These letters written itself inside out again.

( Movie ) Fast & Furious 5 + Premiere Tickets to POTC
Sunday, May 15, 2011 ♥

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It's been days since I update my blog. ( I wanna be a regular blogger ) Anyway, I went to watch Fast and Furious 5, but I forget when I actually watched it. Anyway, this should just be a very short post.

Fast and Furious 5 is a super nice show! It's one of the show that I don't mind watching it twice! ( I'm someone that hates to see the same thing again. ) You really got to watch it! :) But for people that haven't watched this movie yet, you'll have to sit throughout the whole movie, because after the first ending introduction part, there's still some more. And I think that there's gonna be another Fast and Furious again because ... ... ... Well, watch it yourself! :)

Laogong and I went to bought CDs for the first Fast and Furious to the fouth. Imagine the movie impact on us? I'm thinking that whether if somebody saw this movie and he/she decided to be like Vin Diesel, trying to drive like him on Singapore's Road? And many guys wanna have body like The Rock and Vin Diesel after watching the movie. But they're Caucasian , so they looks nice with their muscular body. Imagine a Asian having the same body... Oh my, It's disgusting! And to add on, Vin Diesel is actually quite old despite his looks, and he is still able to keep his body fit. Impressive! I think that if any Singaporean guy that are of the same age as him, will have the same amount of muscles as him, just that they're all accumulate at their tummy. Haha :D

Okay, I think I should just stop blogging about Fast and Furious 5. Anyway, here comes the main point of this post! :D Remember, I have a post whereby I was blogging about Pirates of the Caribbean? Click here to see. It was a contest from Nuffnang. So, I sent them my post, and guess what? I WON A PAIR OF PREMIERE TICKETS TO PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN : ON STRANGER TIDES! :D I'm sucha a happy girl now, because I have never won anything like this before! I'm going to buy lottery later :D They have sent this news to me through email yesterday, and I'm lucky that today I went to see my hotmail! Because we have to reply whether we're going anot before 12pm today! I'm a lucky girl! :D

Congratulations Nuffnanger!
Thank you for your support to Nuffnang - Pirates Of The Caribbean: On
Stranger Tides Movie Contest!
You've just won yourself A PAIR OF PREMIERE TICKETS to catch the
movie: "Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides"!

This is what they wrote on the email. At first I still thought that it's a prank or something, but it's not! :D And the premiere is today @ Shaw Lido Cineplex! I've got to arrived there at 7.30pm to get my tickets. ( Well, I'm kiasu! :D ). I'm bringing Laogong along with me, so he's gonna rush after he ends work, because he usually reached home only at 7pm. The movie starts at 8.30pm. Including preparing time and travelling time, I'm scared that he's not able to make it :(

Okay, I'll be back to post more about the movie. Now I'm frustrating what to wear later ... ... ...
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