These letters written itself inside out again.

Dinner @ Pioneer Wharf + ( Movie ) Drive Angry
Sunday, April 17, 2011 ♥

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It have been real long since I last update my blog. Lots of exciting things happened, but I'm just lazy to update, I do have the intention to. Now, Laogong is in Malaysia, doing his bike. I didn't went to renew my passport, so I'm waiting for him at home now. Soo pathetic ~

Oh ya, I think I still haven't let you guys know about Laogong's new bike that he've got on 2 April. Maybe, I shall take a picture of it and let you guys see. I wanted to get both Laogong and I a new helmet too, the current one is damn ... I can't find any work to describe it.

Anyway, it's my brother's birthday yesterday. I didn't get him anything, so I just give him money. Although it's a small amount of money, but it's the thought that counts, right? ( This is the perfect excuses for everything ) His birthday is kinda ... sorry to say, but it's pathetic. There's not even a birthday cake or birthday song! My birthday is coming in another 12 more days. ( To be precise, it's my 18th birthday! ) So, I'll perhaps get a birthday cake that day, and also have a post celebration for him. It's so good, to have a sister like me :)

I shall sing him a belated birthday song..

I went to Jurong Point later at night, to catch a midnight movie. Before movie, we went to have our dinner with Laogong, Bingli and her boyf at Pioneer Wharf Restaurant.

( Taken from Internet )

It's located at #B1-45/46 ( JP2 ). When you walk inside, the whole place looks like a wedding dinner in a restaurant. ( It is a restaurant ) When I walk in, I told Laogong :" Today is our wedding day, now we're going to have our wedding dinner." Haha :D

( Taken from Internet )

See, although it's not really clear, but you can briefly see it. The atmosphere inside feel like I'm having a wedding dinner at some restaurant too. Here's some more clearer pictures..

( Taken from Internet )

I'm not kidding about the " look-like-wedding-dinner " and " feel-like-having-wedding-dinner " things. You can go there and have your lunch or dinner, and you'll know what I mean.

When I'm sitting on the table, waiting for the food to be served, there's a plate of roasted peanuts on the table. So I went ahead and eat it while waiting. And it's really nice! Laogong likes it too. We even called for an extra one more plate of it. ( I sounds exagerrating ... )

( Taken from Internet )

After dinner, we went to walk around, as it's still damn early. Laogong called Liangwei to come over to fix his bike while we're still waiting for the movie. It was done in just 5 minutes or less! I thought that it would probably take ages to fix something.

So, we went to have a " Ice cream break ". I got myself a Kit kat cone ice cream. And it's no difference from any chocolate cone ice cream. Just that it have a extra Kit kat in the middle. I thought it would be much more special than others, not it's not!

After that, Liangwei went off and we went back inside. Most shops has closed, so there's really nothing else for us to do. We were randomly walking around the mall. Then I spotted this shop that really attracted me and caught my eyes.

Prize stage!

I suppose that this is a new shop. The shop is full of those doll-catching machine! There's this " Jackpot " machine inside, that instead of sweets, it's filled with toys. But I would rather that it's filled sweets instead, at least I could eat it. So, Laogong have a try catching a small doll give me. And it's ONE HIT KO! :D I got myself a Baby Minnie Mouse :)

We went to catch our movie aftermath. We're watching a M18, 3D movie. Guess guess, what movie is M18 and it's 3D? Well, we're watching " Drive angry ".

I'm watching a M18 movie, before I become 18. I don't know when I'm writing this, because this is not the first M18 movie I've watched before I'm 18 :\

You wouldn't understand what the story will be all about at the beginning, if you didn't read the summary of this movie. I took me quite awhile to finally figured the whole movie out. It's really funny when there's this woman that got really scared, because Nicolas Cage, whose playing the role of Milton, was fucking her while killing people. Okay, I shouldn't say anymore. Go watch the movie yourself and find out :)

Okay, that's all for yesterday. Today, I'm at home almost the whole day, waiting for Laogong to come back from Malaysia. I've finish watching the 494 episodes of One Piece, and Fairytail. Now, I've to wait till next week for their new episode to come out. So, there's nothing for me to do at all now! :( And to make the matter worse, I'm having a flu! I've used up amost one box of tissue paper, I feel terrible :( I wanna get well soon!~
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