These letters written itself inside out again.

Olivia's Advanced 18th Birthday Celebration
Sunday, April 24, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: My Advanced 18th Birthday Celebration
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Okay, today we're planning to celebrate Olivia's advanced birthday celebration. We couldn't celebrate on the actual day because unfortunately, it falls on a weekday.

I meet up with Hweexian at Westmall and our plans was abit screwed up because we couldn't print out all the photos of the three of us, Hweexian, Olivia and me. We initially wanted to make a big birthday card with the photos of three of us, but it's screwed up!

So, we went to search for another last minute present for Olivia. Hweexian suggested to get her an undergarment set. So, we went to get one and after that we went to get a beautiful box to put the undergarment set in. And our end product become like this ...

It's beautiful, isn't it? The red ribbon, I don't say totally, but matches with the purplish box. The cutest thing is that, the ribbon has got heart-shaped pattern all over the sides of it, which makes it so nice and unique. I love the ribbon, seriously it's nice! :)

Hweexian and I were taking photos with the present that we have prepared for Olivia. We looks as if the present was given to us like that. Haha. Can't help it :)

After we have got our present ready, we faster went to a bakery shop nearby Westmall and get a small birthday cake ( there's only three of us ). Then we quickly hailed a cab and cabbed down to CSC. We went to confirm our booking of the room, leave the present and cake over there and we head down to Westmall to meet with Olivia. She have been waiting for us, for quite some time already. After that, three of us cabbed down to CSC.

Okay, here's the surprise. We lied to Olivia that one of us ( Hweexian or me ) was going to CSC karoke to get something from someone. Then one of us was to go in and prepare the candles, lit it up and hide in the room that we've booked. After everything was ready, that person would call the person that is outside accompanying Olivia, to come in the room and then when the door is opened, and Olivia was outside the door .... tadaa ...


See, how happy the birthday girl was smiling, from ear to ear. She loves the surprise! Well, who don't love surprises? I love surprises too! :D *Hinthint

The happy birthday girl.

The delicious birthday cake. The birthday girl likes it :)

Birthday girl taking photos of her lovely birthday cake..

And now, she's taking photo of herself being happy :)

It's 'Make a Wish' and 'Blow the Candles' ceremony :)

A video of the 'Make a Wish' and 'Blow the Candles' ceremony :)

The three of us.

Birthday girl taking out the candle. Cute,right?

It's 'Cake Cutting' ceremony :)

Hweexian feeding the birthday girl with cherry.

Now, it's 'Prize-Giving' ceremony :)

The birthday girl loves her present :D

A video of the 'Gift Opening' ceremony

Birthday girl reading the small card that I wrote for her :)

Birthday girl with her A cup bra :)

The message that I wrote on the bra.

It's the matching panties with our wishes :)

Hweexian feeding the birthday girl with cake.

Now, she's giving both of us a hug as a 'payback' :)

Birthday girl eating her cake. She lovee it laa! :)

Birthday girl singing.

I'm stealing some limelight from her.

Hweexian bought us some extra snacks :)

The birthday girl and I, singing.

Okay, I loveee the birthday cake too :D

Birthday girl choosing the next song to sing.

Photos of three of us taken by me. It's kinda failed :(

Hweexian and birthday girl singing.

I decided to get some attention for myself ..

After the celebration has ended, the birthday girl give Hweexian a hug and give me a kiss before parting ways. Well, the celebration was fun and a total success! Most most importantly, the birthday girl is happy :) That's what we wanted to see! Seeing how happy she was, no matter how rush or tired the process is, it's all worthwhile afterall :)

After that, Hweexian accompany me to Westmall to wait for Laogong to come and fetch me. When Laogong have reached, we went off and Hweexian cabbed back home. Laogong fetched me over to Liangwei's house as he have another accident, again. This time, he injured both of his knees, it looks terrible. Because of his injured kneecaps, he's walking like a crab now. Lol. He doesn't learnt his lessons after soooo many times.

Laogong and I were accompany Liangwei's mother to watch 'Star Award 2011'. Christopher Lee looks like a blind old beggar with his look. He's getting messier and messier. And now I realise, there are alot of gays in Singapore's showbiz! OMG! Somemore, all become gays one, is all those handsome guy somemore lehs! What a waste! Well, it's their choice :)

After that, Laogong and I leave Liangwei's house at around 10pm as it's Monday tomorrow, which means work and school for the both of us! Shag! So, Laogong fetched me over to his house as I needed to upload all the photos. Afterwhich, Laogong sent me back home.

Anyway, I shall end this post with a cute picture of the birthday girl, with tissue papers stuff into both of her nosetrills. She totally give up being glam. Haha. Classic! :)

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