These letters written itself inside out again.

Hweexian's Wedding
Monday, July 11, 2011 ♥

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Hey people! I'm back to update my blog again! ^^ It's another post filled with lots of picture, and there's videos as well. This time round, I went to attend Hweexian's Wedding Dinner and also be her sister to help her pranked her husband.

Well, I have to reached super early at her house. Initially, I woke up at 5AM in the morning, but I went back to sleep again. Ohfuck! Lucky, I wake up at 6AM and faster went to prepare myself. Called Olivia, and she's apparently sleeping. Lucky that I've called her :) After that, we meet each other up at Hweexian's house void deck at 7AM and went up together to Hweexian's house. We're the earliest birds to arrive at her house, apart from the photographer and make-up artist. The other sisters haven't arrived yet.

Taken at Hweexian's house.

With Olivia (L)

The make-up artist attending to Hweexian

That's me and Olivia taking turns to write the 10 commitments for Hweexian's husband.
He's supposed to read it out loud and kiss on the paper as approval :)

The 10 Commitments

This is the white dress that I bought from Vividoll

When Hweexian have finished with her make-up, the other sisters have reached also. And it's was also about time the groom should have arrived. Took some picture together with Hweexian before we gets busy :D

Hweexian with her white wedding gown :)
This is the first time I've seen her put make up like this :)

Hweexian & Me

Hweexian & Olivia

Hweexian & her sister

We went to prepare the stuffs to prank the groom with. Apparently, we haven't prepared ourselves with any pranks at all, so we just took whatever we can find and mix them all together. It's all last minutes, but all of the pranks sounds pretty good. Though, I feel rather bad for playing with the food. But this is the only day, so let's all just enjoy uh? :D

Not long later, we heard car honking irritatingly at the carpark below. We though it's the Groom's car and started to rush. But ... it's like another person groom's car. Can't believe that there will be people marrying on that day too. Though I don't know who, but congrats! ^^ Then, the real groom's car arrived! And before we know, they have reached the doorsteps. Or maybe, I'm the only slow ones? :\ But, anyway, we've already locked the door beforehand, and now, is when the real fun starts! :D Click the video below to watch the whole process! :)

Groom at doorsteps

( Sorry, you'll have to tilt your head :X )

1) We wasn't allow to give them the 酸甜苦辣 dishes. Because one couldn't take spicyness ( 辣 ), and another one couldn't take bitterness ( 苦 ). So, we become innovative and came out with another version of 酸甜苦辣 just for the groom and his brother :D

We had canned pineapple, with lime ( ), tomato ketchup ( 甜 ) and chilli sauce ( 辣 ).

2) Thinking that they'll get thirsty, we get them a cup of coke with additional toppings :) We put around 1/4 container of the sugar into the coke. Can you imagine? Diabetes next. And, afraid that the coke will lose it's sweet taste, we even added in Sprite or 7-Up for them :)

The groom even complain the coke wasn't gassy and there isn't any ice! So, here comes ice ...

3) For the last, we prepared a bucket of water with ice. It's superrrr coldddd! Brrr ... So the groom have to put his feet inside that bucket of ice water and use his feet to get the ice out while reading the 10 commitments that Olivia have written earlier and kiss that paper.

Turns out, he could hardly read the chinese character. Should have English translation :\
& We didn't have super red lipstick, so we do it with lip gloss. Laugh out loud!

The groom is finally in the house ...

The groom entering the room to meet his lovely bride

( Sorry, you will have to tilt your head again :X )

The groom and the bride

They're praying ...

Hweexian's nephew. He entertains us greatly :D

Olivia playing with him :D So cuteeee ~

Tea Ceremony

Random picture

Olivia & I

Family shoot

Happy couple, no, newly-web :D

After all the ceremony, we are all preparing to head over to Hweexian's husband house. Because of some chinese traditional thingy, we didn't want to miss the auspicious hour. Not good! And there's only two cars with 12 people! One car are for the groom, the bride and the groom's brother. There's only one brother there, so it's perfect for one car. Hweexian's wedding gown took a lot of space. Then on the other car, there's left with 9 people! So, one sit in front, and another 8 have to squeeze at the back of the car sitting on each other leg. I'm one of the 8 people! So, can you imagine how we actually squeeze?! Fucking uncomfortable, okay!

Preparing to go ...

Getting in the car

The groom and bride's car.

Lucky, the groom's house was not far away from the bride's house. Imagine, what if the groom stays at Pasir Ris or Tampines?! So, I'm counting the 4 turning points to reach groom's house.

Finally, reached the groom's house

The groom and the bride entering ...

Finally, one good shot of them ^^

Praying again ...

Olivia helping with Hweexian's long wedding gown.

Snapshots of the bride, Hweexian :D

They're actually feeding each other. Sorry, if it's not clear.

After all the ceremony, head back to the groom's room with Hweexian and Olivia. On our stairs up to the groom's room. We saw really nice things that the groom's parent have prepared.

A huge wedding photo of the bride and the groom

With little cute banner as we walked up :)
Thoughtful, and sweet parents! :D

In the groom's room ,

Cute little couple poster and bolster :)

Some wedding stuff. I think it's light. Is it?

老公 & 老婆 slipper. Cute maxxx!~

Olivia and I playing around with Hweexian's wedding headgear

Olivia and I playing with the groom's headgear.
I'm trying to act Bruce Lee with his signature move :)

Here, I'm trying to act like Micheal Jackson

With Hweexian, the bride :D

Pictures of myself

Trying to act cute. You can ignore.

Which side do I wink nicer ah?

Snapshots by Hweexian's husband.

More pictures of me :P

All of us were tired, so we rested and relaxed for awhile. You can imagine how tired all of us are! Olivia and I felt like removing our make up and head to sleep. Then, around 11AM plus, Hweexian prepared and wore her second wedding dress. We stayed at her husband's house until around 12PM before we can leave.

Hweexian with her second wedding dress. It's traditional dress.

After that, we squeeze back into the back of the car again, and now heading back to Hweexian's house. Hweexian's parent prepared lots of Kfc meals for us! Super many! After all of us have eaten and were full, there were still a lot leftover! Oh gosh! I ate a bit only, as I'm too tired and didn't really have the appetite to eat as many as usual. If not, I could do the remaining job. Nah~ I'm just kidding! It's wayyyyy too much for my stomach to contain everything in!

So, we stayed at Hweexian's house for awhile, before Olivia and I head back home to rest and prepare for the wedding dinner. Lovely Olivia fetched me home before going home. Loves! (L) When I reached home, I removed all my make-up and went to sleep immediately. See, how tired I am!? I lie on my bed, close my eyes and I'm asleep! :D

Woke up 2 hours later and started preparing myself for the dinner. Initially, I wanted to wear that grey dress that I've got from The Clothes Buffet @ TheBlogShop. But when I wore it, it turns out not really nice, it doesn't suit me at all. But I'm lucky that I went out with my 3 lovely ladies few days ago, and got myself a dress, the blue polka dot dress from flea. I wore that to the wedding dinner, although I, myself, knows that it isn't appropriate. Then I was thinking, comforting myself, " Confirm got a lot people wear black coloured, so wearing this ( blue polka dot dress ) can at least make me special. " So, I just wore it :D

Lots of pictures of myself.

Waited for Laogong to prepared himself, then he fetched us to CSC for the wedding dinner. Meet up with Olivia & Ziyang at the 4th floor where the wedding dinner is held and went in together.

It was pasted besides the lift

Mine :)

The guest's pin and traditional-looking chopsticks as gifts

Traditional-looking cup and a the box which I helped Hweexian to pack as gift :)

The ballroom.

We're table 8. Lucky or what? :)

The menu

Olivia and Ziyang. Sweet Couple! :D

Laogong and me ^^

Pictures of me ^^

Snapshot of Olivia

With Olivia ^^

I took a lot more pictures, which is all inside Olivia's Itouch. Taking photos with Itouch looks way nicer, and I can't help spamming her Itouch with my pictures :P And that night, we seem to be rather busy, as Olivia and I were called outside to help assist guests to their table. And we went to find Hweexian occasionally in the make-up room until the wedding dinner have begin. Too bad, I'm too slow and didn't take any videos/photos of Hweexian and her husband walking in the ballroom. It feels so weird when I heard the announcer announcing Hweexian getting married, and also feel weird to see Hweexian walking down the aisle. I guess, we've all grown up. I wonder when is Olivia and my turn?

After the dinner had ended, we went to hug Hweexian, who's at the door with her husband and both side of the families. I'm actually very happy to see her getting married! :D After that, Laogong went me back home as I've got school tomorrow. Here's my ending speech :

Hweexian, I'm so happy that you're married! Although it feels weird, but I'm really happy. I can see that you're super tired that day with all the wedding preparations and all. Do remember to rest well and take care of your body, okay? And I don't know whether if you manage to eat that fish that you said you wanna eat? Haha. Next up, will be Olivia and mine, do wait for us okay! But mine have to wait super long! :( You don't mind waiting, right? :D

I blessed you with a happy marriage, and a happy family. Think of name for the little ones already? Haha. And don't forget us, after you have such a happy family, okay! I'm now awaiting for the birth of your little princess ^^ And her full month! It will be picture time again! :D Don't stop me ah! :D
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