These letters written itself inside out again.

Helmet Hunting + ( Movie ) Priest 3D
Saturday, May 21, 2011 ♥

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Here's a short update on today! Actually, today I'm supposed to be meeting Blood to sign up form for a job, but everything was screwed up so we didn't get to meet each other :( Anyway, Laogong stayed over at my house last night, when he wakes up, he went to find my brothers who were both playing Maple. Then they chatted about Maple all day long, and now Laogong wanted to play Maple again! :\ And he tried to brainwash me to play Maple with him, should I? :) Went to prepare after that, and Laogong fetch me back to his house as he need to prepare too.

After that, we went down to Bugis to find Bingli and her boyfriend. Bingli's boyfriend bought an Agnes B's key-chain for Laogong, the key-chain that Laogong have always wanted. Now he's one happy old boy! Haha :D We walked down to Kelantan to go Ah Boy's shop to get helmet. But their helmet takes ages to arrive! The first time we came for our helmet, they says one month, second time we came, they says one more week, and now, they says need two more weeks?! Then we went walking around store to store to find Laogong's Nova helmet. ( He only likes Nova helmet. ) And apparently, the stores that we went to, don't have Nova helmet at all too! What a luck! :\

Bingli trying on one of the helmets

So, we decided to walk back to Bugis Junction and on the way back, the soles of one of my shoes dropped! :( Sad max! So we went to take a cab instead. Uncle dropped us near Bugis Street, so went there to look for shoes. We went in to a random shop and get a random pair of shoes that I thinks it's nice and I bought it. Don't wanna waste so much time on choosing shoes. So, I get this super cool, cute and comfy shoes! :)

This shoes is FURRY!

Even the inside of the shoes are FURRY too! Comfy max! :D

After getting my new shoes, I was super sad! Because I liked my old shoes :( But nevermind, 旧的不去, 新的不来! :) Then Bingli's boyfriend went to get supplements from GNC for himself and bought for Laogong too as well! Went over to Vivo City after that and had our dinner at ShinKushiya.

Shin Kushiya

I super like this! What is it called? I forget :X

My Chicken Katsu Curry Don! Laogong ordered the same as me!

After dinner, we head over to Golden Village to retrieve the tickets that we've already booked online. And we went to walked around the floor before entering the theater. Saw lotsa super cute stuffs! Feel like getting them all! :D

Laogong and me with our 3D glasses

We're watching 3D: Priest. The movie wasn't as fascinating as I thought it is. There wasn't so much of the fighting scene. It's a rather short movie compare to the others that I've watched, because it lasted around 1hour 30 minutes. I bet there will be Priest 2 coming out because it seems that the war between the Mankind and Vampire starts at the next. I can't wait for Priest 2 to be out, I thinks it's gonna be wayyyyyy more exciting than this! Here's a trailer of Priest! :)

After the movie, Bingli and her boyfriend cabbed back home, and Laogong fetched me back home first to let me remove my makeups, bath and change before he fetched me back to his house again. An unexpectedly tiring day, fall asleep the moment I lay on the sofa ... ... Shall end my post here. Stayed tuned for more :)
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