These letters written itself inside out again.

Advanced Valentine Day Celebration 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post" if you have not read: Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快乐!
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Okay, I shall just make this post short. In the morning, went to the temple next to Bukit View Scondary with my family and Laogong, cause I 犯太岁this year. After that, went off with Laogong to his house there to have lunch. My favourite Hongkong noodle is finally back to business again ^^ After lunch, Laogong went back home to change his clothes and we cabbed down to his auntie house fr housewarming. Stayed there till around 3plus then we left to start our advanced valentine day's celebration (:

Cabbed down to Sim Lim Square to get Laogong's Moray Plus as his valentine day's present, but in the end, get him a JVC headset instead. He like that better than the Moray Plus (: After that, we went down to some Indian shop and Laogong bought cigar for me to try. Can't find the chocolate flavoured that Laogong wants, so we tried vanilla flavoured instead. And knows what? My first experience of cigar and it sucks big time!!

Vanilla-flavoured Cigar

Smells nice... but it sucks!

Laogong smoking the cigar

Laogong with the JVC headset I bought fr him ^^

After getting the gift fr Laogong, we head to Bugis Junction to find my gift... but in vain ): Only got myself a very cute comfy duckling sock and a " I Love You " paper bag fr Laogong to put his JVC headset as the plastic bag that Sim Lim gives are damn freaking ugly! Lols! Both are bought from Artbox.

After that, we trained down to Cityhall cause Laogong have to go to Esplanade to get something ): Laogong actually wanted to buy a Addidas jacket fr me at Citylink, but it doesn't have my size. What a pity! ): The jacket is real nice! After that, we passed by Godiva, and Laogong went to buy a Godiva Milk Chocolate Pearls fr me ^^ Godiva now are available in drink also, don't know is I suagu or what. Haha. So, Laogong went to get a Godiva Chocolatire Pure Milk drink to try. And knows what? It's damn nice! Laogong actually wanna get a second cup. Haha.

The Godiva Chocolatire Pure Milk drink (Left) and Godiva Milk Chocolate Pearls (Right)

Godiva's chocolate ( Think it's specially made fr Valentine Day )

After that, we went to Marina Square. Passed by Premier's booth and was stopped by one of the salesperson there. Went to have a try at the products and it's actually quite good. Laogong bought a Exfoliating & Cleansing Gel & Facial Cleanser Gel fr me as valentine day's present. The salesperson throw in two Moisture Cream sample fr us too.

After that, we head towards the Esplanade. Waited the person damn long to get our things - a trolley & two boxes of papers. After that, we cabbed down to Clementi and find Laogong's friend, James to pass him the things. Had dinner together at James' house downstair. After that, Laogong went to take a box of paper from him and we cabbed back to Laogong's house already. But when we alight from the cab, Laogong and I forgotten about the box of paper that Laogong had put at the boot. So now, Laogong is calling the Smrt and Transcab to see whether he can get it back not. It's damn important! Laogong is damn stress now, but I can't do anything to help him. I felt very useless ):

Today advanced valentine day celebration with Laogong is a disaster! We were rushing here to there, didn't really get to enjoy ourselves at all! And now this kind of thing happened! What th fcuk?! I just went to temple to 拜拜 this morning only lehs?! And it seems like nothing good have happened at all! ARGHHHHH! >:@

Laogong and I are gonna have a official valentine day celebration this coming friday, I just hope, on that day, everything will went smoothly. I can't put too much hope now ):

Anyway, I shall end my post here. I will be back and, have a FANTABULOUS day, everyone ^^


Laogong made this fr me in his favourite game " Sudden Attack "
Isn't this damn nice and cute? So Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet ~

( On th left ) A new application that I download from Laogong's Iphone.
It can tells you the different language of " ILOVEYOU "

(On th right) A new lock screen wallpaper that I made fr Laogong. Nice? :D
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