These letters written itself inside out again.

Congratulation, Wanglong!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: Happy Valentine Day & 2nd Anniversary!
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Quite long didn't update my blog already. I'm no losing interest in blogging, okay?! Just that there's nothing interesting to post about, that's all. School's trip to Marina Barrage fr kite-flying and Sembawang Country Club fr golf on 23rd and 25th Feb respectively. Photos have already been uploaded in facebook. Damn lot of photos.. & Golf is fun! :D

Last weekend, was staying at home, watching movies online. Wasted~ So, there's nothing to post about. Weekdays ... SCHOOL! D: So, nothing to post also. But at least, something happened today. Morning, my house had blackout, while I'm bathing! So I'm quite irritated. Who don't? And my mother so damn lucky to get choosen fr three months free trial of SCV. Weetuweet! But why her luck is not on 4D or Toto and whatever?! :\

Anyway, congrats to Lee Wang Long! He's on IN newspaper! Check it up, people! (:

I shall end here then. Back to post soon (:
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