These letters written itself inside out again.

Happy 50th Birthday, Mummy!
Monday, May 30, 2011 ♥

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I've kinda been neglecting my blog for quite sometimes, apologize for that. Anyway, it's HOLIDAY! :D But I still have got to attend school :( Have Mother Tongue 'O' level paper on the first day of the holiday. I think I'll totally flunk my Mother Tongue paper because I didn't have time to finish my Paper 1, and I only managed to finish my Paper 2 by rushing, didn't really give detailed and complete answer. Oh shit! Does that means I've to take the paper again?! I have to wait to see the result only in August. Hope I get lucky and pass! :) Okay, I gotta pray real hard from now... ...

After the paper, I head down to Westmall to buy birthday cake for my mother. Actually, I was intending a surprise for her, but I didn't know which cake she will like, so I called her. No more surprises already. My mother sounds super happy on the phone when she heard that I'm going to buy birthday cake for her. She keep reminding me about her birthday since weeks ago, how can I not remember? She thought that nobody would care, so she's rather surprise that I'm getting birthday cake for her. But didn't bought present, cause I just couldn't find the perfect present for her.

Okay, let's start about the birthday celebration. It was a short and simple celebration. My family don't really celebrate each other birthday as it was just like any other normal day. So, today can be one special day for my family :) My father is like damn jealous that my mother get to have birthday celebration and he don't. I think he's hinting me :\

In exchange for the birthday cake, mother bought KFC Family Feast for us! :D Most sumptuous dinner ever! Haha. I think she is too damn happy with an ultra super good mood, that is why she's treating us to such a good dinner with any second thought or complaint. After our sumptuous dinner bought by mother, Laogong finally came over. So, I went to get the cake and the celebration starts from here... ...

Mother's birthday cake!

Mother looking happy with her birthday cake.

See, she's seeing on the cake already!

Comeon! Let's make a wish!
Her wish confirm is: " Let me win 4D first prize! Have a lot money!" :D

My mother blow candle very cute.
I think she too long never blow birthday candle already.
She don't seem to know how to blow birthday candle lehs!

Okay, now faster cut the cake and we can eat already! :D

Looooooks yummmmmmy? :)

Anyway, Bingli bought me something from The Wallet Shop. At first when my mother saw the plastic bag that Laogong pass it to me, my mother thought it was her birthday present! When I told her that it was actually for me, she says I'm lying! Wtf! Is this what people called by being "desperate"? I think she wanted a present too much already. Haha :D

The Wallet Shop

A Key Holder Pouch. Nice? :)
At least it's hundred, thousand, millions times nicer than my previous one.

Okay, I think this should be the end of my post already. Anyway ... ...

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