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Okay, today have been a rushing day for Laogong because he have to move to places to places to fetch his friends and drop them at somewhere and he also helps to carry TV too. But he managed to lent until a car, so it makes travelling much more easier and relaxing than travelling with bike. I super love car! If I strike lottery, I would buy one car for Laogong, so he can fetch me to anywhere I want without having to worry about my hair, my dressing and the rain! But... wait until I strike lottery then say ba.
I shall skip all the details. Around 8pm, Laogong and I went to fetch Bingli and her boyfriend. Then Laogong drive us to Vivo City. We're going to watch X-men: First Class at Vivo City Gold Class Cinema! Excited max because it's my first Gold Class experience! :D
Before that, we went to walk around. Saw some temporary stall down at the first level. They sells super nice handmade items and all! What really catches my attention is the balloon sculpting! They've Snow White, Barney, Hello Kitty and others. Super nice! I actually wanted to get one until I saw a little girl holding on to a Tinkerbell balloon! That's ten times nicer than those on display! But sadly, the sculptor wasn't in the stall, so no one could make one for me! :( And the whole time, I was complaining that I wanted that Tinkerbell balloon. Haha.
Then we went in to this store whereby they sells cute cartoon characters like Rilakkuma, Doreamon, Stitch and others' items! Super cute store! It's just outside somewhere near the cinema. I think it's rather obvious 'cause they've huge Domokun on display outside their stall. Well, Laogong got me this One Piece - Chopper water bottle for me! :D Because the previous water bottle that Laogong have bought for me is spoilt! :( But I like the new water bottle! :D Where can you find one One Piece water bottle? :D

The One Piece - Chopper water bottle :D
After that, we head in to the cinema. We walked on the red carpet to receive our movie ticket. Like some kind of superstar! Haha. Then we went in to Gold Class.
( Taken from Internet )
Apparently, we went in too early and our movie aren't ready for seating yet. So, we were waiting at their lounge while waiting for the seating. When we stayed at the lounge, I don't feel anything like being in a cinema. It was as if I was at some cafe or something. Then we ordered some food from the lounge that's going to be served to us when we're watching movie. Nice, right? :)
They've this cool section on their menu - A Pirate's Craving -. It is actually a drink session. Obviously, they got this idea from Pirates of the Caribbean. But it's really cool. They've cocktail by the name of "Black Zombie" and "Fountain of Youth" and mocktail by the name of "Mermaid's Tears". Super innovative, right? Well, Bingli ordered " Fountain of Youth " while I ordered "Mermaid's Tears". Now I've the key to eternal life! :D
I was thinking, why don't Blackbeard just ordered himself one "Mermaid's Tears" from Gold Class' lounge instead of making himself have to force one from the Mermaid? Getting from the lounge is much more easier, right? Haha :D
Since, it's our first time in Gold Class, we decided to take some photos at the lounge. Typically, this is what most people do, right? When they get to come, do, see a thing that they've experience for the first time. Haha :D
Failed shot of Laogong and I
Success shot of Laogong and I.
( I looks ugly in here :( )
Bingli and her boyfriend
Bingli and me.
( I looks much more better in here :) )
Laogong and Bingli's boyfriend - Formal shot
Laogong and Bingli's boyfriend - Informal shot :D
Couple shots :D
After we're done with the photos, we were informed that the movie are ready for seating already. So, we put down the camera and get ready to go in the theatre. I super love their chair! You're able to adjust the chair to any degree/angle that you like, that you're most comfortable with. You can even adjust all the way until it's like a bed and sleep throughout the movie. But I think nobody is stupid enough to do this kind of thing. And I was playing with the buttons! It's just too cool already! Pardon me for my suagu-ness! Laogong says he wanted to get this chair for himself! Haha :D Blanket was provided in case you're cold. How thoughtful! :)
( Taken from Internet )
Then the movie starts. Halfway, the staffs will come in to serve our foods and beverages. The "Mermaid's Tears" was nice, it was like a sweetened Sprite. It's nice for sweet tooth for me, but maybe not for some others. Because Laogong didn't really like it, he says it was too sweet. And I think that we've ordered abit too much because we don't have enough spaces to put our food. Haha. I like the Crispy Shrimps, but not the Mushroom Soup :\
Anyway, like I've stated earlier, we came to watch X-men: First Class. It's a movie talking about the young Prof X and Magneto. I've to admit that it's a really nice movie. There was this part where Hugh Jackson who was acting as Wolverine, appears in the movie for just a short 5 seconds. But I can almost heard people screaming at his scene. Lols! And Hugh Jackson was super cool when young Prof X and Magneto talk to him ...
Prof X: Hi I'm Charles Xavier
Magneto: ...and I'm Erik Lensher
Wolverine: Go fuck yourself
How cool, right? I think I've reveal abit too much already. Anyway, it's a really nice movie! Go and get yourself a X-men: First Class movie ticket if you haven't watched it yet. Now, I know why Prof X was crippled, how did the name Prof X and X-men came about. Haha :D Although they've messed up the storyline on both comic and the previous films, I really enjoyed the movie. Here's the movie trailer for X-men: First Class.
After the movie, Laogong drive Bingli and her boyfriend back home first then we drive to Chua Choa Kang to return the car and from there, we went back to Laogong's house on bike. Super weird feeling when I was sitting on the bike, I think I'm used to the car already :X
Went back home, Laogong says that from next time onwards, he's ONLY going to watch Gold Class cinema. But although the tickets for Gold Class cost 2-3 times more than a normal show, this is more than justified for your absolutely favourite films. You get a lounge with waiting staff who take your order and bring it to your seat. How cool, right? It's about enjoying, not the money. Try watching movie from Gold Class next time! :D