These letters written itself inside out again.

HuiShan's Belated Birthday Celebration!
Saturday, October 8, 2011 ♥

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Hello! I'm finally back on update! :D It's been so long already, for like more than a week already? Anyway, I went to meet up with some of my friends to celebrate Huishan's belated birthday! :D Happy Sweet 16th Birthday, NgHuiShan! :D Sorry that I didn't get you any present, but I do hope you enjoyed that day ^^

Well, I went to meet Jave, Zolynne and MaiSarah at Mr Brown Cafe first and I was late! :X But the birthday girl was even worse! When I reached Somerset, she's just waiting for train! O.O As MaiSarah was hungry, we went to Cineleisure first. Accompany Jave to buy new Vans shoes before we unanimously decide to head to Pasta Mania for lunch. I've this strong craving for baked rice for the longest time ever! :D And of course, I ordered baked rice! :D Finally!~

Jave and MaiSarah browsing through the menu. Look at their expressions~

Zolynne and me! I looks damn mature-looking ( old ) in these pictures! D:

Random pictures taken when we're waiting for our baked rice to arrived.
Jave and I ordered the same food, and drinks. Hi-5! :D

Our waiting number tag and ( Right ) Zolynne is posing with them :D

Finally, my baked rice arrived! Yumyum~

Our side dishes - Cheese sticks and Calamari

See how happy Jave is when the baked rice arrived! Pictures can prove! :D

I also cannot lose to him! I want a picture with my baked rice too! ^^

Look at the hungry MaiSarah :D

The contented looks on their face :)

Then finally, the birthday girl arrived! :D

Candid pictures taken by Jave. I looks so unglam in here! D:

After that, we rest awhile at Pasta Mania to let the food digest. Then, when we're going out for a smoking break, we saw this "Sticky" shop. I think everyone knows what Sticky is, right? Attracted by the vibrant colours and candies, we went in and take a look. In the end, we bought a few small packets of it. I didn't get it though, but if anyone wants to buy, get the singlish language one! It's damn cute with all the Singaporeans' catchy phrase! >.<

Huishan and Zolynne.

Zolynne and Jave.

Huishan, Zolynne and me! :D

Zolynne and her buddy.

I remember MaiSarah gave me and Huishan tried one of the Sticky candies that she bought and knows what? When I put it in my mouth, it's super sour! Huishan spit it out immediately! While, I went on putting in my mouth until I couldn't stand and spit it out too! And when we're out for a smoking break, we're all taking pictures again! :D

Caught in action! :D

( Left ) Huishan and me ( Right ) Zolynne and Jave

Huishan with ( Left ) MaiSarah and ( Right ) Jave.

And of course, with me! :D

Jave, Huishan and me! :D All the "black" people!~

And also not to miss out ... GROUP PHOTOS! :D

Candid snapshot by me and it turns up really good ^^

Zolynne and me! :D

Jave and me! :D

And guess what this crazy girl is doing for a picture? ^^

In co-ordination with the Halloween. I thought it's a Haunted House at first :\

Then after that, MaiSarah and co went to Shangri-La to look for Nurin while Huishan, Zolynne, Jave and I head to Ion as Jave have this suddenly craving of eating 小霸王's crispy chicken. And guess what? Within a hour's time, we had our second meal of the day! Oh my god! :O We have extraordinary appetite on that day! Lol!

Pranking Jave by putting this sticker on his back :)

小霸王 :D

Jave and Zolynne.

Jave's crispy chicken.

Huishan's braised pork rice! It's super nice, I swear!

My mee sua, which I throw away without finishing it :/

Some typical food-eating pose! :D

We're taking pictures with the nice lightning ^^

After our second meal at 小霸王, we head back to Cineleisure again, as Ah Denz have reached there early to give me Xiao Ke's letter. He was rather angry because he came down early for us, in the end, when he arrived, we're all at somewhere else! Lol! Meet him at Cineleisure and got my two letter from him! ^^ I was so happy that I read it on the spot! My girl have definitely change, because her handwriting is 100times nicer than before and I almost suspect that she actually asked someone else to write this letter for her! O.O

My two letter from Xiao Ke ^^

After that, I was given a secret mission by Zolynne and Jave. My mission is to accompany Huishan while they secretly went to buy birthday cake for her! ( How I wish that on my birthday, my friends or anyone could do this to me too! By giving me a surprise! )': ) So, I went to accompany Huishan to look at nail polishes and even went to flea. But Huishan wasn't dumb and realised what was happening because she kept asking me what Jave and Zolynne are up to. Well, I didn't tell her and pretend that I didn't know anything. Lol!

Went to flea to find Huishan's friend who happened to have a stall there and I also got myself a tube dress and a mustard polka dot bag :D Actually I wanna get more things but because Scape was super stuffy, and Huishan and I couldn't the heat anymore! I was perspiring like free flow! If only they can renovate Scape into indoor with air conditioner! D: I wouldn't mind shopping the whole day long at Scape if it's air conditioned! The heat turns me off! D:

After we are done, we head back to Cineleisure to find Zolynne and Jave. Lucky they have already bought the cake and placed it at Ah Denz's working place before Huishan came to find them. When we've meet up with each other, we went to the Neoprints shop and took neoprints together! Oh my! It's been freaking long since I last took neoprints! :O

Me and Huishan

Neoprints machine are always one of the nicest place to take pictures in ^^

Decorating our neoprints! ^^
It's Huishan's first try in decorating neoprints!

Our neoprints! ^^

Mirror reflection at Neoprints shop.

After our neoprints taking session, we head to Shokudo to have our third meal of the day!

Reserved by Ah Denz

Shokudo - Japanese Coffee House! :D

Snapshot of Zolynne and Jave browsing through the menu.

He's giving me funny faces!

While waiting for food ....

Revenge on me! Am ugly snapshot of me! >:(

Zolynne and Jave.

Me and Huishan

Taken using WeCamera. Nice effect, right?

Finally, our food arrived! ...

Jave told us that this is Japanese pizza.

Crispy sushi! Nice!~

Zolynne's Takoyaki!

Very big serving of fish and chip!

Jave's dinner! The egg looks delicious~

Then, we surprise Huishan with a birthday cake! :D Below is the video ^^

Look at this super shy birthday girl! :D

Happy Birthday! :D

The green tea with red bean cake! It's super nice, I swear! :D

Pictures with the cake decorations.

With Huishan ^^

Last but not least, thanks Ah Denz for making the surprise successful! :D

After our meal at Shokudo, we went to the top level to check on the EMax. But in the end, we didn't went for EMax as the time wasn't allowing us! :( So, we rested at the sofa for the longest time ever, doing nothing! We wanted to do something exciting, but we just couldn't think of anywhere to go too! After that, Jave went to pick Kak Tatia up. I was shocked by her Halloween make up! She have got the darkest eyes ever! :O And we have been there quite awhile talking with each other about recent stuffs and happenings. Then, we went off to other place.

Saw this enormous Chowchow on the street! It's almost like a baby bear!

We hangout with each other for awhile, and head back home because we wanna catch the last train. How I wish we could spent more time together because it's really fun and enjoyable! Looking forward to the next outing with Zolynne, Jave and Huishan! ^^ Anyway, I shall end my blog post with the loots that I've gotten in the Scape flea with Huishan ^^

Mustard polka dots bag.

It's metal chained handle.

The handle is adjustable! Handbag or shoulderbag? :D

Beige chiffon tube dress.

The chiffon tube line!

It's stretchable ~

And could also tie a ribbon at the back!



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