These letters written itself inside out again.

Friday the 13th!
Friday, January 13, 2012 ♥

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It's me back to blogging again and this time, it's gonna be interesting!
If you have take notice about today's date, it's actually Friday the 13th!
What's so special about Friday the 13th? It's been told it's an unlucky day!
Since I've got nothing much to post, what about something on Friday the 13th?

I went to Google for some interesting facts and origins of Friday the 13th.

" The fear of Friday the 13th is called Friggatriskaidekaphobia. ( What weird name )
Frigga being the name of the Norse goddess for whom "Friday" is named
and triskaidekaphobia meaning fear of the number thirteen. "

Actually there's no solid evidence on Friday the 13th to be unlucky,
but here's some Friday the 13th origins stories that I've found. Believe it or not?

" One folklorist traces the origins back to Norse mythology. There were 12 gods who had a dinner party in Valhalla. A 13th guest, Loki, was uninvited. Always the trickster, Loki tricked the god of darkness, Hoder, into shooting Balder, the god of joy. Balder died and darkness descended on the earth. Joy was lost to man and from then on 13 was considered unlucky. "

" In 1307, on October 13, 1307, King Phillip IV of France ordered every member of the order of the Knights Templar executed on charges of high treason and heresy. King Phillip owed the Templar's a good deal of money and they had amassed an enormous amount of wealth on their crusades. It is thought that the order was actually to strip the Templar's of their wealth. The Templar's were tortured horribly and forced to confess to crimes they didn't commit. They all died, but as the grandmaster died he cursed King Phillip and the day making Friday the 13th unlucky for future generations to come. "

" Many believe the fear comes from the number 13 itself. According to numerologist, the number 12 is associated with completeness. There are 12 months in a year, 12 zodiac signs, 12 apostles, 12 Olympian gods, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 hours in the clock, 12 labors of Hercules. The list goes on and on. The addition of the 13 ruins perfection is utterly bad and unlucky. In many stories, the 13th guest is always a bad sign. Think Judas at the last supper and Loki in the above story. It is the number 13 that lends the curse to Friday the 13th. Combine that with the unlucky Friday, when Jesus was crucifies and Adam tempted Eve and you have a recipe for an unlucky day. "

" There are 12 months in the solar-based Julian and the Church-created Gregorian calendars, a perfect, male number. Many pagan religions followed a 13-month lunar calendar, which also corresponds with the female menstrual cycle, an imperfect, female, number. In the Roman and later Norse calendars, Friday was devoted to the love and sex goddesses Venus and Frigg (or Freyja), respectively, and was considered a lucky and even sacred day. "

" Traditionally, there were considered to be 13 members in a witch's coven - 12 witches and the devil. Together they celebrated 13 Witches' Sabbaths where they cast spells and spread evil throughout the countryside. These strong female/pagan, and therefore unholy, associations posed a threat to the male-dominated and power hungry Holy Catholic church. "

Is this just some silly superstitions? Or is there something more to it?
Before the 19th century, though the number 13 was considered unlucky,
and Friday was considered unlucky, there was no link between them.

Many says that on this day, nothing good will happen to you.
But I seem to be perfectly fine on this particularly unlucky day!
Like what my boyfriend will say, " It's all in your mind." :D

( That's right! )

If you're someone who's superstitions, I've a solution for you!
Maybe you could try clicking the link below on how to make your
Friday the 13th turns lucky by not doing things you shouldn't do?

13 Things Not to Do on Friday the 13th --> - spon

To me, Friday the 13th is just like any other normal day.
( But if something bad happens to me, I blame Friday the 13th! #typical )
Instead of being negative about it, why not try being positive?
What good things will happen if you're full of negative thoughts?

Saw the 9gag above? Instead of thinking it as a unlucky day,
what about changing your mindset? It's a lucky day! :D

Yup! It's too mainstream to think that Friday the 13th is unlucky!
Friday is the last day of the week for school and work, lucky enough?
There are people who still won lottery on Friday the 13th! ( But why not me? :( )

Anyway, I shall end my no-head-no-tail post here!
Hope you like it and stay tuned to my blog for more!
There's still 2 more Friday the 13th to come in 2012! :D
People, I guess you should know what to do by now! ^^
" J U S T - B E - P O S I T I V E - T H I N K I N G ! "



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