These letters written itself inside out again.

Thursday, April 21, 2011 ♥

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I'm back to blogging. It seems like I'm getting active once again :) Tomorrow is Good Friday, it is indeed a good friday because there's no school tomorrow and Laogong don't have to go to work tomorrow too! :D Just one extra day, teachers are giving us loads of homework, as if we're going for one week holiday like that :\

My classmates are planning a gathering at Sentosa to spend our Good Friday. Only a few of them are going, and I'm excluded. Because I know that it'll confirm be very boring one~ So I might as well spend my day with my boyfriend than rotting over there under the hot sun, correct? :)

And today, Amos bought some of his "Famous Amos" 's cookies to school. He actually bakes them all by himself! Incredible! And it tastes kinda good, although it's far off to compare with the original Famous Amos. I gave him 7 marks out of 10 for his cookies. Imagine a DnT student doing some FN's work, it's good that he didn't add in any metal or whatever materials you can find in the DnT workshop, accidentally inside the cookie. Haha :D

Today, after Laogong have ended work, he came over to my house to fetch me. He went back home to bath and change before heading to Jurong to meet Bingli and her boyfriend. Bingli bought new two sets of DVD players for Laogong, as the one in Laogong's house seem to be spoilt already. Laogong and I have our dinner over there, and there's this store that serve very nice 鸭饭 and 皮蛋瘦肉粥. Both Laogong and I like it alot :D After that, we took the two sets of DVD players and went back to Laogong's house.

Anyway, Laogong give me a surprise, a lovely surprise! :) These few days, Laogong was busy decorating the Smurfs' Village. He says he'll let me see it when we meet, with a " confirm you see already, you'll like it " guarantee. So, I also didn't ask him much also. So, today, we meet and he shows it to me.

A heart-shaped decorated red flower surrounded by Smurfs' houses and ...

17 fields arrange in the alphabet " HF ", which is my name - Hui Fen.

I never thought that he'll be doing something like this~ It's damn awfully sweet of him luh~ I couldn't take the whole pictures of the heart shape with my name, so it's suppose to be something like this, if I'm able to get the full view of it...

It's like " Love Hui Fen "~ Awww~ I just couldn't stop thinking how sweet I'm feeling inside my heart, till right now~ Laogong should have do this type of things more. Haha :D Anyway, remember that I mention in my previous post that we went to Jurong Point and Laogong caught a Minnie Mouse for me with just one try? Well... here's the picture.

It's really cute, isn't it? I'm hanging her on my door knob, and my door knob looks so nice with her hanging over. Sometimes, I could stare at my door knob for a few moments. Haha. I'm exagerrating :\

Well, I'm kinda bored now as there's nothing for me to do! Actually, I bought all my homework over, but I'm lazy to even open my bag to take out my homework to do. That's what I get when I started to relax and laze around~
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