These letters written itself inside out again.

New Pair of Chinchillas!
Sunday, September 18, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: A day work @ 小霸王 + Boyfriend's Aunt's Birthday Dinner
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I'm posting this post using my IPhone! Actual, it's only for the first sentence and the pictures. I realise that I couldn't arrange pictures in the 'Blogger' app that I've downloaded recently. So, I came back to using computer to update my blog again. What's the point? :\ Anyway, I haven't been touching my blog for a week already! Haven't been planning any events for the week, thus there's nothing really 'exciting' to be posting about. And finally, I've something to blog about! Though I know that it's gonna be short, bored and not 'exciting' :\ What's worse, it's gonna to be about pets again! I'm scared that my over-enthusiastic with animals/pets will bored you readers out, one day :( But I think, the cuteness of these animals/pets will melt your hearts~ :D

Anyway, do you guys remember where we adopted Cookie from? If you can't remember, click here to read about it. So, this time, if you have read my blog title, my boyfriend and I are going to have a second pair of chinchillas! :D And we're adopting from the same owner, the one whom we adopted Cookie from :) Apparently, the owner's favourite chinchilla was dead this year-mid. She was actually bringing it over to overseas with her, as she's going to migrate this December. So, with her favourite chinchilla dead, she was depressing. She wanted to give her chinchillas away, as she couldn't bear to see another one found dead again. She trusted us with her chinchillas, as my boyfriend will give her updates about Cookie, who was previously own by her.

So, today, both my boyfriend and I head down to her house to fetch the pair the chinchillas to new home :D The owner also own a holland lop mix breed rabbit, and she wanted to give it to me! :D Because, as I say, she migrating already, so she couldn't bring it along with her. I actually wanted to take it with me as Dixie is rather alone, with no one to play with :( But I have lots of things to worry about, and put into consideration - the cage and wonder if they can get along. But the owner gave me a grace period to think about it, so I shall use this time to think wisely.

After we've placed the pair of chinchillas separately into two carriers (to prevent fight, in case they couldn't get along with each other), we've a short chat with the owner. The owner is seriously a nice person ^^ Shall contact her again when I wanted to adopt her rabbit ^^ My boyfriend fetched me back to his house, and then, we started with our chinchilla business! :D

Our two carriers.

One of the adopted chinchillas. The owner calls it Fafa.
But my boyfriend and I have yet think of a new name for it.

I guess Fafa is not used getting into new environment. He immediately ran away from us and hide under the Tv set when we opened the carrier. Both my boyfriend and I had a hard time catching him! When we caught him after much efforts, Fafa's body was full of dust! :O

Fafa hiding under the Tv set.

Boyfriend cleaning the dust off Fafa.

Some pictures of Fafa.

Cannot forget about Chopper

After settling down Fafa, next we are going to settle down the next chinchilla, Dodo. If you're observant enough, you can find out that the owner actually named all her chinchillas according to musical notes - Do Re Mi Fa So La. Super cool right? We've got her Do Mi Fa :D Anyway, Dodo is a good girl as she's easy to handle and she doesn't run away like Fafa does :)

Dodo in the carrier, waiting to be in her new home :)

Dodo in her new home ^^

Both my boyfriend and I took almost the whole day before we finally settled down the new chinchillas! Halfway, we even went to Westmall's Pet Lovers Centre to get new water bottle for them. It's so tiring~ Then problems come again ... Boyfriend's shower tap was spoil, water kept coming out like free flow! So, we went to get a new one to change it, but in the end, it wasn't the right one! So, with no choice left, boyfriend have to switch off the water supply. Luckily, beforehand, few bucketful of water was filled already. So, there's still some water to use. Went to have late dinner with boyfriend after everything's done. Shower tap was fixed in the end after boyfriend's mother and her boyfriend came back. What a day!~



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