These letters written itself inside out again.

Winner of "Fright Your Friends" !
Thursday, September 29, 2011 ♥

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This post shall dedicate to Fright Night! ^^ So, if you have read my blog, did you always read till the end, where I always put my Churpchurp's advertisements? Well, if you do, you would probably saw this "Fright Night" advertisement.

Did you click the advertisement? If you do, you would be linked to their Facebook Fan page and would also probably know about this "Fright Your Friends" contest going on in their Fan page. If you didn't click on the advertisement, start clicking every advertisement that I posted up because there're always lots of surprises and knowledge!

So, what is this "Fright Your Friends" all about? It is a competition where we vampirify pictures of either our friends or ourselves and turn them all from normal people into vampire! Everyone loves vampire, right? After watching Twilight, and some other vampire movie/shows. So, now here's your chance to turn yourself into vampire, just like your favorite vampire character! Cool, right? If you don't understand what I'm trying to say, here's an example :

So, how do I look? I still looks pretty awesome with red colored eyes, two vampire tooth, veins all around my eyes and blood background! Well, besides myself, I did some for my friends and also some couple photos of my friend's! I received quite a number of "likes" and comment from some of the pictures that I've vampirify! I'll show you some of my rewarding art pieces now ...

Vampire Couple - Boyfriend & I

Individual vampire shots of boyfriend and I

Look at what I've done to my pretty friends~ Still pretty la! :D

Ever seen a drunk vampire before?

Vampire family~ How "warm"~

My vampire friends' couple photos! Bloody loving, right? :)

And to end everything, here's a kawaii-ne vampires~

I've done a total of 71 art pieces and I managed to turn some of my friends into vampire! And of course, for making such a big effort for doing 71 art pieces and turning my friends into vampire, I'm not doing this for nothing. And guess what my effort have bring me? Well, I emerge as the grand winner for making the most vampire pictures! Hooray!~

Can you spot where am I?

As you can see from the pictures, for the grand winner, I won myself an exclusive set of Fright Night movie premiums, a specially printed photo album with my "family tree" of vampire victims, which is referring to the 71 pictures that I've successfully vampirify and also 20 pairs of complimentary movie passes to Fright Night! Oh my! The most shocking part about the prizes, is the 20 pairs of complimentary movie passes to Fright Night! Man, that's a lot, you know? And my favorite prize of all, should be the specially printed photo album with my "family tree" of vampire victims! :D After all, I did use quite a lot of my time and effort doing it and this is also what that have helped me in emerging as grand winner! Thanks to my vampire victims!~

Here's the Top 15 professional vampire that have done their very best in vampirify their victims. Congratulations to them, though they wouldn't be seeing this at all. And so now, all I've got to do is to wait for them to sent us an email. I can't wait to receive their email! :D If I really did receive their email, I was thinking if I should do a giveaway for the rest of the complimentary movie passes to Fright Night? It would be a waste to let the tickets be thrown away and it would also be great to let it be given to people that want to watch Fright Night too! Is this what people call by: "Kill two birds with one stone."? Anyway, more details will be given only when I've received their email regarding the prizes.



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Philips 60th Anniversary: Vote For Your Favourite Living Spaces

As part of Philips 60th anniversary, Philips has called all students of local tertiary institutes to show the world their innovative concept for future living spaces in Singapore.

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Real Steel

A gritty, white-knuckle, action ride set in the near-future where the sport of boxing has gone high-tech, “Real Steel” stars Hugh Jackman as Charlie Kenton, a washed-up fighter who lost his chance at a title when 2000-pound, 8-foot-tall steel robots took over the ring.

Now nothing but a small-time promoter, Charlie earns just enough money piecing together low-end bots from scrap metal to get from one underground boxing venue to the next. When Charlie hits rock bottom, he reluctantly teams up with his estranged son Max (Dakota Goyo) to build and train a championship contender.

As the stakes in the brutal, no-holds-barred arena are raised, Charlie and Max, against all odds, get one last shot at a comeback.

Click here for more information!

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