These letters written itself inside out again.

( Gushcloud ) Mystica @ Night Safari
Saturday, December 31, 2011 ♥

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Hey, everyone! I'm back on the last day of 2011 to blog! ^^
So, how do you celebrate the last day of 2011 to welcome 2012?
( World is ending soon, if you didn't celebrate, you'll regret for life! :P )
But before I share with you guys about my eventful 31 December 2011,
why not let me share with you guys this music video by Clicknetwork? ^^
Proudly present to you guys, Auld Lang Sync in Hokkien Version!

Done with the video? How do you find it? Hilarious much? :)
So, let me start on my post about my journey on 31 December 2011 ...

Once upon a time, during late evening of a particularly sunny day,
my boyfriend fetched me back home after he have done preparing.
Then Liangwei and Felicia came over my house, and we depart from there.
We headed to Union Farm Eating House to have our dinner.

- The End -

( Sorry, I was just kidding! It's not The End yet! )

Union Farm Eating House

The menu with lots of good food! *salivate*

Our drinks! All ordered Aloe Vera, while mine is Pepsi.

Paper Wrapped Chicken! *A MUST ORDER!*

Fried Rice which tasted not much special.

Prawn Paste Chicken!
I didn't tried this, but I was told that it tasted normal.

I think this is called, Fried Fish Ball. *MUST ORDER*

That's me happily munching on the Paper Wrapped Chicken~

Couldn't miss out some self-obsession, right? ^^
I'm wearing my new T-shirt that I've bought recently! Nice? :)


The foods that they served are overall, a thumb up!
You could head over to try the Paper Wrapped Chicken! Bagus~

Union Farm Eating House
435A Clementi Road Singapore
Tel: +65 6466 2776
Tue–Fri: 11.45am – 3pm, 5pm – 9.15pm
Sat, Sun & PH: 11.45am – 9.15pm (last order 8.25pm)
Closed on Mondays, except on public holidays

After we are done with our meal, we head to Night Safari! ^^
I know, most of you will probably have this question in mind:
"It's New Year Eve, what are you doing in a Zoo on this day?"
Well, Night Safari is now having a theme for December - Mystica~
So, it ain't as boring as normal days! Barbarella have been there too!
Let's see what Barbarella was doing at Night Safari for Mystica night...

Oh, so she's on a blind date with this rather good-looking Caucasian guy!
But it seems that all the fun of Mystica night have make her forgotten about it!
Oh, how funny! But other than her, we had our share of fun as well! :D
Let me share with you, our night at Night Safari - Mystica ...

Entering the danger zone where night creatures roam ...

Night Safari!

It's the D.E.A.F here at Night Safari! ^^

Here's some random shots that we've taken before entering Mystica ...
* ( Pictures may not be put accordingly in sequel )

Couple pictures with the status

Couldn't have miss out a group photo, right? :)

Hail, my subject! :D

Felicia and me with Santa Claus' brother! ( My assumption )

Felicia and Liangwei with Santa Claus' brother!

I've been a good girl, so I got a candy! ^^

Pictures with Santa Claus' brother's helper - Elf! ^^
I bet that Elf likes me, because he gave me the flower~ Awww...

With the fairies of Mystica~

Here's a clearer version.

Felicia and I with this handsome pilot~


Felicia and I with weird-looking giraffes O.o

Felicia and Liangwei with ... ... country people? O.O

Now, it's my turn! ^^

Look at them! So cute hor? Always camera-ready!

Finally, boyfriend is taking picture with me! See the same Elf gives me flower again! *o*

Is this ... ... DRAGON BALL?! :O

We're SNOW WHITE! Because we're eating poisoned apple by wicked witch!

After we're done with photo-taking session with all the cos-player,
we went in Glow-In-The-Dark souvenir shop as it looks interesting!
In the end, I got two pairs of Havaianas shoes for boyfriend and I! ^^
My new year present for my boyfriend! *( I need new slipper too )*

Our Glow-In-The-Dark slipper!

After that, we went to the normal souvenir shop.

Let me do an explanation for the expression above!
I was trying to pose a picture together with the toy snake,
then Liangwei came over out of sudden and scared me
WITH ANOTHER TOY SNAKE! *( How irony! )*
Then my boyfriend went to snap this picture down! :@

Here's a normal, nice one! ^^

Is this considered to be ... sexy? :)

Felicia with animal paws!

Felicia and Liangwei fighting!

And just when we're about to begin our Mystica journey,
we heard screaming, shouting, cheering and a huge crowd!
Being a group of nosy Singaporeans, we went to check it out.
Guess what was going on? FIRE PERFORMANCE! :D

Pictures couldn't describe the excitement the crowd have, so here's a short video! :)


We found out that our tickets was expired yesterday!
So, we've no choice but to get ourself new tickets.

Beginning our journey of Mystica ... NOT YET!
We went to take more pictures with cos-players,
who was found inside, after the ticketing area ^^

Felicia and I with Marilyn Monroe inspired.

My boyfriend and I with ... Water Monster? I KILL YOU!

Boyfriend and I with ... Tree Monsters?

Liangwei with the "Tree Monsters".

Looks like brother, hor? Laughs.

After we're done with picture-taking,
our Mystica journey FINALLY begins ...

Walking into the journey of Mystica ...

Beautiful decorations that light up the way! ^^

Animals that we have saw on our journey~

Leopard Trail where Leopard Prowl Beyond the Mystica Trail~
It's really scary for the leopard to prowl on you!

Did it just wrote "No Flash Photography"?! :X

Here's one without flash! :)

Liangwei and me is the Zookeeper of the day!

After lots of walking, we saw a cafe and decided to take a break before continuing ...

Their chair are super style!

My "horse" is currently imprisoned! See its "clothing"! xD

When we have enough rest, our journey begins once more!
This time, we're heading towards Naracoorte Cave ...

Naracoorte Cave, sounds creepy isn't it?

Felicia and I ^^

I'm falling down!

Actually, we wanted to walk to the place where there's performances.
But after walking for so long, we realized we're back to square ones! D:
So instead of blindly follow our instinct, we decided to ask the Zookeeper,
and know what? The queue to the performance is actually right at the entrance ._.

Oh well! So, we decided to take a smoking break outside first.
We have already missed the 9.30PM show, and there's only 10.30PM show left.
But we were lucky to make it back to the entrance before the last show starts.

We missed the 9.30PM show :(

Temporary chop for going out.

After we're done smoking, there's still lots of time left till the show.
So, we decided to take pictures again with status at the entrance! :)

My boyfriend and I ^^V

Liangwei and Felicia :)

Our Polaroid with the status elephants.

Me, alone! :D

Instead of taking pictures with the status elephants,
Felicia and I took with something different for a change ^^

Waiting for that moment to come ...

Me: ( Turn head ) It's coming ...


After our photo-taking with the status elephants, we went back in again.
As Felicia and I have not taken our Polaroid together yet,
we were choosing for the best place inside Night Safari for our Polaroid!
Then we decided to went up the stage to take our Polaroid instead.
In the end, we were kinda chased down by the person-in-charge,
as she says that there's events coming right out soon - Picture with Snake!

I didn't know how everything happened, we started to get along very well
with the person-in-charge and the Zookeeper who was holding on to the snake.
I guess it's because all of us are still "youngsters", that's why we could get along very well :)
In the end, we decided to have pictures with the snake, excluding my boyfriend :\
He have an extreme phobia against snake, and the stories will let you laugh your head off!

The person-in-charge even compare my boyfriend with kids that's scared of snake too!
But in the end, this trick doesn't work, and he still insist of not involving in the picture :(
I don't know why someone that born in the year of snake, can be so afraid of snake :\
Well, we couldn't force him in the picture too, since it's his phobia from very long ago.

Polaroid with Felicia ^^

Felicia and Liangwei together with the snake.

A group picture, excluding my boyfriend :\

Our pictures ^^

Felicia kissing the snake!

Liangwei kissing the snake too!

Liangwei with the snake.

Let's see who's tongue is longer! :P

After our picture-taking with the snake, we went to have ice cream at Ben & Jerry's.
But due to time constrain, my boyfriend and I didn't get ourselves any ice cream,
while Felicia and Liangwei went ahead to get themselves a cup to share.
In the end, they have to carry their ice cream along to wait at the queue,
as the night performance is starting soon, and queue was very long already.

Ben & Jerry's

Felicia and Liangwei with their ice cream!

My boyfriend and I with our Polaroid taken earlier ^^

Couldn't miss a picture of myself, right? :)

Enough of all the nonsense, what about some picture that both
Felicia and I have taken during the performance? :D
I should have taken video instead of taking pictures :(
** ( Performance are not in sequel ) **

Animals featured during the performance!

Animals do have a strong sense of smell!

A bunch of nature-loving animals~ :D

They were throwing rubbish according to the bins! O.O
I was thinking how they managed to differentiate it?! :O
Even humans, like us with knowledge are not throwing it properly!
We should really learn more from these animals! #soashamed

Coming right up, SNAKE!

The Sacrificer of the day!

The Zookeepers is trying to get the snake on the man's shoulder.

After they have managed to get the snake on the man's shoulder,
they pretend there's an emergency going on, as in there's an escape animal
and they ran off with the man still have the snake on his shoulder and lights were off!
I'm sure you are all curious what his expression is like, with a snake in the dark.

TADAA! He's not afraid at all! Vain effort!

Then when the Emcee wanted to reward him with a toy snake for his effort,
know what the Japanese man did? He totally freaked out thinking that it's real!
Oh well! At least their effort is not totally gone to the drain, the toy snake helps! :D

Till now, I still can't help thinking, what IF it's my boyfriend being called up?
With hundred of eyes staring at him, with all the pressure, and phobia of snake ...
I'm thinking if he would just run off from the performances area just to avoid the snake?
Or would he just accept this cruel fact and just went up the stage as people are looking?
Just forget it, I could never find out the answer until he's up on the stage with the snake~

So, after the performances have ended, we walked back to the entrance.
This time, boyfriend and I can finally get to enjoy Ben & Jerry's ice cream! ^^

Having Ben & Jerry's with boyfriend ^^

Me with my ice cream :D

After we're done with our ice cream, we went walking around souvenir shop again.
And then I spotted this leopard Mario-inspired hat which is really pretty! *o*
But then, I don't really wear hat, so I give it a miss! I'm sure to regret someday!

Felicia and I with our leopard hat ^^

After we're done with our last tour of Night Safari, we head back to my house
as Felicia have not been to my house, and she wanted to see how's my house.
And on the way back to my house, the Kopitiam near my house was actually cheering!

Felicia Liew

Felicia Liew

Kuku area also got countdown, very high still! Lol. Yay!!

Check my time and it's 12MIDNIGHT! HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D
And on the way back, boyfriend and I were shouting "Happy New Year"
to any pedestrian or people that we could see on our way to my house! :D

After finished visiting my house, we head back to boyfriend's house,
and have drinking session to end the whole day of adventure! :D

Drinking Chivas.

That's me with my drink! ^^

With Felicia :)

With my boyfriend ^^

Anyway, do you know about an IPhone application - Fatify?
You should totally download this application because it's fun!
We started playing around with this application during drinking session!
You wanna see all our Fatify's videos that we've done? Here goes ...

See?! I told you this is fun! :D
So, anyway, I shall end my post here.
Time pass fast, and 2011 is over already!
Just like any other people, I was ...

Do stay tuned for my upcoming posts!
The next post I'm gonna do will be on 2012!
I'm waiting to see if the world really ends. You too?



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