These letters written itself inside out again.

A day work @ 小霸王 + Boyfriend's Aunt's Birthday Dinner
Sunday, September 11, 2011 ♥

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This is not going to be another pet post! Apparently, I'M GOING TO WORK ON A SUNDAY! Ya, kinda spoil my mood and to add on, it's the last day of my September Holiday and I'm going to work?! But it's okay, at least I earn extra cash to go in my pocket :D I've a friend who's working at this shop called the 小霸王, have anyone heard before? It's a shop that sells Taiwanese snacks. You'll be shocked to know who the bosses are! But I'll be holding it until the back! :D

So, I actually woke up at 6am! Just like school days, but it's on a Sunday morning! Prepare myself and went to take the train to Raffles Place to meet with the other lovelies that have been asked to work too! Today is their grand opening and they seriously short on staffs! That's why we're given the opportunity to work at 小霸王. We haven't meet together for a long and now we're meeting with each other, to go to work together?! Sounds so ironic to me! :D

Some pictures taken at home before going to work.

And, guess what? I've reached there too early! And most of my friends haven't wake up yet when I'm already out! Oh gosh! I've to repeatedly call my friends with don't know how many calls before they finally wake up! One of my friend thought that it's 7am when I call her, but it's actually 8am already! So, she faster went to prepare herself as we are supposed to meet each other at Raffles Place Mrt Station at 8.45am!? But luckily, when I reached Raffles Place Mrt, Vivian have shortly arrived too, after me! So, I should be glad that I wasn't alone afterall :D

With Vivian :D

Then Jave arrived too! Went up to meet with her while she tells us how to go to 小霸王. Jave leave after her smoking break with us. So, it's only left with me and Vivian waiting for Cindy and Huishan to arrive! When they finally arrived, we went to buy quickbite from 7-11 because all of us haven't eaten breakfast yet! We have to finish our meal fast because Jave was rushing us already! When we reached 小霸王, one of the person gave us the working uniform for us to change into. And their uniform includes cap too! How cool! And all four of us took our own sweet time in the toilet, adjusting the cap and taking pictures. What to do, girls~

Me, myself! Cute not? :D

I look like a little boy from here :)

With Huishan :)

With Vivian ( Left ) and Cindy ( Right )

All of us in the uniform! :D

After we have finally get out of the toilet, because my friend called me and was rushing us to change quickly. We went to the table to sit, while waiting for jobs to be assigned to us. While we're waiting, we took pictures again. Girls will never change their habits, just like how leopards don't change its spot. Catchy? Rhythm? ^^

Vivian Chan ^^

Myself ^^

With Vivian ( Left) and Huishan ( Right )

With Vivian and Cindy ^^

Then finally, it's time to get to work! Well, the four of us are lucky as we gets to work together serving dishes to invited guests to try 小霸王's Taiwan snack. It's good because we can eat some of it too, while serving to the guests. Oh my! Bad choice for employing us to work :X Well, you couldn't imagine how many people actually came! There's actors, actresses and reporters! I was serving food until I'm rather confused and super tired! The tray was empty within seconds as people are taking them like free flow, but actual fact, it's really free. What to do? That's what happened when you're in Singapore, and surrounded by so many Singaporeans. LOL! So, I've to repeatedly walk out and walk back to the counter to refill foods! Headache ah~ Then luckily, in the middle, there's lion dance performance, speech by one of the boss and ribbon cutting. So, we used that time to give yourself a break as people are all paying attention to the performance and speeches. So, we took pictures again while we're having that short break in the middle.

Me ( Left ) and Cindy ( Right )


Vivian and Cindy doing stun! :D

A video of the performance and speech taken from their fanpage.

Now that you've seen the video, I think you guys should know who the bosses are. Ya, there are three and all of them are actors and actress that you've seen before on Tv. They are 王建复, 洪乙心 & 王爱玲. I didn't know it's their shop until now! My friend who's working there and asked us to come and help out, didn't know about it too until he was told about the grand opening! From his speech, he says that he didn't want people to come to their store because of them but because the food and service of 小霸王 is good. So they kept this secret until now! Bravo!


The bosses - 王建复, 洪乙心 & 王爱玲

Some of their decorations on wall.

After work ...

Group photos!

小霸王, and among the signature, did you spot something?

There's my signature! :D

Wanted to take a picture with the store.
But IPhone's camera is lousy, as you can see ... I'M BLACK!

Our polaroid was on the wall! :D

Then we collected all the leftovers helium balloon and make it ours :)

Me and Huishan with ours helium balloon.

Huishan with her triplet. That's what she call her balloon.

Pictures with 洪乙心 & 王爱玲

Pictures with 王建复

Pictures with 王爱玲's sister

I caught them slacking!

After we've finished packing up ...

Us with all our helium balloons

Me with my flower that I plucked from there.

Me and Vivian's individual pictures :D

I'm letting go all the balloons. 1,2,3 ....

Go up, up, up and higher, higher, higher ...

and vanished into thin air~

I got this injury while working :(

After work, I took the train to Khatib to find boyfriend and others. Boyfriend got me a slipper as I'm uncomfortable with my flat shoes. Then we head over to find boyfriend's family and he fetched us all to Casuarina Road to have big feast to celebrate his aunt's lunar birthday. HAPPY LUNAR BIRTHDAY! :D Went to Ban Leong Wah Hoe Seafood, and they serve super nice Lala! We had two plate of it, and I guess it's still not enough! The crab wasn't as nice though. After that, my boyfriend fetched us all back home as I've examinations going on :( I shall end my post here, do come back often for more "exciting" post! :D Goodnight and byeeeeeee ~



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