These letters written itself inside out again.

Jayden's Belated Full Month Celebration
Sunday, August 21, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read : ( Part 2 ) Fashion Hooks' Weekend Boutique
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Guess where I'm going today? From my blog title ... YES! It's finally Jayden's Full Month Celebration! Something that I have been looking forward to and waiting for, this August! :D His actual full month was on 16th August, which unfortunately, falls on Tuesday - A working and schooling day for most of the people. That's why, the celebration is now on 21st August. But no matter when the celebration is held, the most important is still - Jayden! :D

I met Huiting at Bukit Batok MRT first. She brought her IPad along with her today! :D I think it's because she didn't bring it to the Fashion Hooks' Weekend Boutique that time, and there's alot people showing off their IPad. Wonder if this is the reason to her bringing her IPad? To show off to us? WTF?! Anyway, when I've met with Huiting, we went to Westmall first to get present for Jayden! The mother reminded us to! But I'll still buy whether she me remind anot.

After we had finished buying Jayden's full month present, we head to take the express bus 506 to Toa Payoh instead of taking the train because I was told it was faster. Huiting seem to hesitant for a minute, thinking : "Bus really got faster mehs?" Do you guys think it's faster? And you guy could also guess what I've bought for Jayden! :D

Loves this "flowy hair" feel ~ Makes my hair looks silky ~
And I think my bangs really look like "M" than straight!

Snapshot of Huiting playing Jubeat!

After less than 30 minutes ... YES! It's LESS THAN 30 minutes! The bus trip was so fast that Huiting could hardly believe it! Haha! She learnt something new today! During the bus trip, we were playing Jubeat ( I'm lousy! ) and playing around with the photobooth on her IPad. I swear that photobooth was damn FUN! Photo effect same as MacBook/IMac! I shall show you guys some exclusive photos taken with photobooth! Why is it exclusive? It's because I wasn't allow to post on facebook! So, you guys can only view it here! Lucky for people that read my blog! :D

Huiting! She looks like a wicked witch at the picture on the left! O.O

I think I looks a little bit like "Hunchback of Notre Dame"

At least, this looks nicer! Like hamsters/squirrels.

We went to find Jacelyn and her boyfriend at the bus interchange. She bought KOI for us! How nice of her! After that, we took bus 157 to Jiayu's house for Jayden's full month celebration! In the bus, we kept disturbing both Jacelyn and her boyfriend! It's funny because it's like both of them just pass us an AK-47 and allow us to shoot freely at them. WTF?! On the bus, Huiting managed to snapshot one photo of Jacelyn with photobooth's effect. So, here is it ...

Doesn't she looks cute in here?
Ohh, saw her boyfriend at the back?

We managed reached there, late. Baby's father fetched her over, that's why she managed to come so early! First thing, to do when we reached, is everyone has a nice chat outside and take photos together! Actually, that's two things.

Jacelyn's boyfriend snapshot all these photos!
One lessons learnt; Never trust him with camera!

& finally, a nice group picture, badly taken :(

Looks like three aunties from this picture :X

I've a nice short story to share! Many people won't be able to understand, but I think you should get what the storyline is all about. A pretty hilarious story isn't it? And every picture links with each other so nicely :)

Jacelyn (Pulling Ben's shoulder): "来嘛! 来泡泡嘛!"
( Saying it in a very cute, pestering voice )

Ben : "I'm telling you, NOT to disturb me! Okay, make it fast!"

------ 泡泡 in process ---------

Jacelyn ( Eyes & mouth open big big ): "Shit! We're caught 泡泡-ing!"

Ben ( Pointing middle finger at Jacelyn ): "See, I TOLD you NOT to 泡泡 already!"

Jacelyn ( Smiling happily ): "Nevermind, I happy can already!"

How was my short story? Did you get it? I couldn't stop laughing at how I managed to link everything up so nicely! I wonder how my girls will react when they saw this story. How genius, how clever I am! #proudface

From here, I shall let pictures do the talking ...

With Jiayu and Huiting

With Jiayu and Baby

My 4 lovely ladies!
( Top Left ) Baby, ( Top Right ) Jiayu,
( Bottom Left ) Huiting & ( Bottom Right ) Jacelyn

Buffet in da' house!

Regarding the present I gave to Jayden, I think none of you knows the answer. ( Who will know?! ) So, the answer is at the pictures below! :D Huiting and I purposely bought everything in pink, when Jayden is a boy! We bought topman inspired baby top for Jayden, okay?!

The gift for Jayden ^^
Including the Winnie the Pooh balloon too.

Jiayu and Jayden. All the "J"s

More pictures of them! Jayden looks so cute! #O.O#

I'm carrying Jayden. He's so nice to carry, I don't feel like letting go!

Look at lil cute Jayden ^^

I look like I'm breast-feeding him in this picture :\

Together with Jiayu

Together with Baby

Together with Huiting

Together with Jacelyn.

One more with lil Jayden :)

Looks at his little hand gripping my finger!

Baby with lil Jayden ^^

Look like mother hor? :)

With Jiayu and Winnie the Pooh balloon
Opps! Winnie is facing his backside! :O

Now, it's better! :D

With Jiayu and lil Jayden.


Baby with Jiayu and lil Jayden

Jiayu with lil Jayden. So loving ~

Jacelyn with lil Jayden. All the "J"s again!
She seriously looks like Jayden's mother from these pictures!

You see, she so good play with Jayden, right?
From the "Detect Trueself" camera ....


Poor lil Jayden :(

Baby and me!

I love this picture! (L)

Helping lil Jayden with his socklings

Staring competition? O.O

Lil Jayden just bathed finished. So cute when he's naked! Ohmy~

Snap! Snap! Naked Jayden! :D

Snapshot of Baby having her food.

With Baby ^^

Snaphot! Snapshot! ^^

Huiting giving me a evil stare ~

Jacelyn and Jiayu.

Snapshot of Jiayu and Huiting.

Okay, now a nice ones :)

With Jiayu and Huiting.

With Baby

With Jiayu

With Jacelyn

With Baby

With Huiting. Pretty hor?~

A group photo! Cannot be missed!

I feel so loved! (L)

Jacelyn with Baby and Jiayu

With Jacelyn.

With Baby.

With Jacelyn. Taken by Huiting's IPad.

Pretending that is Jacelyn's funereal photo. We're all sad :(

Jacelyn with her 'funeral' photo. Oh my god! Wait a minute! Did I just say Jacelyn taking photo her own funeral photo?! I'M SEEING THING! It's the lunar 7th Month somemore! So scary!

After Jayden's full month celebration, all of us went off as Jiayu was going back to her boyfriend's house already. It's been so long since I came to Toa Payoh, so Huiting and I decided to walk around Toa Payoh Central for awhile and the rest head back home. A lot of shops are closing when we reached there. So sad! :( But our trip was not wasted! Because, we got ourselves ...


Cute, right? I haven't seen anyone using this :)

Huiting and I posing with our new loved casing.

More with my new lovable casing :)

As there's nothing more to shop around since shops are starting to close. We took the fast express bus 506 back to Bukit Batok and from there, we goes separate ways home. It's so fun and enjoyable to be out with my lovelies. I feel so happy when I'm with them! Outing again? Anyway, I shall end my post with some pictures from Huiting's IPad's photobooth. Enjoy! :D And stay tuned to my blog! :D




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Baby ♥♥ Bella ♥♥ Dewi ♥♥ Huiting ♥♥ Huiwen ♥♥ Jacelyn ♥♥ Rayen Rena ♥♥
