These letters written itself inside out again.

Fashion Hooks' 1 Day Home Boutique
Friday, August 12, 2011 ♥

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Have you heard about Fashion Hooks's 1 day Home Boutique? When a blog-shop wanted to have clearance sale to clear some of the old-of-the-season clothing, they would normally have sale in their blog. But some people prefer to be able to see the clothing to make sure that there's no defects and also whether it's really suitable for them. It's hard to imagine yourself in it! When I see a pretty girl wearing a pretty top/dress, I assume it'll be pretty for me too. Do you face the same problem as me too? So, some blog-shop organise or set up flea stall to resolve this problem. But flea are always crowded, hot and stuffy! Thumb down for that! But Fashion Hooks are really creative and think of this 1 Day Home Boutique which is located at the very own house of the blog owners! Although it's really inconvenient for the blog owner, but it's actually much more better than flea! At least it's much cooling, not that crowded and there's foooood!

So, I wanted to experience this "House Flea". It's located at Jelapang Road, which is at the West side! So lucky! It's held on Friday, and I have school! So, if unluckily, the blog owner stays in the East, I won't be able to attend already! D: Asked Hweexian to accompany me as it's been a long time since I have meet up with this mother-to-be! :D

Taken at home.
Looks like I've short hair :)

So, I faster went to prepare myself after I've reached home from school. Then I went to Bukit Batok Mrt Station to meet up with Hweexian ^^ We took the train all the way to Chua Choa Kang as I don't wanna spent any money on cab fare. Then we initially wanted to took the LRT to our destination but we never thought that the LRT would be that packed when it isn't peak hour yet?! WTF?! And the LRT train shut its door right in our face! So dangerous! No warning one! So, when we missed the train, and saw that there's still a crowd of people waiting for the train, we decided to take the cab instead to the "House Flea".

Taken at LRT platform

Myself, in cab

With Hweexian

We arrived at Jelapang Road, Fashion Hooks' 1 Day Home Boutique! Believed me, taking cab is really much faster because I saw the route from Segar Station to the owner's house. It's really like damn far! Road idiots like me and Hweexian will confirm get lost for sure!

Arrived at Fashion Hooks' 1 Day Home Boutique~

(Taken from "someone's" Lockerz )
The cupcakes that PXDKitty baked.

( Taken from PXDKitty's blog )
It's pretty right? Head to her blog now to see the recipe! :D

The clothing on sale! :D

Okay, I was fucking shy! Seriously, I'm really shy, okay! So, I didn't eat the cupcakes that she makes ( I wanted to eat so badly! ) and take pictures with her! After I've bought my stuffs, I just go already! D: So, after we leave, Hweexian and I slacked at the void deck as we didn't know where to go next. Everywhere just didn't sounds right. And I was complaining to her at the same time whether if I can head back up again and have a bite of the cupcake and also to take pictures with them. But it's like ... you know ... SUPER WEIRD! It's like I've leave and then I come back again and requested for a photo to be taken with her, take a cupcake then I leave. LOL!

So, we leave after spending lots of time at the void deck with me whatapping and twittering. Huiting, see! #Cunningface So, we decided to head to the nearest bus stop and take the bus to the Bukit Panjang. But, the Bus service 922 is fucking long! When I say long, it's real long! Have you waited for a bus to close to 30minutes before? Alot people left while waiting for the bus. When are we the only idiots that believe in the bus frequency time and wait foolishly?! So, in the end, after the long wait, we decided to take a cab instead. The bus will never come ... So, Hweexian fetched me over to my boyfriend's house and then she head back home already.

Let share with you guys the clothes that I've bought from Fashion Hooks' 1 Day Home Boutique.

I got this two at 16$ in total.
A simple spaghetti top and a blazer-like coat

That spaghetti top wasn't simple. Look at the straps! Yeah, it's RIBBON! Like super cute, right? The ribbon can be untied and you can tie it back again. So, you can always adjust and tie it into a ribbon again according to your shoulder's comfort. It's for 8$ only!? Why don't buy? No loss! :D

Then the next item is this - "Elegant V-neck Bubbled Long-Sleeve Coat" as said in Fashion Hooks' blog-shop. You can click here to buy it! It's available in Pink and Black with Jayley Woo and Hayley Woo as the model. For people that has missed this event, it's really a loss! This "Elegant V-neck Bubbled Long-Sleeve Coat" is selling @ 15$ at Fashion Hooks, but knows how much I got this for? For 8$ only?! I saved like 7$ and if I top up another 1$, I can buy one more clothes at their 8$ clothes section. It's good deal, no, it's SUPER GOOD DEAL! :D

Okay, I shall end my post here. Stay tuned for more :D


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