These letters written itself inside out again.

Kyden's Full Month Celebration
Friday, June 17, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: Happy 28th Monthsary!
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Hey yo! I'm back to blogging! :D Today is my cousin's baby full month! His name is Kyden. Nice, right? :) Cannot imagine that I'm an Aunt at such a young age already. Age is killing me slowly! D: Okay, I'll leave the main character of this post until the back, let you guys' heart itch :) This post, I won't post much words. Probably, just mostly pictures. So, I'll let the pictures do the most "talking". I'm just plain lazy to blog :X Anyway, when a baby is full month, what will you get to see? Other than the baby! Guess guess guess! Don't know, right? It's RED EGG! ( Nothing to be excite about, actually :\ I think I've over-react :X )

Red eggs that are not really very red.

That's me trying "pluck" the shell. I'm the first customer! :D

Finally done! Great effort needed.

Cute looking Ang Gu Kueh :)

The hamper for the baby. Who is it from?

It's actually from the Toa Payoh West CC! :)

"Baby feel happy" mood enhancing CD and Chicken Essence could be found in the hamper.
Does the CD really works? If it does, you wouldn't have to worry about babies crying anymore :)

Can't believe that they're giving this to Kyden too!
Kyden's parent would have finished these when Kyden is of age already :)

That's the younger generation of "Uncle" ( left) playing handphone/PSP 's games.
And the older generation of Auntie and Uncle ( right) talking about PAP :\
See, that's where the age gap problem lies! :D

A game of Reversi with my brother while trying to kill time. ( It's boring )
Obviously, I won! :D I'm Player 1.

The buffet! :D

See, so many delicious-looking food awaiting to enter our tummy~

And my all-time favourite dessert. Yam Paste! ( Not with the ginkgo nut :\ )

My huge serving of food. Nom nom~

After so many uninteresting thing/pictures, the main character's pictures is next already!~ Okay, so let's us all welcome ... ... ( drum rolling )( rolling )( & still rolling ) ...



My grandma hugging baby Kyden :D
Now my grandma is great-grandma already :)

That's Baby Kyden when he's sleeping. He's real cute! :D
See, the picture on the left is as if he is having some sweet dream :)

Kyden's glove - " I've arrived ".
Totally fits today's theme :D

See the whole loads boxes of cakes! :D

The design of the box with a card that says: " Kyden, Happy Full Month".
And obviously, Kelvin and Carine is my cousin and her husband :)

Lovely and yummy-looking cupcakes :D
The chocolate one was nice :)

I always loovveee family gatherings! :D
There's always fun, joy, laughter and fun, joy, laughter :D

That's me carrying lil Kyden :D
Kyden looks so funny in the picture on the right.

That's Kyden drinking milk, carried by his mother.

Sisters are playing Barbie Dolls!
That's the thing I always do when I'm at my cousin house, at a younger age of course! :)

Before that, there's only a few of Kyden's photos because my grandma don't allow me to take photos of him, while sleeping. Because my grandma believes that by capturing photos of people when sleeping aren't a good thing. Something like capturing the soul of that person. Anyway, cut all that stuffs already. So, I'm waiting for a chance to shoot more photos of Kyden when he's awake, but apparent, he can sleep all day long soundly with all those noise around him. Oh gosh! How good to be a baby! D: But chances always come, he's finally awake after all those patient :) I think this is what it meant when people says that " Good stuffs are worth the wait ". :)

Look at Kyden! He's only one month and he's able to make funny expression to the camera :)

After the gathering, I left my cousin's house early, and asked Laogong to come and fetch me. Actually, we were intended to watch the movie, Super 8. But Laogong checked and found that places at the West didn't have anymore slot that suits our timing :( It's saddening, but we still can watched it next time although my temptation to watch the movie at that time was super HIGHHH! Oh well, guess I didn't have the fate today to watch it.

Laogong fetched me back home to let me take my uniform as I've school activity tomorrow morning, and I'm staying over at Laogong's house for the night. After that, went back to Laogong's house. Packed his house, use the computer and we went to bed already. We've to charge up our energy bar for tomorrow :D


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