that I have! Pixie is a lop-ear too! ^^ Welcome to the family! :D After we've taken the rabbit over from his previous owner, we went back to boyfriend's house to place him down. Tixie is enormous! And he got this bad habit of stomping his feet! Looks like he got a pretty nasty temper, uh? But nope, he's actually fun to play with and allow stranger's touch ^^

After we've settled down Tixie, my boyfriend and I relaxed at his house for awhile, watching this Korean drama - 恋人, which is my boyfriend's favourite and at the same time, wait for Bingli to finish preparing before going over to fetch her and head to Isadora's Full Month! :D Curious who Isadora is, right? you'll find out later ^^

Taken in the car while waiting

With boyfriend ^^

Some funky shots ^^

After we have fetched Bingli, we head over to Isadora's Full Month celebration ^^ Wondering who's Isadora? Well, she's Hweexian's daughter! :D Finally, I get to see her face to face! :D

Venue for the celebration.


We went there late, so they have already cut the cake! :(

Some decorations on her cake :)


Snacks and desert corner!

Hampers for the colouring contest that I've heard about.

Isadora's presents! ^^ Spotted mine? :D


With Hweexian, Isadora's mother~

With Olivia! :D

Myself ^^

Candid shot of boyfriend by Olivia!

Animated picture with Olivia and Hweexian! ^^ Cute, right?~

After the main character today, Isadora and Hweexian left for another place, all of us went off too. Boyfriend fetched Olivia and Zhiyang back to Olivia's house, before we head to Daiso at IMM :D

Daiso - The always $2 place! :D

Preparation for Christmas! :D

We were fooling around with the head decoration! :D

Couldn't miss out - Mrs Claus! :D

This is so funny! She's trying to wear the sock! :D

Then we head off to other section ...

Playing around with snow cap!

Just like a cow girl! Heehaw!

Us with a super cute and fluffy ear-muff!

There's a lot of girls' products ranging from ...

Cute hair accessories,

Nail polishes,

Lots of fake eyelashes and many other more!

There's pets' clothing and toys too! :D

Not to forget, TIDBITS! :D

We walked around Daiso for nearly an hour! I was broke, so I couldn't get any stuffs at all! :( I wanted to get all those Christmas' funky head decoration! D: But looking from the pictures, you should know that we were having lots of fun! :D My boyfriend bought a pets' nail clipper, pets' grooming comb and a wooden container for the hay! :D

Stuffs that my boyfriend bought.

Wooden container for hay~

Pets' grooming comb and nail clipper.

After we have left Daiso, we went to Giant for a short grocery shopping. Boyfriend get himself some finger foods from there. When we were leaving IMM, it started to rain heavily! We went back to boyfriend's house first to put his foods into the refrigerator, before it's spoilt. Luckily, there were umbrellas on the car! After placing everything in the refrigerator, we head to Bingli's boyfriend's house. Bingli wanted to teach me some computer skills using her boyfriend's laptop. We spent around going 2 hours there, and went off when the rain started to become smaller.

Boyfriend came over to my house first. We need to move Pixie to my boyfriend's house. And for your information, Tixie, my new rabbit will be placed at my boyfriend's house too. I've too many rabbits at home, and my house is out of place to place them, so I moved them to my boyfriend's house instead. I'll need to go to my boyfriend's house everyday to change their cages! D: When we were leaving my house, we saw something interesting. Rows of swallows sleeping!

Cool? :D

When we've moved Pixie out of my house, we carried her with the cage all the way down and she's really heavy! Placed her in the car and off we go to boyfriend's house. Now, both my lop-ear rabbit are at my boyfriend's house! I do hope that both of them won't fight with each other! My Dixie and Pixie will fight when placed near each other and I don't know why :( Anyway, I think I shall end my post here, with some pictures of Pixie and Tixie! :D Are you confused with the names already? :P Do stay tuned to my blog, alright? :D

Pixie and Tixie! ^^



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The BK way of Chicken

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Remember, other spice tickles. Real spice tingles and tingles and tingles.

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