These letters written itself inside out again.

Fathers' Day + Boyfriend's Grandma & Uncle Birthday Celebration
Saturday, June 18, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: Kyden's Full Month Celebration
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It's such a tiring day! D: Laogong is supposed to wake me up early as I've school activity today. But end up, I'm the one waking him up. Surprising that I'm able to wake up so early during the holiday. Laogong was so confident yesterday night that he's able to wake up on time to wake me up :\ So much for his confident! He's still sleeping soundly like a pig when I woke up! Lucky me, if not I'm so so gonna be late for my school activity! Okay, shall stop my grumbling.

So, I woke up early. Went to bathe and prepare before waking Laogong's up from his sweet dream. Then he fetch me to Jurong MRT as there's where the school activity is held. We're having flag day, helping the needy and the disabled to raise funds. This is to add more time for our CIP. But why must they held it during the holiday?!

I was told to arrive 15 minutes earlier, but to found out that only a few have reached only. I was hungry so Laogong and I went to have our breakfast at a coffeeshop nearby. Have wonton noodle which taste different from the other that I've eaten. Do you guys know maggie mee that called 100? Yeah, the wonton noodle tasted like the 100 maggie mee! And we saw a crow eating the wonton in the kitchen! Oh gosh~ Could the wontons that I've eaten also ... ... ! D:

After our "fantabulous" breakfast, Laogong fetched me back to Jurong MRT before heading back home to prepare. Laogong have to head to BBDC later for his vocational license stuffs. Hope it all goes well for him! ^^ And also, I think I very suagu, I didn't know that Jurong MRT station have changed! That's what happened when I don't take MRT! :\

Okay, so after that, all of us went to exchange for our collection tin and stickers. Here's a picture of my collection tin and stickers! :) It seems like I bring camera everywhere with me. No choice, I just like to snap pictures down so that my blog post would looks way nicer and who knows when you're going to take down any memorial picture? :)

My collection tin and stickers.

So... Huiwen, Kevin, Chinkiat and I set off :) It's not my first time doing flag, but I didn't know what to do and how to actually go to people and ask them for donations. It's rather paisea, you know? :\ But somehow, I still manage to do it :) It's fun and things are going good too, no until we started with our funny ideas and beginning to get tired and lazy. So, we stopped and headed down to Science Center to have fun! :) ( I feel guilty not helping to raise funds after that )

Planet Shark @ Science Center

Huiwen and me posing with the shark at the entrance

That's me sitting on the BIG chair and Chinkiat on the small one.

Chinkiat and Huiwen :)

Looks like everyone have their fun uh? :)

Oh man! I'm 70KG?!?! Fret not, it's FAKE! :D
( I think everyone also know. Sorry for this lame joke :\ )

After that, we visited the "Souvenir" store. But it have nothing in store for us! :( Kinda disappointed. Nothing interesting there for me to buy too :\ I remember when I came years back, I bought this shuttlecock thing, that's used for kicking at $0.80, and only to find out that there's a $1 coins underneath that's used to balance it! Lucky me! ^^ Earn $0.20 :) And there's lots of whacky fun stuffs years back that I'll like to buy! I thought that maybe some will be still available in the store but apparently, there's none :( So, we walked around the Science Center to kill time while waiting for this whole thing to end. And other than us, we saw quite a number of students over at Science Center too! :O So, don't only blame us for being lazy and stuffs!

After Science Center, there's nothing much to do there already. So, we headed to IMM. There isn't much places to visit at Jurong when you've activity going on. Had lunch and rested at MacDonald. To be exact, only Kevin is eating, the rest are damn tired to eat, including me. I asked Kevin to order an upsized extra value meal so that I could have the cup :)

This week color is purple! :)

After our lunch and rest at MacDonald, we were walking around IMM and I suddenly have the urge to catch some dolls. But I've no skills! :( I spent all my $1 coins, but I couldn't even get a tiny doll at all! Kevin wasted quite alot of money trying to get his Angry Birds too. But he've no skills too. It will be good if Laogong was there! He can help me! :(

Anyway, after that, we realised that it's going to end. So, we headed back to the MRT. We gave back the collection tin and stickers to them. I feel really bad when I saw people that have their collection tin FULL! It's so goddamnit heavy, you know!? While mine are like so pathetic! :( After that, I took MRT back home with Kevin while Huiwen and Chinkiat took bus. I don't even know which escalator to take to get me to Bukit Batok, it's just so confusing with so many lines and platform! But luckily, I got the correct one! :) Save me the trouble :)

Reached home, I was super tired! But I couldn't rest because I got to go to my Grandma's house for advanced Fathers' Day celebration. Oh gosh!~ So, when I reached home, I enjoyed the cool breeze from my fan for a little while and went to prepare to go my Grandma's house. Intend to take cab, but in the end, I took a bus. I feel so weird at the bus stop :S

Okay, I think I was too tired and fall asleep on the bus. But I was lucky that I wake up at right bus stop. How lucky I am today! :D From here, I think I would be letting the pictures to do the "talking". I've post quite alot of words and I'm lazy to continue typing already :X

Buffet @ Grandma's house

Mango Pudding for dessert

I love my family! :D

Pictures of my Uncle and his family. Cute, right?
They're all wearing the same shirt! :D

After the buffet at Grandma's house, I rested awhile before heading to Laogong's house because they're having Laogong's Grandma's and Uncle's birthday celebration. Oh man! There seem like neverending events today! D: I was tired so I took cab over to Laogong's house instead since Laogong couldn't get the time to come over to fetch me.

Laogong's Grandma's and Uncle's birthday cake

(Left) Laogong's Grandma's cake (Right) Laogong's Uncle's cake

Some snapshots that I took :)

Lighting the candles on both the birthday cakes

Laogong's Grandma seem to be sooo happy ^^

Blowing the candles

Cute little boy that thought it's his birthday!
He's trying to cut "his" birthday cake! :D

Laogong, Bingli and their Grandma

Laogong with Bingli's boyfriend

The Peach Bun.

I was fooling around wtih it :D

I stayed up the whole night during the celebration although everyone has leave because there's still two tables of mahjong people! They stayed up and played mahjong from before I arrived at Laogong's house until around going 4 in the morning! They don't seem to look tired after the game also! While I was trying not to fall asleep although I'm already at my limit. Helped Laogong's mother to pack abit after they've leave and faster head to sleep. Oh man!~


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