These letters written itself inside out again.

Monthly Staff Welfare Gathering @ YR
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 ♥

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Hello everybody! Before I start this post, I wanna wish everyone ...
So, it's the month of February, another month to party @ YR! :D
For this month's staff welfare gathering, we ordered Pizza Hut! Yum~

Pizza, anyone? :)

Cake make from B&C specially for today ^^

Super delicious & yummy donuts from B&C too! :D

Look at all the people getting ready for the party~

Speeches from CEO & GM before the party starts!

Look at the tables full of food!~ :D

Delicious pizzas and chicken wings~

Adorable cake~ :D

Not to forget, the drinks~

You never know, this ribbon is actually edible!

B&C reminds me of Bingli & Smelly ( Chong Ming )

Here's a short video to end the party! ^^


After the party, work ended pretty fast. Party everyday, yo! :D
Went home myself after work, because boyfriend have running session.
Intended to sleep when I reached home, but Bingli forced me to go out!
Damn! I haven't had a nice sleep yet! She even came up my house! :O
So, I've no choice but to get myself ready, and we head to Lot One.

After boyfriend's is done with his running session, he went home to prepare,
before coming down to Lot One to meet up with Smelly, Bingli & I.
Wanted to watch movie with boyfriend to celebrate our 3rd anniversary,
but we didn't planned properly, so we have to give everything a miss! :(

Okay, that's all folks, for this post! Do stay tuned for more! :D



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Kaplan Murdoch

Kaplan Higher Education Institute, one of Singapore’s preferred private education institutions is partnering Murdoch University from Australia to bring in the most extensive courses in South East Asia!

This partnership brings to Singapore a wide variety of Double Major Degree programmes including those that have previously never been offered in any local university - Sports, Security, and Environment-related courses.

Murdoch University is committed to innovation and quality higher education that can be applied on a global level. Murdoch University has an outstanding reputation as an institution that provides students with a quality education and recognised academic standing within an engaging and caring environment. The University is dedicated to excellence in teaching and research and provides the ideal place to take the next step on a path of lifelong learning.

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Beauty & the Beast the 3D experience.

Walt Disney Animation Studios’ magical classic “Beauty and the Beast” returns to the big screen in Disney Digital 3D™, introducing a whole new generation to the Disney classic with stunning new 3D imagery.

The film captures the fantastic journey of Belle (voice of Paige O’Hara), a bright and beautiful young woman who’s taken prisoner by a hideous beast (voice of Robby Benson) in his castle.

Despite her precarious situation, Belle befriends the castle’s enchanted staff—a teapot, a candelabra and a mantel clock, among others—and ultimately learns to see beneath the Beast’s exterior to discover the heart and soul of a prince.

Featuring unforgettable music by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken, and an enormously talented vocal ensemble, “Beauty and the Beast” was the first animated feature to receive a Best Picture nomination from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and is also the first animated feature to cross the $100 million plateau in its initial release.

For more information visit:

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Dettol - Flippy & Hoofy's Clean Quest!

Flippy and Hoofy’s Clean Quest Contest is a Facebook game launched by Dettol in conjunction with the release of the limited edition Dettol No-Touch Hand Wash featuring two cute cartoon character – Flippy the Penguin & Hoofy the Zerba.

To participate, players have to navigate their character across an enemy-filled landscape – earning points by surviving in the game as long as possible and avoiding contact with bacteria by jumping over them to keep his Filth Meter level down.

The Contest will run for six (6) weeks from 00:00 GMT+08:00 on 1 March 2012 to 23:59: GMT+08:00 on 12 April 2012. Each week, the Participant who scores the highest points of the week will be the Weekly Winner. The Participant who scores the highest points throughout the Contest Period will be the Grand Prize Winner.

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Pro Academy

Ever dream of being a makeup artist or aromatherapist?

PRO Academy offers a range of beauty courses that can help you pursue your dream career in makeup or wellness… Start today with our Fashion Makeup Module at only $1,200 or sign up for our Massage Foundation Module at only $500!

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Don't Fret TK Trichokare is here!

Are you worried about hair fall? Suffering from premature hair loss?

Don’t worry! We have a solution for you! TK Trichokare uses all natural European Herbal Remedies to ease away your hair-loss woes. TK TrichoKare is a holistic hair and scalp care centre that provides European Herbal remedies (consisting of natural botanicals such as Jojoba, Rosemary, Nettles, Burdock, Aloe Vera and Lavender) catered to all hair conditions.

Why live with a hair loss problem that affects the way you look and feel? Don’t suffer in silence. Visit your nearest Trichokare today!

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Refer a friend and get rewarded with $1!

Get your friends to join Churp Churp and start sharing to get rewards! We're giving you $1 for every friend you invite into our community, so what are you waiting for? Get your friends to jump on board and be part of the excitement today!

The more, the merrier!
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