These letters written itself inside out again.

Clothes Buffet @ TheBlogShop + ( Movie ) Hangover 2
Saturday, June 25, 2011 ♥

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Like I said, I'm back to post about the Clothes Buffet that I've attended, organised by THEBLOGSHOP which is located at 35 Haji Lane :D ( They have another outlet at FEP, but the event is not organised there! ) I went to the event with my lovely girl, Olivia! :D We went there hoping to get some nice loots so that we could use/wear to Hweexian's wedding :D

So, I woke up damn early, 9am in the morning. ( It's the second time that I ever woke up before 2PM during the holiday. ) Went to prepare and all, and head to meet Olivia. And here's a joke! Apparently, Olivia is already on the train reaching Bukit Batok, so she asks me board the coming train. Well, I board it, it's the correct train. When I went in, there's a girl who is facing her back to me. ( I thought she's Olivia! :O ) She had the same long brown hair and skinny body like Olivia. At that time, I was on the phone with Olivia and she asks where am I? So, I walked towards the girl and says very loud, "Look behind you lahs!" and went to tap her on the shoulder. The girl, looked stun and it takes awhile for me to react that I HAVE TAP THE WRONG PERSON! :S Embarrassing max! ( Okay, it's not really funny :\ )

Taken at home

Dressing style of the day!
I personally think that it got the director "feel" :D

So, we took the train all the way to Bugis! Although it's a rather long journey in the train, for me. But it's so coincidentally that there're many weird and funny people on the train that entertains us greatly throughout the journey! Haha :D We saw cosplay in the train! One looks like a half-blood super tanned Japanese Zombie, because she's wearing Japanese school uniform so I think she's acting like a Japanese Zombie? And another one looks like bitten by the Japanese Zombie because she have fake blood on her face. It's damn funny! I like Japan's cosplay better :X

After all the entertainment given to us, WE REACHED BUGIS! :D Now we're so much closer to our destination - THEBLOGSHOP @ 35 Haji Lane. I've missed the last two Clothes Buffet by NoLabel and Victoria Jomo. Never gonna miss this one again! :D

That's my lovely girl, Olivia! :D
Pretty, aint she? I looks shit besides her! D:

As both of us didn't know how to walk to Haji Lane, we took taxi there. And for real, it's my first ever trip at Haji Lane! I've never stepped in Haji Lane before although I've always wanted to go there to shop and also to take pictures with the graffiti-filled walls over there. But even that I'm going over to Haji Lane for the Clothes Buffet, I still couldn't take pictures with the graffiti-filled walls because I just found out that I've forgotten to charge my camera! ( I thought it's still full. ) Can someone just create a camera that doesn't requires battery and charging? I always forgot to charge it, thinking that it's gonna be full battery forever. LOLS!

Okay, enough for all the senseless bullshit complaining of camera's battery already. It's just my luck. Let's get back to the topic. So, we took taxi over to THEBLOGSHOP and ... what the fuck? It's only 12.30PM when we reached there and there's quite a long queue already! Event is actually starting at 1PM, but when we reached there, it's already started! Now, you can see how overwhelming the response is already! But it's also lucky that they started it early, if not I wonder how long more are we gonna wait in the queue for our turn to come. Haha. Anyway, here are some pictures that I taken from THEBLOGSHOP's Twitter.

The earliest birds catches the best worms.

This is the queue when we arrived!
Anyway, could you spot Olivia? :D

Well, they take photo of Olivia's shoulder and bag! LOL!
They could have just taken it with Olivia and me! D:

Although it's a really long queue, we waited for like around 30minutes? Which I think is rather fast for event like this. It's also lucky we came early, instead of being punctual and reached there at 1PM. The queue for 1PM is like doubled the queue when we just arrived there! Scary enough? Singaporean just couldn't miss event like this! ( Singaporean is kiasu, including me :P )

When it's finally our turn, we're like damn excited and we upgraded our paper bags to $45 instead of the $30 paper bag. Because we saw people taking the $30 and $45 paper bags. The $30 paper bags are super small! It looks like it fits one pair of flat slipper and it'll be full! That's why we upgraded our paper bags to $45. Although the $45 paper bag are twice as big as the $30 ones, they're super small too! The $45 paper bag are like the paper bag that we always get when we buy accessories. Now, you get what I'm saying? Anyway, Clothes Buffet here we comes ...

The crowd inside are super duper squeeze! Damn hell lots of people inside. It's even worse then getting on a MRT train when it's peak hours. Can you imagine?! Our backside and breast are touching one another! ( Lucky that there isn't any guys in my crowd. ) I could hardly move an inch in there! No matter how hard I squeeze and push the people to get through, it's useless :\ Here's one picture that I took from THEBLOGSHOP's Twitter of the crowd inside.

And although I'm super kiasu myself, there's people that are much more kiasu than me! Is this what people says by "There's always another mountain higher" ? I couldn't get all the nice clothes at all! I saw one reversible dress but I couldn't take it because my bag is already full! D: Shoes that I saw on the sneak preview wasn't there on display! Super disappointed! But even if the shoes are there, I couldn't get it also because the bag will be full with just one pair of it!

So, after I'm finished filling my bags up with dis-satisfaction I went out to let them staple my bags and get the hell out of there. Although it's air-conditioned, both me and Olivia came out of the shop perspiring as if we just came out from suana. Oh yah, Eric Lim and Yutakis was there too helping out. And also, Jacqueline too. Yutakis was super duper nice-looking! Olivia saw him and tell me that too :D He's ultra tall and skinny too! He's no difference from his photoshop-ed picture, actually :D Got to remind me that I've got boyfriend :P

Although, everything nice was gone within a blink of eye and everyone was squeezing around trying to get on hold of items that they wanted before others does, the shop inside was in a complete chaos and I couldn't get anything nice that I wanted, restocking was super slow too. But I still want to thank THEBLOGSHOP for creating this event :D Anyway, here's some picture that I've gotten from THEBLOGSHOP's website. Looks meaningful to me :D

Okay, that's all for the Clothes Buffet event. I will share my ( unlike ) loots with you guys later on in the post. After the Clothes Buffet, Olivia and I was super thirsty. So, we walked around Haji Lane, searching for any shop that have chair to sit and also drinks. So, we settled down at one shop and Olivia bought something for herself to eat too. Limejuice don't really works for thirstiness :\ I get even thirstier after drinking it! D:

After Olivia's meal, we searched for our way back to Bugis. I was intending to get dress and platform heel from Bugis Street since I was not satisfied with the loots that I've got from the Clothes Buffet. But, in the end, I didn't get anything from Bugis Street because I don't wanna waste money on shopping already seeing how my bank account have drastically dropped, and never been increased ever since I started to pamper myself and go for shopping trips. Olivia got herself some clothing that she could wear when she's going to school.

We went to Iluma next since Bugis Street no longer have anything that could attract us already. And both Olivia and I admit defeat to aging because we got really tired and have sore all over our body! Thinking back when I was 13, 14 years old ... ... We went to Iluma to try on our loots that we've gotten from the Clothes Buffet. Apparently, Olivia managed to get more clothing than I do, and all the clothing that she managed to get are all nice! Unlike mine! Cry out loud!

Photos of myself

Photo with lovely Olivia, who's wearing the dress she got from Clothes Buffet

Today, we were only thinking of attending the Clothes Buffet and didn't plan for later. So we were like thinking where can we still go and what should we do next? That's why it's always good to have a good planning before you go out with your friends or anyone. Basically, we were resting all the way. We wanted to find place to go but we are tired at the same time too. Our body just don't co-ordinate well with our heart. LOL! Aging problem ... ...

Anyway, I chanced upon Huishan at Bugis Street. Had a short talk with her and also pass her a pair of different contact lenses to her, which Olivia have gotten from Clothes Buffet. Ziyang and Joel came later on to meet up with Olivia. Went off with Olivia, Ziyang and Joel to QQ House for dinner. But I didn't eat because at that point of time, I was already hoping for a bed to appear right in front of me. Super tired max! I tried to catch a short nap while they're eating.

After their meal, Weiming and Cyrus came. Head over with all of them to a billard center. I have fun talking and gossiping with Olivia while the guys are playing their games. Around 8PM plus, I bid goodbye to them and went off as my boyfriend is angry at me for staying outside until so late after the Clothes Buffet event. I was too tired to take public transport, so I took taxi.

When I reached Laogong's house, I wanted to rest but I watch Naruto instead. Don't know what's up with me. LOL! Laogong was resting as he complained about his swollen eyes being painful and all and I was watching Naruto on the computer. It's like vice versa :D Laogong rested , and I watch Naruto all the way till like around 10.40PM, before Laogong went to prepare himself and fetched me to Jurong Point as we're catching a movie with Bingli and her boyfriend.

We went to catch the movie Hangover 2. It's an M18 movie, but it's the nicest M18 I have ever saw after I'm 18! Like seriously, this movie is awesome! :D I like every part of it, because every part of it are hilarious and fun! :D Wouldn't want the movie to stop playing! :D I wanna watch Hangover I! Anyone knows where I can watch Hangover I? Tell me, okay? :) Go and catch it if you haven't, it's a movie that you wouldn't want to miss, FOR SURE! :D And also, I love Stu's singing. Do hear the lyrics of his song, he's good ... :D

Here's two character that I liked in the movie. Alan who was role-play by Zach Galifianakis and the monkey in the movie. Actually I liked the character, Alan, much more than the monkey. But I just couldn't help thinking how freaking smart that monkey is! You have to catch the movie to find out yourself about their hilarious adventures at Bangkok with all of their funny actions and speeches. It's a movie that you MUST watch! :D Here's a trailer ...

Anyway, the movie will end my long tiring day. From here, I'll share with you guys the ( unlike ) loots that I've gotten from the Clothes Buffet that I've told you guys earlier in the post.

The loots that I've gotten in the $45 paper bag

Know how big the $45 paper bag is? Well, if you have SCV at home, take its remote control for example. The length of it is around, estimated 5cm taller than the SCV remote control. And its width? It's exactly the size of the SCV remote control. Know the "smallness" of the bag, now?

Measuring of the $45 paper bag with SCV remote control

And could you imagine? If the size of the $45 paper bag, which is the biggest that they're providing is this "big". What about the $30 paper bag which I said is around half its size? I never know how those people could survive in there with a $30 paper bag? Shouldn't they wants to upgrade it to a $45 paper bag? Well, it's their choice. Let's carry on ...

These are the small things that I've got.
Let's start off with the contact lenses ... ...

First Item :

This is the contact lenses that I've got. Look like Hurricane series uh?

But too bad, it has got degree. I don't wear degree :\

Second Item :

I got a box of fake eyelashes

It's straight instead of criss-cross :\

Third Item :

I got myself a red polka dots with ribbon pouch

Its zip looks like Hello Kitty's ribbon

Okay, so that's all for the small items. Guess the worst loot is the contact lenses! I need contact lenses badly as I've worn mine for very long already. Went there, saw lots of contact lenses, but I didn't realise that they've degree. Ohfcuk! But the funny thing is that, they hardly have any contact lenses that have no degree! ( At least I couldn't find them at all )
Okay, now for the big items ...

All the big items that I've got.
Let's start off with the clutch ...

Fourth Item :

I got the above straw clutch at the Clothes Buffet because I think it's more appropriate to be using a clutch than bag when I'm going to someone's wedding, wearing a dress. Actually, there is hardly any clutch in sight at all, or is it that others' actions and eyesight are much better than me? I don't know. Olivia got a red colored clutch at the Clothes Buffet, but she thinks mine looks much more nicer and better. But I think otherwise. Perhaps, that's the nicest clutch I could see there? ( I only saw Olivia and mine clutch only ) But I'm still lucky I got one, at least :) It looks like snake skin clutch from afar, does it? I mean AFAR! I think it does :)

A close-up shot of the straw clutch

The nicest part of this clutch is this! The turning "buckle" :)

The inside of the straw clutch

Actually, I wasn't really happy getting this clutch because I think it's just too casual for going to wedding. And I think it wasn't really nice at all. Then Olivia told me that she saw this kind of clutch selling at the price of above $60 from a accessories shop. I know it's comforting but when I saw it, I feel very disappointing. But not until I went home, and found this online ...

( Taken from Socialite )

The I-think-it-is-ugly clutch that I got, is selling at an online store?! What the fuck! Oh okay, that's really comforting! :D And when you see the product, it actually left with only one piece! Okay, now then I realised that it's actually something nice ~ ( I'm being realistic ) Although the piece that Olivia have says is abit exaggerating for this clutch of mine, but I know she's doing her part to comfort me. Thanks, girl! ^^ This clutch is selling at Socialite for SGD 23! :D

Fifth Item :

I've got this tank-alike top with pattern at the neckline

Here's the close up shoot for the neckline

Here's two closer up shot of the neckline. Could you see the rose pattern on it?

But I think that the top is rather nice, if those roses wasn't on the neckline. Agree? It's just my personal taste and opinion. Because I tried it, and found that the roses on the neckline makes me looks old. The old is something like the auntie old those kinds. Get it? Nevermind, if one day I've got the sudden urge of wearing it, I'll cut the roses away. If not, I'll just leave it alone :)

Sixth and Finally Item :

The finally item is this one shoulder dress.

Here's some close up shot of it.

I found the sleeves-alike thing on the side looks special. And I also think that it look rather formal, nice choice for going to a wedding dinner, isn't it? But when I try it on, it's a different thing already. I look rather weird, or should I say, I looks fat and chubby in this dress :( But I don't care, I'm just gonna wear it to Hweexian's wedding dinner! Because, I couldn't afford to go on any other more shopping trips already D: I'm like .... .... ( thunder ) BROKE! D:

( Taken from Socialite )

And I found this dress on an online store too! The same online store as the clutch that I've mentioned earlier! Ohmygod! It's found on Socialite! This online store have become my greatest comfort for all these disappointing loots that I've get. But unlike the clutch, being the last piece left. This dress apparently is on SALE, NOW! At a price of SGD 25.20 only! So, if you wanna get it, get it FAST & QUICK! ( Ohfuck! I sounds like having an advertorial instead :\ )

Okay, that's all for my loots. Basically, there's nothing interesting :\

To end this post, I shall thank THEBLOGSHOP for this event! Great event! ( Actually not really ) But oh well, it's Singapore here, what could I expect? That kind of scenario is something that I should have expect to happen. Haha. Okay, school's reopening! One word .... SAD! D: I shall head back to sleep to prepare for school. Follow the stitch below, and go hug my teddies now! :D



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