These letters written itself inside out again.

Outing with 3 Ladies + ( Movie ) Transformers: Dark of the Moon (3D)
Saturday, July 9, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: @ Enigami + Partyworld + ( Movie ) Green Lantern
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Okay, before I started blogging this post. I want to start by posting the wedding invitation card that my boyfriend have received for Hweexian's wedding :D Actually, Hweexian wanted to give me the invitation card, but my boyfriend insist on getting the invitation card from Hweexian, personally. Sucha troublesome person! But when Hweexian wanted to find him and give him the invitation card, my boyfriend apparently go to the gym thus didn't bring his phone along with him. Hweexian have a hard and troublesome time finding him and giving him the invitation card.

To Mr Alvin Lek & Miss Hui Fen

The traditional reddish wedding invitation card

That's me with the wedding invitation card.
Sorry for my extremely unglam face :X

Hweexian is one of my friends that got marry at sucha young age. ( I've lots of friends who are all unwed-ed mother. ) Seeing that Hweexian is going to get marry soon, make me wanna burst into tears! How fast time flies, and how fast our age are catching up to all of us. In the past, we're are just a bunch of rebellious teenager that care about nothing but fun, laughter, joys and each other. But now, we've all learnt to be mature and get out of those life.

Here's a message for you :

Hweexian, you are going to get marry soon. As your friend, your best friend and your part-time boyfriend, I'm really happy for you as you've found someone that you could rely and depend on for the next half of your life. Now, you have a baby girl inside you, so learn to be more responsible ah! You cannot think of playing everytime already!

You've entered the second phase in life, that none of us have experienced before. I know life's gonna be harder, but best of luck to you and your boyfriend, alright? :D If anything gonna cross your path of life, just think of your baby girl and your husband and also us, you friends. Even if you're going to be marry now, we all can still be there for you, just like in the past.

Lastly, blessed both you and your husband a long-lasting lovely marriage and a happy family together with the small one that's going to see this world soon :) Don't do anything foolish ah! If you're going to make any serious decision, just remember this phrase for the rest of your life :

Regret is the most wasteful emotion to have.
- Olivia Owyong Ke Xin

Okay, that's all for my lovely speech to Hweexian. They're going to get marry on the upcoming Monday which is the 11st July.Their marriage date are so easy to remember ~ Just have to remember the 24-hour store - 7-11 :) I'm not going to go school on that day because ... HOW CAN I MISS MY BEST SISTER'S WEDDING?! I'm so gonna snatch everything down, and witness every part of both of them as they are getting steps by steps closer to happiness :)

Anyway, let's just get back to the main topic. Well, if you are regular reader of my blog, you guys should know that I seldom blog about going out with friends, as I'm always out with my boyfriend, his sister and her boyfriend. But today will be different. I went to meet up this 3 lovely ladies of mine that I haven't meet in ages! Although we didn't meet each other for around like 2 years, we still stay in contact via Facebook and Twitter. That's why people says, " Internet is human's best friend. " If there's no Facebook or Twitter, I wonder what will become of us.

I stayed over night at my boyfriend's house the night before. So in the morning, when we have wake up, we went to freshen up and my boyfriend sent me back home. Went to prepare and changed, before heading down to Orchard to meet my lovely ladies :D I'm soooo excited max!

Photos taken during at home.

Taken with Dino :D

More pictures of myself

I took bus to Clementi before changing to MRT and travel all the way to Orchard. But later, Jiayu Heartheart decided to take MRT instead of bus, so I waited for her at Clementi platform. It's good, at least there's someone to accompany me during the long trip to Orchard ^^V I waited for a very very very long time, before her train came, and I board on it. We couldn't manage to find each other among the people(s), so we decided to alight at the next stop and wait for the next train instead. We couldn't possibly be playing Hide-and-Seek inside train, right?

And there, I meet my first lovely ladies - Jiayu Heartheart :D We took photos together at the platform while waiting for the next train to arrive. We couldn't miss the chance to take photos together when we finally meet after sooooooo longggggg, right? :D

Me and Jiayu Heartheart ^^

A picture of myself :)

Apparently, Jiayu have become a mother herself too! She's most probably giving birth next week! Congrats, Heartheart! :D I couldn't wait to see your baby son! :D I gonna snap so many photos of him during his one month celebration! ^^ Blessed him, with lots of love :) And blessed you and your boyfriend too :)

Anyway, so we took the train all the way to Orchard. We're supposed to wait for Jacelyn Shagua at the Orchard platform since she's on the way reaching already. But we waited damn long for her from Novena which is two stops away, to ever arrived at Orchard platform. It's like forever ...

One train ... two train ... three train ... four train ... five train ... six train ...

Then we arrived her call that she have overslept on the train. But it's lucky that she didn't slept all the way to Pasir Ris :D Sucha a cute, blur girl! ^^ After a long wait, a really very super long wait, I finally get to saw my second lovely ladies - Jacelyn Shagua ^^ She's still as short as ever, but her hair grows longer now and she's much slimmer as compared to the past her. Pretty!

Then we are supposed to be waiting for our third and final lady to join in - Baby Buddy. But for some reason, when we were waiting for her outside the MRT station, she told us that she's outside already. How did she do that? O.O! We all thought that she's still on her way ... So, we went outside to look for Baby Buddy. We have our smoking break and our cam-whoring session.

With Jacelyn Shagua ^^

Approved by Jacelyn Shagua

Jiayu Heartheart helping Baby Buddy fix her lashes.

Jiayu Heartheart and Jacelyn Shagua.
The two 'J' like Jolin and Jay Chou ( Out of topic )

With Baby Buddy

Snapshots of them, by me obviously

Full length with Baby Buddy

Full length with Jacelyn Shagua

With Jacelyn Shagua. Look at how she swing her hair :D

Jiayu Heartheart and Baby Buddy

Jacelyn Shagua full length photos with me and Baby Buddy.

Okay, that's my 3 lovely ladies! (L)

After all our cam-whoring, we head to the toilet to touch up our make-up and all. Although toilet is an unglam place, sometimes I wonder how we, girls, can stay in there for so long? :\ We stayed in the toilet for super long, and even took lots of pictures in there! That's girl for you.

Reflections of me and my girls

And more of it ...

Reflections taken by Baby Buddy

Pictures of myself

With Jiayu Heartheart

With Jacelyn Shagua

We spent quite sometime in the toilet before we finally came out to see the bright eternal sun and the clear blue sky. Haha. ( I'm exagerrating ) Then we headed over to our first destination in Orchard - ION - to find Baby Buddy's boyfriend, who's working over there. Sweet couple ~

During smoke break .

We were famished when we reached ION. So, we actually wanted to ask Baby Buddy's boyfriend, where we could find Food Republic. But customers keep coming in and he have to talk non-stop. So, in the end, we just decided to head down to Cineleisure to have Kfc as our dinner.

We enjoyed our self very much chit-chatting, and taking photos at Kfc. Spent quite awhile in Kfc, and I meet Daniel cousin at Cineleisure too! :) I was standing there in front of Kfc, then suddenly, I got bang twice continuously by someone. Feeling rather irritated, I turn back and saw him instead. Haha. I was like telling him: " I still thought which idiot is so stupid. " :D

Snapshots of Jacelyn Shagua & Baby Buddy

Individual snapshots of both of them

Finally, one nice photo taken :)

Me & Jiayu Heartheart

That's all of us with our peace hand sign. Jacelyn Shagua never do!

Pictures of Jacelyn Shagua

That's my hand, for your info.

A nice picture taken with my face in it :)

Reflections of Jacelyn Shagua & Baby Buddy

The three of us - Jacelyn Shagua, Baby Buddy and me! Where's mummy?

Snapshot of Jacelyn Shagua having her food

Oh shit! I'm caught! D:

A picture of her and her food.

Told her to raise her thunb up. As if advertising for KFC. Haha :P

Here's my and my food. Apologise for the unglam look, I'm too happy! ^^

Baby Buddy and Jiayu Heartheart with their food

With Jiayu Heartheart

By Baby Buddy, with Jiayu Heartheart ^^

With Baby Buddy

End our KFC stay with this pictures of both me and Baby Buddy.
I find this pictures rather amusing when put together like this :D

After that, we head out for a smoking break. We were talking and taking pictures outside with each other ( I know, we take pictures at anywhere, anytime :) ), then I received call from Weiming, asking me to look back. Fuck! How many people am I going to meet with today!?

Pictures with my lovely ladies :)

Me with Jiayu Heartheart and Baby Buddy

After that, I suggested to go to the Flea @ Scape :) Well, it's freaking hot and humid in there, I just can't stop sweating, seriously. How does the people in there manage to stay in for so long? I feel like leaving after 5 minutes! D: Anyway, we went in just when the stalls are mostly closing, so we get clothings like, 3 for $10 and so. The 3 for $10 is not like those market place, Pasar Malan those type, okay?! They're quite nice :D I manage to get myself 1 dress and 1 top. And both of them are polka-dots! Polka-dots are like my new love now :)

That's my and Jacelyn Shagua browsing through the $4 clothing. Auntie-ness mex! :D

Taken with Jiayu Heartheart

Taken with Baby Buddy

Random snapshots by Jiayu Heartheart

Finally, the four of us inside a picture ^^

That's me with my loots.

My polka-dots dress and top

Here's the polka-dots dress and top that I've got.
Spend $13 for both, so it's like $6.50 each.

The blue polka-dot tube dress.

It have one layer more, and enable to make you looks doll-ish.

The baby pink polka-dot top. Beach feel ~

The strap are separated from the shoulder on.
It's just looks prefect for any beach outing ^^

Rested for awhile outside when we've finished with the shopping at Flea@Scape. A super tiring day, but I enjoyed myself real much with these 3 lovely ladies! :D We are so gonna meet up for another time! The next meet-up - Jiayu Heartheart's baby son full month celebration! :D

Headed to Somerset Mrt Station after resting for awhile, because I'm meeting up with my boyfriend, his sister and boyfriend at Jurong Point for a movie. My boyfriend called me to come Jurong Point to meet up with them. A long trip back to Boon Lay on train :( Baby Buddy accompany me on the same side of the train, but just for two stops only :(

Anyway, meet up with my boyfriend, his sister and boyfriend when I've finally arrived at Jurong Point. We went to catch the movie - Transformers: Dark of the Moon :D

The movie was good, I love Bumblebee! :D He's the cutest robots among all! I think everyone agrees to that! :D And there's one thing that I spot in the movie. Okay all, let's recall the movie. In the later part, they headed down to Chicago to save the girl who's captured by this traitor of humankind. They were all fighting furiously, with blood, injuries on their body and face and super torn and tattered clothings as a result of the battle.

But do you guys ever realise something? Everyone have dirty faces, torn and tattered clothings. But the girl, that sexy hot chick, have super clean and spotless white blazer! Her face was rather clean too, as compare to others that went through this battle together. I bet that white blazer must be expensive, so they don't dare to dirty it at all.

See, the picture below.

& there's one thing I hate about the movie ... IT'S FUCKING A 2HOURS PLUS MOVIE!? So in order not to watch any parts of the movie out, I have to tolerate my urge to urine. Do you know how ever torturing is that? Then at the end, I couldn't tolerate anymore so I headed to the toilet. I tried to be as fast as I could to head back to the theatre, but I miss the part how they ended this battle! Sad max! That's like the ending climax of the movie! D:

So guys, if you are ever going to catch this movie, remember not to drink too much water! If you have a weak bladder, you better not get any drinks into the theatre and remember to go to the toilet to release everything before heading in the theatre ah! If you, you are gonna be like me! I regret not able to tolerate awhile more, I regret the trip to the bathroom! :'( I have got to remember; " Regret is the most wasteful emotions to have! " :D

With the trailer of the movie, I shall end this post now. Byeeee ~

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Baby ♥♥ Bella ♥♥ Dewi ♥♥ Huiting ♥♥ Huiwen ♥♥ Jacelyn ♥♥ Rayen Rena ♥♥
