These letters written itself inside out again.

( Movie ) Zoopeeker + New Haircut
Saturday, August 13, 2011 ♥

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Okay, this shall be a short update. Anyway, if you have followed me in Twitter, you should know that I went to cut my fringe myself. I was irritated by my long fringe, so I just went to cut it away without any further thought. Ohmy! But it turns out rather okay, though I think I cut it too short. But I like it, cause it's straight! :D My previous bangs was cut at salon and they always trim my hair till I looks like I've no fringe or they will cut it way too high for me. Failure! I never have a haircut that satisfied me, because hairdressers just don't bother about us. They just cut what is nice for them.

I send pictures of me with my new haircut to my friend through whatsapp and they were like : "You crazy?" "Serious?" "Okay lo." "Wah. Your fringe so straight??" But there are also friends that says: "Pretty ley." "Really pretty." "You look sweet with bangs!" Thanks ^^ When people tells me that "Wah. Your fringe so straight?", I was like : "I'm cutting bangs. Isn't bangs mean to be straight? That's why it's called bangs?" Lol! Or bangs isn't suppose to be straight? o.O

I wonder when I'll have the urge to cut away my hair, short. Hope I ain't that crazy to cut it away! Do you know that it took me close to 2 years to grow this length? I'm not joking. My hair grows super slow, I know and I hate it! Anyway, I shall post the picture of me and my new haircut and you guys shall decide whether if it's pretty/sweet or it is weird?

The amount of hair that I've cut away. Ka-chaaaa!

Me with my new haircut. So, what do you think?

Anyway, I went for a movie with boyfriend ^^ Because I have a sudden movie craze. So, I went online to book this movie, Zookeeper, because its review from others and my friends is good and my boyfriend wanted to watch this too ^^

Here's a trailer of the movie for your reference.

The movie was indeed nice. It's hilarious! :D Rather than the life of a zookeeper and talking animals. It's more like, the talking animals teaching this zookeeper, how to woo his ex-girlfriend back, who he is still in love with, using "the wild" style. Ohmy! Guys should seriously watch this movie, because they gives tips on how to woo a girl! But it's up to you, if you wanna use "the wild" style or your own. Haha. It's really cool to be a zookeeper with talking animals! :D It's also really nice to see how these animals are trying hard to let their favourite zookeeper, to continue staying in the zoo, and how this zookeeper interact with these animals. He really treats them like equal. :D

Okay, I think I shall stop talking about the movie. I don't wanna spoilt the fun :P You guys should just head to watch it yourself. I will end my post here then. Remember to come back frequently, okay? :D


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