These letters written itself inside out again.

Happy 28th Monthsary!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: ( Movie ) Gold Class Experience : X-men: First Class
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Sorry for neglecting my blog for so long. I'm sick and working now, so I didn't have the time or energy to blog, or even use the computer. Now I'm blogging, doesn't mean I'm fine. Actually, I'm still sick ): But I couldn't bear to see my blog like this, so I came to blog on this special day :) What special day? It's the 28th month with my beloved boyfriend! :D


We have simple celebration to celebrate our 28th months together. We had Pastamania for our dinner and we sort of have a short " cold war " because he wanted to sit outside while I wanted to sit inside, where it is much more cooler. I don't know why he want to sit outside also, it's so WARM! D: So I didn't really enjoy my dinner as I'm eating while perspirating(?). It feels so uncomfortable! D:

After our dinner, I wanted to watch movie. Laogong treated me to dinner so I treated him to movies :) To me, I feel that not everything have to be paid by boyfriend. It's good to treat each other to something nice once in a while. Agree? :) There wasn't much movie to choose from. Super 8, Kungfu Panda 2, Animal United and X-men: First Class. X-men is out because we've watched before. Animal United doesn't look really nice to watch. So, it's left with Super 8 and Kungfu Panda 2. I choose to watch Super 8 but Laogong wanted to Kungfu Panda 2. So, we went to watch Kungfu Panda 2.

At the start of the movie, Laogong saw the trailer for Super 8 and he says he wanted to watch it. What the fcuk? Anyway, Kungfu Panda 2 is a super hilarious and nice movie to watch. You should go and catch the movie if you haven't do so. You confirm won't regret watching it. It's so funny even when they are having serious talk. I like one of the consversation that Pao, who's the Kungfu Panda have with Lord Shen, the Peacock.

Lord Shen: How can you still be peace when I leave scar in your heart?
Pao: Scar can be heal.
Lord Shen: Only wound can be heal.
Pao: Then what does scar do? Fade?

The conversation is briefly something like this, but the meaning is there. Can you get what they are saying? If you don't, you should perhaps get ticket and watch Kungfu Panda 2! Here's a trailer of the movie ...

Anyway, if you still miss Pao's kungfu actions after watching the movie, you can head to their official website . There's game for you to play too! I like the Photo Booth most! :D First, you take a photo of yourself using the webcam. Secondly, you choose the character you like to be in the photo with you ( or not ) and save it. You'll be done after the fourth picture! :D I've tried it, it's real fun! Here's one of my " masterpiece "...

Click here if you're unable to see the photo clearly.

I guess this shall be the end of my post already. I'll try to update my blog regularly :) Stay tuned for my next post, alright?
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