These letters written itself inside out again.

Tasty Seafood for Supper!
Saturday, March 12, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: Our first Chinchilla, Dusty + New Hamsters
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Start this post with a little cute girl saying " Hello " to everyone, and obviously, that cute little girl is me! ( I know I'm damn thick-skinned) Anyway, I should start my post with a bad new. Remember that hamster I once mentioned in my post, that immature one. If you don't remember, it's okay, below is the picture of it.

Does this occur any of your memories? Well, sad to say, it has died already! I saw it's half-decomposed body! I'm like damn sad, okay! Because this is not the only one. Remember I mentioned ( think in my previous post ) that Laogong's roboski have given birth to a baby hamster? Well, it's dead as well )':

Anyway, I shall stop my emotional from affecting everyone ( as if it really bothers all of you. Lols ) already. Yesterday, Laogong went to Malaysia with his friends, and I couldn't tagged along because I haven't renew my passport yet! So freaking sad, alright! ): So I stayed at Laogong's house alone, just like acting Huifen's version of " Home Alone ".

I spend the whole night using computer and watching Tv, I can multi-task damn well :) Chatted with Laogong's cousin, Jiayi last night too. She told me that her mother make Spongebob sandwich for her. And I was like " Really? How she make one? " And she told me the secret for it, and I will share it with everyone :)

Her mother bought a sandwich maker with Spongebob face on it. That's the secret! :) She took pictures of it for me too, it's damn good of her to take the trouble :) And she told me that she can only take picture of the sandwich maker, but not the sandwich, cause the sandwich in inside her stomach already. Isn't she just sooo adorable? :)

See, style right? Haha. I got a invitation by her to go up her house with Laogong and she'll make one for us. She's just soooo sweet! I'll take pictures of the sandwich by then :) And she told me something damn funny too, in a facebook consversation with her...


Jiayi : Yea! My mum cook my spongbob sandwich. The face there. I tell my bro Alvin gor gor like sponebob then my bro say " When he see the sandwich, he confirm have big bite one! "

Me : He what sandwich also big bite one. Haha. Okay, I later tell Alvin. Later he tomorrow go your house says want to eat the sandwich already. Haha. He's a fat pig you must know! Haha :P


I ask her whether if there's any other design other than Spongebob, but sadly, NO! ): I think they should have more varities lor, like those Hello Kitty, Doreamon and other cartoon characters that I couldn't think of. I think Hello Kitty and Doreamon will be hotter selling than Spongebob. Haha. And other than sandwich maker, there's toaster too.

After that, there's a problem with the Internet connection. I think it's due to the Earthquake ba. I'm like super bored lor to see this happened during my " Home Alone " lor. Somemore there's nothing better to do already other than using computer in Laogong's house, couldn't watch online movies too. ARGHHHH! " I hate this part right here ...."

Then I saw 11:11 on the screen. People says that wishes make during this timing can come true, well... here goes my wish ..

" Dear 11:11, I'm fated to have seen you during this situation that I'm in. Please please please, faster let the internet connection back to normal again!! "

So, since there's nothing to do. I went to wash up using the Premier Dead Sea Products that Laogong bought for me for Valentine's present. I bring it all the way from home to Laogong's house. Actually, I won't even recommend this to anyone.

At first, the product is damn good, it really controls your facial oil damn well. You can feel that your face is completely oli-less even after one whole day! But after a few weeks of using, the effect isn't working anymore, and I'm growing pimples! ):

After I've washed up, I didn't put my glasses back on. And when I was walking out of the room, with blur vision, I thought I saw a " Giant Spider " alike creature walking around the kitchen! I got freaked out and run onto the sofa and calmed myself down. Out of curiousity, if there's a giant spider, I could take a picture of it and post to let everyone " admire ". So, I put back my glasses and went to the kitchen. In the end, it's the crab escape.

Wonder why there's a crab? Well, before Laogong went to Malaysia with his friends, he went to his uncle's house which is at Pasir Ris. His uncle gave him damn lots of Gonggong, which is Laogong's favourite seafood of all and some crabs too. Because Laogong's uncle is do kelong one, that's why he's giving Laogong so many. Damn good to have a relative that's doing kelong, you can have fresh alive seafood when you feel like it. Damn cool~

Well, this is the thing that's given by Laogong's uncle.
I think all of you should know what is it already ...

It's lots of Gonggong and crabs!

Above is the picture of the alive Gonggong. Damn scary and disgusting, I don't even know why I'm saying it's scary when it doesn't do any harm at all. Lols! But it confirm is disgusting, imagine you're eating it like this?! Like snail like that lor. Sorry if it spoilt everyone's good image of Gonggong after this picture.

Above is a video I've taken of the alive Gonggong, to prove everyone that I'm not lying. Anyway, why would I want to bluff whether it's really alive anot. Anyway, back to topic. As it is clear that I'm impossible to catch the esacape crab which I thought is a Giant Spider, so, I let it move around in the kitchen, while I stayed in the living room, using computer and watching TV, ( The internet connection was back to normal at 12am ) hoping that it won't find it way to the living room. Haha.

Then 1.50pm, I received Laogong's message saying that he have bought something that I will like for me, but I didn't bother about that. Knowing that he've confirm reached Singapore because he's able to message me, I faster called him and tell him about the escape crabs and asking him to come back home faster to save me. Haha.

And when Laogong finally reached home, I faster pulled him to the kitchen to catch the crab. And Laogong damn brave, he really dare to catch the crab. He become my hero of the day, my superman saving me from the ugly " Giant Spider " monster. Haha. Below is the video I have taken of Laogong catching the crab.

After that, Laogong shows me the thing that he have bought from Malaysia for me. Not many people know that recently, I've started the collection of cricket lighter. Well, Laogong went to Malaysia and bought all the different colour cricket lighter that he can found! It's just damn sweet of him to remember this. Awwwww~

The cricket lighters that Laogong have bought for me (:

Anyway, after that, Laogong start preparing all the Gonggong and crabs for our supper. He's the chef of the night! But I don't know whether he can make it anot lehs, I only see him cook maggie mee at most, don't know he'll ruin all these wonderful dishes not.

Anyway ... let's the cook begin! :D

First dish up - Gonggong

Laogong's washing the Gonggong.

Laogong putting salt on those Gonggong.
He says it can kill them and also make all those dirty things come out.
Although, I don't really understand what he's saying.

Gonggong inside the salt solution.

The chef proudly presents his ingredient (:

Look at how many Gonggong there are.

Anway, that's it for the Gonggong. Laogong gonna let them soak in the salt solution for about 2 hours, to make sure it's thoroughly clean and killed! Haha.

Finally last dish up - Crabs!
( There's only two dishes, but I make it sounds as if alot dishes of food like that)

Laogong filled some water and heat it.

Waaa... You this two crab damn suay, ownselves climb out from the plastic bag. Lols. Anyway, this is your fate, don't blame me, both of you ownselves want climb out de ah! You gonna be steamed alive in the boiling water and be our supper of the night!

One alive crab ...
and two alive crabs!

But my Laogong very fair one. He won't just let both of you die, so he killed the other crabs too, to accompany both of you. Anyway, it's really troublesome to take care of alive crabs. You have to prevent it from escaping it away and also prevent getting hurt from it.

( Clock : Tick tock , Tick tock , Tick tock .... )

Finally... the crabs is done!

TADAA!~ Do you feel hungry? Haha :D

Laogong setting up the table.

1,2,3 ... Tadaa~ The crab is now served on the table already. Yum yum~

Wooooooo~ Smells niceeee! Wonder what it'll taste like.

A photo of us with the crabs before devouring them.
( Sorry for being unglam :X)

He can't wait... Look at how he smiles! :D

Laogong cracking the crab's shell.

Okay, I'll try ............................................................................................ It's nice! (:

Like the colour of my hair, but I know the fact is, my hair is black ):

My mouth is full!
Laogong feeding me. This is super unglam!

Laogong going to eat the " head " or " body " of the crab.

My bowl is on the left and Laogong's on the right.
Know why Laogong have more crab shells in his bowl?
That's because he helps me to take off the shell. Sweeeeeet~

Okay, after the crabs, it's only left with the Gonggong, Laogong's favourite :)

One big bucket of Gonggong.

Laogong setting up the table for our second round.

The colour and shape like very nice lehs.
Or am I just thinking too much? Haha.

I helped Laogong to thumb up :)

Okay, I think this should be the end of my post already. It's damn freaking long! One of the longest post that I've ever written! Ohmhgod~ Never imagine I could do this?!

Laogong and I will be giving out our hamsters as it's too much for us to cope with and there's a Chinchilla for us to take care too now. Interested parties can drop a comment in my formspring with your name and email preferably. You must be really interested and not just for fun hor! A warning to you all first. Cause I really love my hamster, just no choice ):
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