These letters written itself inside out again.

Shaw Lido Grand Opening + Nuffnang: ( Movie ) Pirates of the Caribbean Premiere
Monday, May 16, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post' if you have not read: ( Movie ) Fast & Furious 5 + Premiere Tickets to POTC
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Okay, to continue from the previous post, I won a pair of Premiere tickets to Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides from Nuffnang. The winners from the Nuffnang's contest, including me, was invited to Shaw Lido Cineplex to watch the movie as to celebrate the grand opening of the cinema as well. Well, let's start this post...

I was kiasu, so I prepared myself damn early. Then I realized, it's too early already by the time I've finished preparing. So, I was watching the CDs that I've bought recently, surf the net and I took damn hell lots of pictures too. Here's some ...

I think I look like some Office Lady ( OL ) from this two pictures above.

Outfit that I'm wearing

I like this picture! Looks like I've flawless skin :D

Then I start taking pictures with my soft toys.
I always think that I looks better in pictures when I'm lying down.

Okay, I'm trying to act sexy. But turns out, I'm too fat to do so :(

Pictures without flash. I look so Korean-ish.

Okay, today I'm using the three tone skylight blue contact lenses that Bingli gave me when she bought at NEX Spectacle Hut. The contact lenses is natural, and it let me feel like I'm some blue-eyed angmoh ( Caucasian ). Haha. It's soft and comfortable too :) But my outfit today look so Korean-ish. I look as if like an angmoh trying to act like Korean. But I'm know, I'm neither a Caucasian or a Korean. (._____."'')

Anyway, back to topic. Laogong went back straight home after his work and went to prepare quickly. After that, he came over to fetch me and now, we're heading towards Shaw Lido for our Premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides. I'm so excited now! :D

When we arrived at Lido, it's only 7pm and ticket collection starts only at 7.30pm. So we went to walk around. We also saw 程旭輝 (辉哥). Looks like he's being invited to Lido Imax. When Laogong saw him, he was like:" You see, Alamak also here lehs!" Haha. Laogong can be so cute, sometimes, just sometimes.

Taken from Disney Studios Singapore's Facebook Page

When it's 7.30pm, Laogong and I went to get our tickets. Guess we're one of the first bloggers to get our tickets from Nuffnang. At first, I'm scared that my name aren't on the list, and I will be so embarrassed. But, my name are on the list! Happy me! ^^ First time winning from an contest and invited to some grand opening of a cinema :D

It's happy me with my premiere tickets :D

The premiere tickets of Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides

Laogong with the Pirates of the Caribbean flyer.

The Nuffnang's staff who's distributing tickets to the winners.

It's me with her :)
She's nice and friendly :)

It's me with the character of Pirates of the Caribbean! :)
I wanna take alone with Jack Sparrow but he took Hector Barbossa in as well.

Pictures taken in front of the wall by a pretty model. Acting like VIP :D

I have got one picture taken by one of the pretty models over there, using their own camera because she told me that by using their camera, they can print out the photos straight for us. So, why not? :) They are using Cannon Selphy, a Compact Photo Printer to print our photos out. The girl was damn good, she printed out an extra one for Laogong too :) It's thumb up for both the pretty model and the photo printer too! :D

Our picture, printed out by the Compact Photo Printer.

FAILED SHOOT NO.1 with the photo.

FAILED SHOOT NO.2 wtih the photo.

And finally! But it's not nice. Laogong's not good with the camera.

This is much more better.

But I'm even better! :D

Laogong with the photo :)

As the movie starts at 8.30pm. Laogong and I went to walk around the mall again. And we went back at around 8.15pm because cinema always only allow us to get inside the theater 15 minutes before the movie starts. We have to surrender our phone, camera and all the electronic devices to the staffs over there as they wants to prevent people from recording the movie and all. And when we went in, the theater was already more than half full! We couldn't get the best seat, and we have to sit at the front four rows. It's free seating, by the way. And there are people that's actually much more kiasu than I am. I didn't know that we could get in the theater much more earlier! So much for the 15 minutes' rule! :\

Anyway, the chair at the theater was super nice, just that they've got really fucking goddamn cold air conditioner. If you're going there to catch a movie, remember to bring a thick jacket or more! Lol. And also, although we are sitting at the front, it doesn't affect anything at all, the movie looks great too, seriously! :D Like as though we're sitting at the back :) It's a great cinema, just that air conditioner D:

And the movie was super nice, I couldn't say much here, because it's always the best if you go and watched it yourself :) Alot of unexpected surprises! And I still like Jack Sparrow the best! He's so cheeky, smart-witted and humorous! :D I love the mermaid, she's super pretty! :) And for guys, this is a PG ( Parental Guidance ) movie. So, even if the mermaid is shown to be half-naked on the top, you couldn't see anything that you wanna see at all. Too bad! But don't because of this reason, and miss this good movie, all right? :)

The movie ended after around 2hours 30 minutes, I guess. Because it started at 8.30pm and ended at around 11pm. We endured the super cold air conditioner for 2hours 30 minutes! When we came out of the theater, we were shivering like hell! D: After that, Laogong and I went to retrieve his bike. And to add on, ( I forget to mention ) today is a really lucky day for both of us! :D

1) I won the Premiere tickets for Pirates of the Caribean : On Stranger Tides :)
2) At Orchard, most carparks were full. But we managed to get a number 1 parking slot :)
3) Didn't buy Toto, but it's good that I didn't buy because the numbers didn't came up :)
4) Parked for damn long without putting coupons, but we didn't get any summon :)

Are we lucky enough? Just that we aren't lucky to find any money or notes lying on the ground :\ Perhaps a better luck next time to find an abandoned suitcase by the roadside, that's filled with stacks of $100, no, $1000 notes! :D I'm gonna be looking forward for that day to come! :)

Anyway, after the movie, we were hungry. So, I thought of going Boon lay to have the Nasi Lemak that Laogong is always talking about. But Laogong says that it's still very early for it to open. WTF?! 11PM STILL CONSIDERED EARLY TO OPEN THE STALL?! So, we headed to Bukit Gombak 3 head to have our supper. I mentioned that I'm cold, right? So, Laogong gave me his Gotex(?) ( Is this how it's spelled? ), throughout the whole trip.

Just trying to be funny :)

After our supper, Laogong fetched me back home to remove my makeups and to change into something more comfortable and then we headed over to Laogong's house to stay over. We reached Laogong's house only at around 12am plus. ( Can go Boon lay eat the Nasi Lemak already :D ) Laogong watched 2Fast2Furious and I was uploading photos. Soon, we were both tired, and we went to sleep and into our dreamland ... ...

Anyway, I shall end my post here now with two photos of me together with Laogong. And people, don't forget to catch Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides on cinemas, okay? It's coming soon on 19 May! Do catch it! :)

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