These letters written itself inside out again.

Last Day of Semester 1: Term 2!
Friday, May 27, 2011 ♥

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WOOHOO!~ I'm back to blogging already! Apologies for the lack of update this whole week! Because I'm too busy with my studies and all for the upcoming 'O' level Mother Tongue Paper. School have been giving this SUPER Intensive Programme for Mother Tongue to prepare us for the upcoming 'O' level paper. So, it's like, test, examination, homework and the cycle goes on and on! I think I'm scared just by looking at one single chinese character already. I've got the no-more-chinese-please disease. Haha :D

But anyway, I'M BACK! It's HUIFEN: THE RETURN! :D Today is not just any normal friday, it's also the LAST DAY of Semester 1 : Term 2! :D Here comes June Holiday!~ I'm lucky I've dropped F&N, because the whole second week of the June Holiday, I can stayed at home shake legs instead of going back to school and do endless project! I can also go back home much more earlier than the DnT and F&N student on the first week of the holiday too! Happy me ^^ I think this is the smartest choice I've ever make in these 18 years of my life!

Okay, I think I should really start my post already. So, early in this Friday morning, during assembly, the teacher gave out medals for each winners of Sport Day's event. And knows what? I've got one medal for myself too! ^^ I got 2nd for 4x400m 'B' Division Inter-CCA Relay! Don't believe me ah?! Here's the evidence ...

2nd 4x400m 'B' Division Inter-CCA Relay! :D

It's me with my medal (!)

Now, you guys believe it already anot?! But ... actually the fact is ... it's not mine! :) It belongs to Amos. He just give it to me because apparently, he entered in Inter-class Relay, not Inter-CCA Relay. So, he ask me to pass it to Mr Chan to change it for the correct one. I wear that medal throughout, showing off to people that I've won a medal and it seems that almost everyone knows, I'm a fake winner :( No one came up to me and say: " Really? You won a medal?! AWESOME! Congrats! :D " Guess, no one is stupid to fall for this. Haha :D

Okay, we've Morning Mother Tongue Intensive Programme to start off the day. Here comes my no-more-chinese-please disease! Why can't I get MC for this?! :\ Can I suggest this to the school?! How to take my 'O' level Mother Tongue paper, now that I've got this incurable, no-more-chinese-please disease! School is the culprit for letting me get this disease!

Trying some artsy shots. My cute Rose Petal Pen from Comic Connection :D
Shit! Looking at this paper, my no-more-chinese-please disease got worse!

Look at the amount our teacher gave us!
NOOOOOOOOOOOO~~ I think I'm dying from the disease already!~

Snapshots of Stella and Huiwen during Morning Mother Tongue Intensive Programme.

After Morning Mother Tongue Intensive Programme, we've our recess. Then I saw lotsa red bucket outside the General Office for our Hand-On Campaign. It's something like a spring cleaning before the long holiday starts. We'll have to clean the white board, wipe all window and tables, sweep the classroom and other cleaning stuff. It's a tedious job.

Lotsa red bucket

Head up to second level after that to see what the people in Airlines Module have done. Because today, they are going to put what they've learned into practical. We saw this SUPER fake plane body the moment we reached second floor and decided to just take pictures with it. They were just starting to prepare everything, so we gave it a miss.

The SUPER fake plane body

Huiwen and me taking pictures with the SUPER fake plane body

After that, we head back to our class for the Hand-on Campaign. But our class seem to be very relaxed because almost no one is doing anything at all, including me. I'm like the photographer for today :) It's just an excuse so that I can don't do anything :) Well, the other class was very enthusiastic about the Hand-on Campaign. They even move all he tables out and clean every corner of their classroom! Thumb up for them! Okay, we shall let the pictures do the talking from now. Let's start off with my class then the another class.

Food for Thought : If there was an EARTHquake on Mars, would it be called a MARSquake?

I'm not the only one playing with the medals :)

Wanglong is even worse than me! :O

Things to be done for the Hand-on Campaign

My class cleaning up ... ...

Now, I've lotsa medals! :D

I'm the winner! :D

Natasha, Suelin, Jinglei, Huiwen & Serene

Now it's time for the pictures of the another class ... ...

See, they actually move out all their tables!

Organising the books ... ...

So hardworking ... ...

Time for a photos! Say cheese! :)

Never forget to play despite all the work :)

Okay, after around an hour plus, we're finally done with our Hand-on Campaign! Although it's a Friday, we couldn't leave school early because we've got Afternoon Mother Tongue Intensive Programme. Fuck! My no-more-chinese-please disease is coming back ... ...

Lessons conducted in Lecture Theater


Our Intensive Programme supposedly ends at 3.15Pm, but the teacher prolonged it for another hour! Torture! D: It seems forever for the Intensive Programme to end! D: Headed straight back home after the Intensive Programme. Today's Intensive Programme is rather fun compared to the other days, because we do stupid things, say stupid jokes and get to know people that are as 'stupid' as us :D 'Stupid' as in, like doing foolish actions.

So, skip all the little details. After Laogong have ended work, he went home to prepare and then he came over to fetch me. Head down to Jurong to meet Bingli and her boyfriend as Bingli bought an Adidas slipper for Laogong. Laogong is going over to collect from her. After that, we headed down to the MacDonald nearby for our dinner. Main motive for going to MacDonald is because of their can glass.

Yeah, it comes in six different colour. It's yours for every Upsized Extra Value Meal that you've ordered. Collect it now! I'm going to collect the whole series of different colour! :D After our meal, we chat for a while then Laogong and I went back to Laogong's house to play Maple. We've started playing Maple for days already, Laogong managed to psycho me into playing with him. Now everything in Maple have changed but it's still so addictive! My character IGN is xLovelustlie. Say 'Hi' to me when you saw me, okay? :) Byeeeee!~
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Baby ♥♥ Bella ♥♥ Dewi ♥♥ Huiting ♥♥ Huiwen ♥♥ Jacelyn ♥♥ Rayen Rena ♥♥
